This man is everything I aspire to be.
He unironically deserved to win.
This man is everything I aspire to be.
He unironically deserved to win.
A catastrophic failure who blew his brains out?
I'm sure you can do better than that!
Except he didn't win because of his own incompetence. If he was more calculated he would've at least conquered Europe.
A failed artist turned dictator that got half his country killed?
imagine being so historically braindead you think fucking hitler was in any way shape or form a great man
He did everything he could to see Germany prosper. A true patriot who truly loved his country.
That is immaculate turnout. With the exception of the Rhodesian Light Infantry I don't think any military in history looked that good on parade.
He enjoyed getting peed on and was directly responsible for the death of thousands of Germans (since that's what you care about)
Jewish propaganda. He created jobs and built stuff.
Goddamn yanks. He wasn't even german. Again incels with their cool devil nazi worship.
>This man is everything I aspire to be.
a massive faggot with a personality disorder who kills himself in the end?
Jesus look at these tubby dipshits
You people are just that retarded and pathetic, why idolize a mentally unstable failure. The only good thinks that came out of that war was the technology used to beat this cunt.
He was genuinely talented and charismatic. The people fucking loved him.
>Alright how can we can make Germany prosper?
>Let's declare war on the most powerful counties in the world!
>Let's drive out all of our top-tier artists, scientists, and philosophers!
>Let's waste resources we don't have rounding up and killing people we don't like for no reason!
>Let's waste resources we don't have trying to create a superweapon even as our enemies create an actual superweapon with the help of those scientists we kicked out!
Truly, these decisions made Germany prosper for decades to come.
>The people fucking loved him.
because they ended up in a concentration camps when they didn't play along
he fucked germany and his beloved aryan race harder than any mohammed ever could. Imagine if he didn't want so much so quickly. Imagine if he just stopped invading and kept it a white paradise. How politics would be. Now there is nowhere for white people. He was a menace to his own cause. if hitler tried to join any group i was a part of id blow his brains out.
Very based man hitler was though.
He's not even from Germany and he was a drug addict. He made stupid decisions which led to him blowing his own brains out. I mean why the fuck did he declare war on Russia? He had Europe by the balls, America wouldn't be enough and he was going to win.
Hitler: vow. you all look vary epic.
>loved animals
>starved and gassed people to death in concentration camps
ugh. why were the nazis so fucking /fa/? I mean those aesthetics alone would make me join.
You can't deserve to win by starting an unwinnable war
He split Germany in two after WW2 was over. He disobeyed an order by the UK to not invade Czechoslovakia. I wouldn't say he's an "inspiration"
he literally got too cocky.
>disobeyed UK
Why would he listen to a country he wants to decimate.
But Joseph Stalin gets a pass even tho his army raped and pillaged Berlin, and he killed more people than Hitler did and is responsible for dividing Germany.
Lol what? Hitler and stalin are both dipshits. Who is giving stalin a pass?
>But Joseph Stalin gets a pass
who's giving him a pass? read a goddamn history book fucker!
>Goddamn yanks. He wasn't even german.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire was filled with ethnic Germans. You think Nikola Tesla wasn't serbian? He was an ethnic serb in the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Read a book ffs.
Honestly. It's pretty widely agreed that Stalin is human garbage
I took history in high school, and not once were we ever taught the horrors of what Stalin did. My history teacher made him look like a footnoot, Hitler got all the attention. We were constantly shown Jews suffering but never how Stalin made people suffer.
Lets make a checklist of what he accomplished:
>Failed university student.
>Lived as a poor uneducated homeless bum for most of his life, still thought he knew everything about the world.
>Allied himself with arabs and muslims during the war, yet still regarded himself as a race messiah.
>Reduced his country by 1/3
>Is the main reason why racial awareness, nationalism and just mere conservative values are demonized today
>Responsible for ending millions of german lives in a war he couldnt win
>Send german children into war knowing the war was already lost and they would be slaughtered.
> Ordered the destruction of all food supply and infrastructure. In his own words at the final days of the war he wanted all germans to perish cause they had "failed the test"
>Had a little german girl beheaded cause she handed out leaflets.
>A fucking vegan
>Constantly lied and broke promises prior to the war when all world leaders did everything to please him in order to prevent war. Nothing but a dirty liar.
>Actually believed the only way Germany could become a economic superpower was to annex an absurd unrealistic amount of landmass. Got proven wrong mere 10 years after the war when the german economy boomed and now rules the EU.
Yes go, be like Hitler.
>and he was a drug addict
Yes and he had a small benis too. Anymore jewish lies you want to spread?
FTR he used pain killers to treat gout and back pain not to mention the after affects of his injuries from WW1. By your logic JFK was a drug addict too(he was lmao)
I think biggest crime he did was not to give credit to mrs Blavatsky. Also misreading her work. I still think it's cute that even though he kinda set rules for women to be baby producing automatons some women got intellectual pass.
In any case.
I think it is, because he couldn't. Also he got less time to live. You think if he managed to take over some of Russia he wouldn't starve or outright actively genocide everyone living there? It's bit whataboutism, you know?
>Hitler got all the attention
and you think he was a great man? are you mentally challenged?
LMAO stay mad kike.
Well done OP. Im glad Yas Forums have finally decided to pay attention to the insesent degeneracy and subversion that kikes have been posting here for the last 5 years.
How many world leaders can bring back a dying war torn country in such a short time
Stalin won the war and left his country stronger and more stable than when he took over. That makes him a much better leader than Hitler.
No, I'm just saying he gets so much hatred and often modern white people are compared to him like Trump while other atrocities are ignored. Like how muslims killed so many blacks it was a holocaust, how Stalin did the same thing hitler did but not to the jews and how America was just as barbaric and Germany was .
It's not hard storming Berlin and fighting child soldiers user
Both Japan and Germany recovered insanely fast after they bot had been bombed to dust. The post-war leaders should have the greatest credit for economic recovery.
Also, both Stalin and Mao industrialized their nations in rapid speed and brought them to world superpower standard in a matter of years. Should be praise these psycotic mass murderers as well?
An incel neet weeb pretending to be NatSoc. How amusing. You're already under the kikes spell retard cause youre nothing but an unproductive liability and likely kill some blonde girl one day while letting third world humans take over your society by simply being more productive. Jews be laughing as you do their bidding.
yes just like your glorious commie shit holes
Please refer to my picture. It encapsulates the entirety of my reply directed towards you all.
Enjoy your foreskins.
Well it's apparently easier than storming Moscow... ;)