>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs
>fat or underweight
>wants to go to university
>listens to hiphop/rap
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine, no loops)
>dyes her hair
>wears makeup
>has painted and/or fake nails
>eats fast food
>is an atheist
>is a liberal
>homophile friends
>whore friends
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
These are my red flags for females as of 4/22/2020

And you?

Attached: 1580180374510.jpg (1500x1054, 327.92K)

>she owns a purse

Attached: 1544802414829.jpg (425x506, 125.9K)

Why is a purse a red flag?

>hates children

But contraceptive drugs are sometimes used to deal with hormonal issues.

They are a sign of materialistic whores.

Attached: Bark.png (500x658, 183.36K)

Hey OP, I found a website where you can find the perfect woman for you.

Cuz he wants you to bite his retarded bait

What if it is a big purse for carrying things she needs to carry for whatever reason?


this, i prefer my woman covered in a black mans cum looking like she just got raped behind a dumpster after a night of hard drugs and binge drinking

If I can't tell it apart from a bag it's fine.

Attached: Honk.jpg (732x485, 60.72K)

I can't tell if you're the cathlic church or an edgy athiest neckbear.

Okay, I understand where you're coming from. I wouldn't disregard a woman just because she has a purse though desu
I am not in communion with Rome.

>saggy ass from getting spanked by chad too much

I do not give a damn about the first 4-5 (underweight is fine, fat is not)
Everything after that I can agree with.

>I do not give a damn about the most important ones

>lopsided tits from various chads giving too much attention to one nipple
its usually the left one, if her left tit is lopsided you should run fast because she probably has a higher body count in the one hundreds

i would add to that

>uses tiktok
>thinks that it was her turn in 2016

I think I already covered those last three with the OP. "Zoomerspeak" is to be expected since a zoomer girl is ideal.

women be shopping yo

if her mouth is too circular when she opens it its because she has sucked too many cocks and the cells in her lips have reformed into a circular frame
this is one of the ways to spot a whore

Even if this isn't true, I'm going to think about it every time I see that now.

I honestly think he's just in the closet.

women sometimes have these weird white lines on their face. its from the cum seeping into their pores after they get a facial.

I'll bite the bait.

Red Flags:
>Notably over/underweight
>Has a contraceptive implant
>Failed High school
>No tertiary education
>Highly religious
>Uses recreational drugs
>Gets Drunk
>Criminal record
>Bad relationship with parents
>Previous relationships didn't last long
>Her friends are assholes
>Is any form of Ideologue
>Has an unclean living space
>Doesn't stay physically fit
>Doesn't have basic life skill (e.g. Can't cook)
I got bored and gave up, that's all for now.

lol right

Red flag for meeting any person is them having an imaginary friend who they'd be willing to die for.

>lol right
>reddit space
>Red flag for meeting any person is them having an imaginary friend who they'd be willing to die for.

Attached: 1578475429798.png (1219x622, 1.08M)

>replies to list detailing how she does or doesn't fit each one

>Can't go a month without a party
>Smokes/Drinks heavily
>Expects me to take care of all her shit
>Has no ambition in life
>Treats others cruelly
>Criminal record
>Dropped out of high school/university
>Dyes her hair
>Shit grammar
>Tries to use mind games to get me to do what she wants
>Expects anything other than going dutch the first date
>Doesn't appreciate my kind of music

hehehehehe funny post

You forgot a couple.
>Has an instragram or snapchat.
>Likes to travel.
>Speaks in witty banter / sarcasm.

Wanting a virgin Christian girl is not good. It's either over controlling parents, a shut in, low libido or ultra religious. Guess what, you are not going have sex for years or made a huge commitment (marriage and fucking for kids).