Would u smash?

also is she white??

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nope and no

i also have a video of her fucking some dude.

no, you retard. how is that white? faggot. kill yourself.

No, but I am sure you are black and have barely ever seen white people irl

If she's patrician enough to know that Closer > Unknown Pleasures then yeah

does anyone wanna see that video tho?

Too many factors on just this image

>does she smoke?
>does she do drugs harder than weed?
>does she have multiple bfs at a time?
>Does she have a good family life?
>Is she going to beg me for money later on?

Can't tell what she is though, she might be some sort of hispanic or white.

she looks aboriginal

>would u smash?
>also is she white??
No, dyeing your hair means you are not white any more.

>joy division
Only if you're desperate, op

smash? hell fuckin yeah
white? no shes asian or asian american or hapa or filipino

toast the fuckin video my nigga yo shittt

>died hair
>joy division
>dresses like she read pitchfork for her music taste circa 2008-2012
Nah lad, I dated a girl like that already and she was dull as fuck despite trying to be quirky.

id pump and dump.
Pink hair is the most obvious red flag unironically.

As a mexican she looks mexican to me. What race are you if you think that's white? Are you the biggest nig?

sure, she's cute and I like her style

these girls are only good for one night

>would you
Judging plain from sight, and if she is coming on? Most likely.
>is she white
Think she is mixed or she has overdone the make-up to look that way. Hands are much paler than the face, the squint could be on purpose.

fuck yea i have to wonder if she really likes joy division though

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some chink? no.

>Would you smash
I'm not sure if I'd ever smash on meeting maybe I think I had to meet her first

No she seems insufferable and is obviously some kind of gook

> joy division t-shirt, probably only heard one song
> non-natural hair color for attention
> asian

I hate myself, but its the kind of girl I would fall for.

kek hell no, she's way to small. Imagine fucking a midget unironically

Sure (but only b/c I'm a guy, so why the fuck not)
hell no. Get your eyesight checked, bro.

posted up in da fuckin dolla tree

>Dyed hair
>Joy Division shirt
As much as I would regret it, yes. I would smash.

yeah, she's absolutely stunning. short hair with bangs is my weakness

Would put in full-nelson and impregnate repeatedly in the isle of that store. Even hotter if people see me cumming inside her.

No, she is not white.

>Joy division t-shirt
>Black finger nails
>Tacky ring
>Pink hair
>Baggy trousers
>No idea what the necklace is, probably some pagan shit
>Over-sized shoes
Probably yes, no matter how objective I am with pictures I'd lose all inhibition and cognition in person.

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she's pretty, I'd date her but she's waaay too short. 5'6" would be the lowest I could go, but she looks 5'3"...
also, if she's very promiscous and has sex outside of relationships that'd be big no for me

>Would you have sex with a hot girl
Fuck no

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