Americans are literally protesting to wageslave to death. How does this make you feel?
Americans are literally protesting to wageslave to death. How does this make you feel?
>they're all doing the open mouth s o i face just angrier
those are the people with families. the system worked out pretty great for them, why wouldnt they support it?
They truly are cattle for their israeli overlords. just let them do what they want, grab some popcorn and laugh as their death toll explodes.
I need to get back to work or mr. shekelstein can't afford his next house in the Hamptons
I think it's funny. Let them die then, it's hilarious
>look at the pics pf the crowd
>mostly boomers
It's exactly what I'd expect of Americans
>tfw I'm etting paid to sit at home and play video games
thank god I'm not American
>How does this make you feel?
Happy. It's good to see that the goyim know their place.
Those aren't the workers protesting. Those are the business owners.
They want their employees to wageslave to death.
>fuck the poor, it's all their own fault
>fuck socialism, it's theft
>fuck healthcare, it's communism and it's also your own fault if you get sick
>w-wait what you mean my brother a-and aunt are dead because they could not afford to stay h-home and couldn't afford the hospital treatment?
You Americans are getting exactly what you deserve and I'm enjoying it so much.
If anything good comes out of this virus then maybe it will lead to some people coming to the conclusion that the thing Bernie wanted wasn't so bad after all
Glad I'm not American, though I don't expect it'll be long til idiots start doing it here too in Bongland
>Glad I'm not American, though I don't expect it'll be long til idiots start doing it here too in Bongland
We don't have the ultra-libertarian or 'rugged individual' culture that a lot of places in America have. It might not seem like it but to Americans we brits seem quite conformist and are more happy to follow orders from the government. I met an American couple here who were astounded by how much faith and affection British people have for government institutions.
I would say that American individualism/libertarianism is hypocritical, however. They think a smaller state means more personal liberty but it doesn't actually work like that.
They're protesting against the increased government influence over what private citizens are and aren't allowed to do
If people on the right weren't that fucking stupid, we would have a bright future without fucking lefties.
Yeah, but the government in this case knows better, these people are cattle
I knew from day one the virus would be worst in America because of how cucked, selfish and hyper-individualistic they are. Americans are legitimately retarded, their entire country is a societal and cultural shithole
Wageslaves aren't human.
kek, fuck wagecucks
Funniest part is most of these people aren't workers, they just want to live in luxury again
>live financially fragile life
>pandemic hits
>need to rely on your savings
No wonder Americans are so upset, they're all poor!
Those people are protesting on constitutional grounds. In their view the government doesn't have the authority to tell them to stay in their homes or to shut down their businesses, and they're protesting that. It specifically says in the Constitution that you have the right to assemble.
Although for actual wageslaves trying to survive at home, their lives are going to be far more impacted by the shutdown than they would've been by corona. I don't think that's any exaggeration, people are losing jobs left and right, and we knew before this that most Americans can't handle a $500 emergency. Well, going without a paycheck for a month is such an emergency. A stumbling block like this can upend a life that was going smoothly before. Anyone that was stringing it together week by week has had the chain of survival broken. Lots of millennials who were finally getting going on life after the Great Recession are getting knocked back on their ass. And in the end we may find out the fatality rate was never worth this kind of response.
I don't think it's so cut and dry as
>lol idiots want to get corona and have their lungs explode, aren't they stupid
well yeah, they need money to pay the rent and support their families
>muh farmily
normgroids get what they fucking deserve
Hi butthurt dwellers, this is reality calling. You DO know that some people have to work so you can sulk in the basement eating tendies and masturbating, don't you?
>the government knows better
>lets allow them to enforce curfews and limit our individual rights
>if you disagree you're a fascist
This is literally like walking past warning signs into your death because "nobody tells me what to do!"
They have every right to be afraid and angry, I just don't think protesting is the wisest thing to be doing during a pandemic
All of the NEETs that are like "HAH i'm a neet this doesn't affect me, wagies btfo" are all gonna starve when one day their mum stops coming down to the basement to give him his 4pm tendies because she has starved to death
Imagine starving to death all because you're too afraid to leave the house lmao
High IQ post friend, but the euros and NEETs just want to engage in self righteousness thread.
This had better be a troll post as the state of the UK is way more fucked than it is here
This is just a stereotype
>let's let trumpanzees run around freely spreading corona everywhere and indirectly killing people
lmao retard
Imagine living in a country that doesn't help its citizens during hardship. I personally can't imagine something like that.
One they prove to be true time and time again
they're scum, i hate them, i'm american and i realized this place is fucking evil, these people are such evil demonic scum all that matters to them is their little position in hell, not the lives of others or anything, just a little power to flex over others to feel like their virtuous, fuck, should fucking kill them. terrorism? it's basically terrorism, they don't care.
>unironically supporting the government arresting people for the crime of walking on the street
You're a legit fascist
I'm a solid 5 today I think
If Americans weren't retarded you wouldn't need to lockdown, its necessary because americans can't even take being asked not to go to ball games and sneeze in each others mouths during a pandemic because muh freedoms
So you don't think it should be illegal to give people STDs? This is the same thing.
Makes me feel like I live in a country of cucks. Though I already knew that.
If the system doesn't work during things like disease, then it isn't fit for human beings.
Too bad Americans think in false dichotomies. They either vote for neoliberals who are upfront about fucking you over or neoliberals who hide it behind a thin layer of compromise.