/mbti/ Thread

INTPs are hella smart edition

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Also just asking, what do you guys think of all the namefags here?

Archetypes is just Astrology for men

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Is the test on the website accurate? Ive done it a few times and gotten istp and intp before, how would I know which is the right one?

i have inferior-se so i cut myself

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Personality tests for those wondering:

16personalities.com/ (personally dont like this one)

Actually good:

As much as I find the cognitive values of Jung's theory on personalities to be suprisingly correct, I find Myers-Briggs personality types to be mostly based on archetypes rather than actual psychoanalysis and so I think its more or less invalid

Are Intps really smart? Do you know any smart intps? Because im actually retarded

Half of you that are typed as INTP's are just ENTP's with Social Anxiety and depression.

All these xNTJs feeling compelled to tell everyone they realised that MBTI is not 100% accurate are pathetic. They are like little children bragging about their ordinary intelligence. No matter how hard they try, they will never reach the level of INTPs who don't even trust empirical evidence

ISTPs will listen to music for the sensation and/or imagination.

scored ISTJ for a third time, wish I got a neat type. perhaps an istp or infj

Why is the INTP the only one that got a model change?

smartest guy i know as an intp. guy was really interesting but kinda weird in a way.

He's in a fancy college now studying comp sci

I started coughing for no reason and all this coronavirus pandemic shit makes me wonder whether or not I have it but I know I don't have it because I have a strong immune system and what is the deal with run on sentences people are too stupid or too lazy to use proper fucking punctuation to separate a group of words and forming complete sentences that have a nice flow to them when you read them not to mention posting ironically I mean do people seriously find this shit funny when you post in a certain way intentionally in order to create some sort of amusement when in reality it is really fucking stupid to post like an uneducated retard when you can just lose your train of thought when you are typing and you do not remember or care to remember what you were igloo banana chocolate?

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Yay, this thread will die!

Not on my watch.

- Mr Bump

>ISTPs begin posting
>thread begins dying
>last thread suffered the same fate
I knew you guys were boring but this is basically a superpower at this point

I did the test twice. I got ISTP-a and ESTP-a.

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>thread starts losing activity and drifts over to page 10 because most Americans are asleep
>It MuSt Be ThE iStPs

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Not to mention this is a new thread and some people probably do not have MBTI threads filtered to the top of the catalog... if they ever bother to use the catalog.

Rise and shine, burgers. Rise and shine

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As an INTP who just got out of his first relationship, I can say with a pretty high degree of confidence that I will never have a healthy social life, nor will I ever be able to maintain a meaningful connection with a woman.

Its not like you ISTPs to be dishonest, you started coming in when the thread was 3/4ths full, dumb sensoids

Have you atleast lost your virginity?

Yes. I was happy with her for almost 9 months, but things fell through mostly due to my spergery and political beliefs. Dunno how I managed to keep her around so long.

You fool!
I was the 6th poster to reply in that thread, fucking with ENFPs.

Well, on the bright side you are ahead of 90% of INTPs including me, even though victory was temporary and will always be temporary, you can take pride in it

>9 months
You're a fucking deadbeat to hide the fact you got her pregnant and left her when she finally gave birth to your bastard child.

They're fags, especially ENFP ones

it's theoretically possible for me to make a female clone of myself but not possible for women to make a male clone of themselves because they have no Y chromosome haha men win again

>Astrology for men
Sounds based to me

>Turn off smartphone
>Lie in bed trying to sleep
>All the regrets from the past and worries about the future jump back to me
>Get anxious, can't sleep anymore
>Turn on smartphone
All night, every night
I wish Coronachan had taken me already

If you were weak, you would have died already.

I dont think it would work if you just duplicate your X chromosomes. I heard that it works by taking one chromosome from each of your parents so if you got X from each, those X's would be different from eachother. I have no idea what genetic monstrosity you would turn into if both were identical but its worth a shot to shove my penis into things

what if i have klinefelter syndrome?

I looked it up but it seems that extra X is just a copy of the original X, im afraid its not gonna work