He blames da joos for not being able to get a gf

>he blames da joos for not being able to get a gf

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It's true though. They took all the good shit from everyone else

incel cope lol
have sex

Think about it though. How is that fair? They ruined my life.

I blame the Jews for not being able to get a Jewish gf

I would prefer a Jewish girlfriend, so in a way her refusing to date me is a Jews fault.

they created pornography. we know what pornography consumption does to men, and what it does to women. its legal prostitution, on camera, for the world to see. what kind of insanity is that?

they are some of the biggest advocates for immigration. immigration is just another word for human trafficking. every mixed race couple you see in the west is a result of human trafficking.

they are honourless and cut throat businessmen. they use slave labour to increase their own profits. jews have a hugely disproportionate representation in the top 100 richest people.

jews lie about being white. they say they are lucky to be white and to have white privilege, and that white people should be ashamed of themselves, while in the next breath they say they are jewish and jews need more finical help.

they are rabidly nepotistic. you wont find any jews working as a janitor or a burger flipper. jews hire other jews for the good jobs.

hitler created a paradise for his people before the war. can you imagine what a change it mustve been for an average guy? going from living in extreme debt and poverty to being able to own a house and have a wife? what caused such a dramatic change? he basically said fuck the jews and did his thing.

yes, the jews did this. they are responsible for untold amounts of human suffering. and the people are getting sick of it.

I blame the jews for all the women around me not being wife material

>they created pornography
its not true just because you say it is. you do know that, right?

the promotion of mixed race couples is important. they will say we need to celebrate and preserve other cultures while at the same time doing everything they can to destroy them. they seem to want one race, where everyone has the same skin color and there are no differences.

once a pure genetic line is gone, its gone forever. hundreds of millions of years of genetic evolution, wasted. all races and cultures are beautiful and unique in their own right, its a tragedy whats happening. like destroying the coral reefs, some things just cant be replaced.

all the major porn websites are owned by jews. youre welcomed to look it up and see for yourself.

Those are all excuses. You need to take responsibility for your own actions.

Thisand most pornographers are jewish

>hitler created a paradise for his people before the war

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No shit sherlockdown

we are the sum of our experiences.

from the moment you are born you are bombarded with propaganda. many babies even get their foreskin chopped off. you are thrown into a system that is seemingly designed to make you as miserable as possible. wake up early. go to school. learn about the holocaust. eat lunch. get bullied from someone who isnt your own race. get called a racist if you try to fight back. go home. turn on the television and get media with an obvious agenda streamed directly into your brain.

they call it the pursuit of happiness. because happiness is such a luxury today that you have to spend your entire life chasing after it.

only applies to amerilards lmao

You DO know that porn/erotica has been around for a LONG ASS time right? It didn't start with the internet or even magazines.

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nothing close to the scale that we have today. youve really got to ask yourself why its free. is getting free stuff something you are use to?
a dvd is like 80 dollars, but a limitless supply of porn is free.

You can blame kikes all you want but getting rid of them isn't going to get you a gf.

Meanwhile europoors get raped in the streets by niggers and terrorists every week.

>For the first time in almost two decades, there were no mass school shootings in the US during the month of March.

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i already have a gf.

and like i said, some cave drawings are nothing compared to the pornography we have today. the stuff they are making now is truly abhorrent. really sick stuff. nobody asks about the mental trauma these girls are getting from participating in it.

I blame them for making the more easily impressed/ sjw infected girls unviable as a partner
Sorry, not interested in touching any girl that would coalburn.

>nobody asks about the mental trauma these girls are getting from participating in it.
>caring about the well being of stacy
>also has a gf

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Okay but how does this relate to you not having a GF, if anything because of "muh degenerates" it should be far easier

Not sure why you're mocking us, Jews have ruined my life. I remember walking in (((walmart))) 20 years ago and some kike manager confronted me. "OY WHAT ARE YA DOIN GOLEM, YOU AREN'T STEALING ARE YOU?" "No sir" I said. "Then what's that behing your back?!" he replied. "WHAT?!" I yelled. He then went behind my back and pulled out a copy of The Fugitive on VHS. "WHAT?! I DIDN'T TAKE THAT!"
"BULLSCHITZA!" He yelled. The rat then kicked me out of the store and banned me. I know godd*mn well that he planted that on me and just wanted my out due to my proud European ancestory. But regardless, after that incident, my life was never the same. My wife left me 4 months later, took the kids, house foreclosed, lost my job and would have to take up a gig as a male prostitute. I wasn't making enough money selling to chicks so I had to turn to dudes. Was doing well for about a solid year until my customer base started to dry up. So I had to pander to the heterosexual male. I then resorted to the only logical solution in such a situation, I had to get a gender change operation and become a literal tranny. After that the money started to rake in. But then one night I had a customer, a man, who was none other than the same jew bastard that kicked me out of walmart. He paid me 30 shekels to blow him while his wife watched. And do you know who his wife was? MINE. My wife left me and married that kike.
And THAT is why I will NEVER trust a heeb.

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But user, my gf is a ginger joo.

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absolutely, unequivocally, based and truth pilled. fuck the kikes.

what if i am da joo

I once did, and then I realised it was my own doing that stopped me from getting one. I improved myself and then finally plucked up the courage to speak to that cute girl at work and then bam, fast forward 2 and a half years and we've been together since. I'd say I'm still somewhat antisemitic, and while I don't think there's one big Jewish conspiracy anymore I do still believe that there are a few conspiracies either led by Jews or just involving them. Ones that are actively being plotted for Zionist goals, ones plotted to control goyim, and ones simply just to make some rich Jews even richer. However I've learned that not everybody of Jewish ancestry is bad, just like not EVERY black is a terrible person. There are plenty of whites capable of acting like violent niggers, or cheating Jews. And one of the major things that curbed my mindless Jew hatred was finding out my gf was a few percent Ashkenazi on a DNA test. She doesn't look Jewish, she doesn't "act" Jewish, she just happens to have a 3rd to 7th great grandparent that emigrated from Russia to the UK, that was probably mostly of German or Slavic ancestry themselves. Jewishness is a meme, and you're not always bound to your blood. That being said, proper racemixing is unnatural (100% black man with 100% white woman etc)