Talking to femoids

are you learning to? just for fun

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im not gonna lie if thats real youre a smooth fucker op

I don't get any matches and there's nowhere to go in public rn so no. I haven't talked to a woman in two years or so, you kinda just get used to it.

Teach me op

The hard part is doing it in reaI life.

Real, but I'm average looking so hotter roasties ghost 70% of the time
Just look for words you can play with and improvise
To make it easier IRL make some "friends" with dudes and hangout with them, that way roasties that know them won't see you as a complete stranger

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>Just look for words you can play with and improvise

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All women are whores haha

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This is where she brought up the D the first time, a shit test to see if I backpedal after joking about stretching her vagene. Don't backpedal, never ever

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>prowling inside of you

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Witty banter is for basedboys.

retarded take
being funny is almost always at the top of womens lists of qualities they look for in a man.

I once made a Tinder. Decided to be a bit ballsy and put a shirtless pic in there (outside though) and I actually got a lot of matches. Lots of women messaged me first even some 7's maybe an 8 here and there, mostly fatties though. Too bad I'm too much of a sperg to hold a conversation, even over text. Got anxious and deleted it after a few days, it did boost my confidence a bit. Still khv tho, i dont know or see any girls irl.

>don't backpedal, never ever.

Words of wisdom OP. PLEASE keep more screencaps coming, I love these threads

Funny how we cant see how the guy talking to these roasts actually looks

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>I'll extend that pussy too.

Whenever I post an image, I always scan it obsessively for any information that could possibly dox me - even if it's absurd. The part of my brain responsible for that is blowing a gasket at you not censoring the "About Drea" part, even though I think censoring other people's names is a very reddit thing to do.

Now you can You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.

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>being funny is almost always at the top of womens lists of qualities they look for in a man.
Want to know how I know you've learned everything you know about women on Reddit?

Well fuck her for having her name on the page so many times

What does it matter when males are even bigger whores?

>Picture is guy in camo holding a fish
>Matches are overweight white trash women
Checks out

Here's their list.

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Here you go, this one's without thinking. Fucked her 3 times without dates and stuff, just "as a friend" and we stopped hanging out

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Lmfao 6' JFL its over for shortcels.

They don't respond to me unless I say some weird creepy shit that would make them unmatch me

Just acting as normalfag as I could

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So both men and women are retarded.

is that inches or feet?

Notice how he is just as successful when he tones down the jester act.

>overweight white trash women
No slutty tats, collars and shiiiet - trash

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Too easy mate well done. I'd get on there and try my luck at ravaging some average girls, nothing to lose. You definitely have good game

Here's an example of trash

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90% of "game" is just going after a woman who's at or under your level of attractiveness, then claiming it's your "technique" that drew her in when in reality you could have the IQ of a gorilla and be just about as successful.

How tall are you? How do you fill out your profile?

>just going after a woman who's at or under your level of attractiveness
Debatable, some women are retarded enough to dodge dudes thinking some Chad will eventually fall in her "trap" and stay with her.

5'10 and I don't post height on the app, because I want them to ask me so I can use their question to bring something up

My point stands user.
"Game" is pretty much bullshit and the idea that humor attracts women is a myth perpetuated by PUA fags and Reddit advice givers. It's horse shit.

>hotter roasties ghost 70% of the time
its the way of the world chico

Is there even a point to a guy like me making a tinder or bumble?
I'm 5'4, slightly below average looking, and Autistic. It's hard for me to imagine any girls matching with me. And even if they did, am I really just supposed to flirt with them until we fuck? Am I gonna be able to meet any girls I could actually get to know I have very little of a social life and even less experience with girls. I don't know how I could even go straight into meeting them online with this shit.
Anyone else in a similar situation have any experience meeting girls with these apps?

>the idea that humor attracts women is a myth
The way you can use humor is to seem as "chill/laid back", meaning they'll think you won't slut shame them for fucking when you first hangout. If they wan't to have sex they'll follow your lead, you can delay it by offering a date, or get right to it by seeming like you're not taking this seriously and it's ok to be a slut, because you don't seem like you'll call her out for being a whore.
Also black girls worship white cock

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OP please help
She has a pic on profile with her turning in the mirror to show her ass. Bio is "Mac n'cheese and my dog are the two things I love most in this world, thank you for reading my ted talk"
Pic related. What did I do wrong? What should I have said? And is there anything I can or should say now?

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