If anything this quarantine has shown me is how mentally weak the majority of the population is. I mean people killing themselves because of having to be alone for a little while? The absolute state of our society and normal fags
People who use social contact as a coping mechanism are now left completely alone with nothing but themselves and their thoughts. Why don't you shut the fuck up and have a little bit of sympathy. You're genuinely weaker than these people, you disgusting lowlife faggot.
Isolation is tough when you dont run on Autism OS.
Ever stop and consider that people who have a lot of friends have a lot of friends because they are even more discomforted by loneliness than the saddest of introverts from square one?
Shut up faggot. These people are weak minded and so are you. "muh coping mechanism"
people that usually have a lot of friends tend to be fake. If you can't handle introspection and feel the need to kill yourself because of it then we are truly in a sorry state
Normie defending scum. These people have had their life handed to them on a silver plate. They don't deserve an inch of sympathy as they don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. I hope more rope themselves
this. It makes my blood boil that I'm supposed to have "sympathy" when in reality these people should just get thicker skin. I've been in isolation for most of my life and it hasn't bothered me one bit. This quarantine actually gives me comfort knowing I'm mentally strong
Based. Where are your Just Beee Urself platitudes now, normscum?
This doesn't make shit sense. Brah if your retard society can't function without each other it deserves to die according to your normie neurotypical logic.
I hope a lot more weak faggots like pic related off themselves out of loneliness.
>you're genuinely weaker than these people
Well, I'm alive, and they're dead, so...
based and checked sir
These people never had sympathy for me, why should I have sympathy for them
Why did she have to die. I could of raped her.
wonder what she looked like without the pound of makeup
Sure is nice to have all this time to myself. I can finally catch up on things I haven't had time to do because of work, like browsing Yas Forums 8 hours a day instead of 2
You need to work on yourself and be yourself, user.
>these are the people we're sitting on this board with
fucking sad honestly, please follow the example of the youtube commenter's friend
The current situation has made me see how broken and incomplete normals are as people. Before this, they just seemed kind of aimless and unthinking, but it never seemed like a serious or debilitating deficiency. They're worse than robots.
I'm not a beta bitch so I can't imagine a few pimples and dark circles under the eyes will scare me away from raping her.
>I'm not a beta bitch so I can't imagine a few pimples and dark circles under the eyes will scare me away from raping her.
lol okay fag
Like this guy:
Is literally fucking retarded.
>people who have a lot of friends have a lot of friends because they are even more discomforted by loneliness
PeOpLe HaVe MOrE fRiEnDs cOs tHEy aRe AfRaId.
I thought the story was you had to be strong alone before you could have friends? Lol I fucking love it every time a normie tard ropes.
The more normies neck themselves because of Corona the happier that makes me. Die normie scum.
At least normies have the balls to kill themselves instead of saying they will
Based, fuck these normie faggots
I mean it's good enough that Corona alone kills normies but even funnier that normies neck themselves ahead of time because they are faggot cowards.
could have* raped her, user
isolation really is hard to deal with when you aren't a vegetable like most robots. it's not strength that makes robots able to be alone and watch the same cartoons and have the same e-arguments all day, they just have no brain cells. robot privilege is real.
>can't handle my daily norm for 27 years
>kills self
This is hilarious.
BASED. any normie that has trouble being alone or any VIRGIN RETARD that has trouble getting a girlfriend should just FUCK OFF and get good
If only normies had Schizoid Personality Disorder
i have no sympathy for people like that. "oh no i cant see my friend, time to kill myself lmao xD"
This is the evolutionary purpose of introversion/avoidant/schizoid personality traits. It makes you less psychologically dependent on other chimps and gives you an easier time surviving isolation. While in todays society its a huge disadvantage, the quarantine brings out old conditions again.
extraverted situations really are hard to deal with when you aren't an NPC like most normalfags. it's not confidence that makes normalfags able to be outside and go to parties and make the same small-talk all day, they just have no brain cells. normalfag privilege is real.