>summer is coming and all the whores will soon be out and about in their skimpy clothing again
This is absolute torture for the lonely virgin male.
>summer is coming and all the whores will soon be out and about in their skimpy clothing again
This is absolute torture for the lonely virgin male.
just don't go outside kek
Like you Guys ever go out anyway
remember, you can look but you cant touch
just stay home like me user. play vidya whole day or watch jewtube. all will be fine. stay strong.
You know, once you stop feeling sorry for yourself and calling women whores, they'll start to like you.
>all the whores will soon be out and about in their skimpy clothing again
Unlikely. The second wave of corona is coming thanks to trumpmutts
rape them in the shitter
>skimpy clothing again
why do they do that?
>he doesn't take this opportunity and starts taking creep shots of teen girls in thongs
you're missing out, brother.
>teen girls in thongs
sniff them too?
how about rape? OP is an incel after all
Thats disgusting, you have no idea how dirty the average teenage girl is
are you saying you do? you managed to get into some teen girls panties?
>Not training during the quarantine
What are you doing lazy fag?
I have a sister, wouldnt touch her with a 5 foot pole
so you're saying you sniffed/inspected your sister's panties? also of course you wouldn't touch her, relatives find each other genetically disgusting. it's too avoid inbreeding
Yeah some of us do, primarily the ones that have to work. Even the neets probably go to the store.
No, i wouldnt want to, she showers once every 4 days and she constantly tries to lick me. Her room is a mess with dirty plates everywhere and crumbs all over her floor, bet her panties smell like a corpse
What stops you from hitting on teenage hoes?
I have been though, pull ups, rows, dips, push ups and squats. I look presentable but I have no way to meet women. My only social circle mainly consists of males. The few females in it are their gfs and never bring any of their female friends at our gatherings for whatever reason.
well, maybe thats hereditary hows the rest of your family
"eww this fat guy tried to rape me lol"
With corona-chan sweeping the nation? Doubt it.
My other two sisters are not dirty but they are both adults, since my younger sister is the popular outgoing type, i assume that she is better than most, i dont trust teenagers with hygiene
summer time is the best time of the year to challenge yourself to stop worshipping females and beating that awful lust
>no, whore aint gonna look at your tits
you see its easy, get rid of the female influence, is the only way you can live a life without the urgent need of sex and affection
cmon anons join me in this revolution
Are you ugly? Short maybe? If you are you better work on being more charismatic and try to looksmax as much as possible.
I have to get rid of this
> 22yo i like to take drugs
> lost my virginity just a few months ago
> Took some ghb on a friday with my gf, she does not take any. She fucks me, and just forces me to cum in her, i could not overpower her cos i took too much.
Fucking bitch probably got knocked up by chad and now wants me to make it look as i made her pregnant. Well i'm gonna kill myself i dont care about that bitch and her shit. Even if it was my child, this is the end of my life. Going straight from a virgin kid to a father, no thanks. Hopefully she and her child will have a shitty life and die in shit.
I'm not ugly, I'm average, maybe slightly above and I'm short (5'9"). I don't think I'll ever become charismatic.
I'm most definitely not the ugliest guy in my circle. I'm the only one that isn't (skinny)fat and have even been mired by my friends' gfs. Facially I'm like 5-6 but I have hollow cheeks thanks to the low BF% which I feel is a huge saving grace.
Also, only one of my friends' gfs looks nice. The rest of them look like shit and I would never date them.
If I was you I would just wok on my confidence more and dont act scared when you approach girls, also the fact that you already stay fit is already putting you a step ahead of your friends so thats good. Good luck though man.
>The few females in it are their gfs and never bring any of their female friends at our gatherings for whatever reason.
I'm in the exact same boat here.Are women THAT socially fucking inept that they can't get any girl friends to hang out with?Why do men always bring their gfs but they never do?