Are there no intelligent females on this board at all?
>inb4 get told there are no females on this board
Are there no intelligent females on this board at all?
Well, I mean, what are we using to define intelligence? Intelligence in its bare bones definition or intelligent by the specific measures of hivemind shit like redpillers that only think tradgirls are intelligent, etc
Fembots are easily more intelligent than us, they can move on from shitty topics while robots get stuck on them for more than a decade.
fembots are big brain girls
Barebones I'd say, and also not IQ because IQ is just an extrapolation based on 1 single skill.
Being able to form a few words would be a start, alot of the threads on here are 'im a girl ama' and then a bunch of fags respond and they reply with lazy 5 word replies
Are they? If they really want to argue about the "all men are bad" or "all women are bad" threads, they seem equally bad as robots.
There are no females in general, retard.
They're a myth
No sorry, I only have average intelligence.
Going by this then I might say that some of the femanons among the board are pretty intelligent, mostly on account of how most of the actual smart ones don't really bring up their being a woman unless specifically required.
Which, on an anonymous board, makes it harder to pinpoint I suppose, since good posts can be misattributed to male posters since anonymity provides protection but also no sure fire way to claim praise. Which, isn't really 'the point' anyway, I guess.
Like in any case you will have dumb men and women, so there's plenty that fall into the same holes as the male robots and argue stupid damn things over and over.
That's not bad actually. Are you a nice person though?
I try my best to be nice. Sometimes I can be bossy and controlling.
Honestly I just do not like stupid people with bad attitude. I don't mean to sound so discriminatory.
Woman are inherently more brain dead retarded than men due to their tiny brains that are only good for storing inane gossip. However, due to most women on this board being men larping as women the intellectual capacity presented as a female's is viewed as greater than would normally be in reality. The other, I would say 1%, female representation of women on this board are blown out roastie whores who make stupid ass threads about how smart women are. This phenomenon is caused due to the jealousy these used up whores harbor for the intellectually superior male anons of this board that see through their pathetic attempts at attention whoring. They go as far as samefagging on their own threads tens, if not hundreds, of times to make it seem as though anyone actually agrees with them, but it is a mere facade that is easily seen through. In summation, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, fuck mods, but never fuck a roastie because you'll get AIDS.
Fembots are smart and good to talk to the extent that you will not be able to enjoy talking to normie women any more.
I've talked to so many that only offer short replies and do nothing at all, then complain about stuff. But yeah in general I like talking to fembots more. Also I don't have anything in common with normalfag females so naturally I enjoy talking to fembots more. I even tried going on dates with normal females but they were awful.
Women on this board are no dumber than the average guy I meet.
>no dumber than the average guy
Sadly still not much
4.0 gpa and top 1% of my class. can study well but i retain 0% of it, so im basically average intelligence. also super lazy
but if you can get a 4.0 gpa, that should theoretically mean you have an eye for detail though, so i doubt you have just average intelligence. i also retain 0% of what i learnt. instead i know more about games i play and other interests than my studies. laziness isn't that important tho. better to work smart than work hard. what do you study if i may ask?
user...I don't know how to tell you this...
Fembot here who is probably smarter than most people on here. Why do most of the people on Yas Forums view themselves as high IQ while you guys appear to be above average at most? Just that sweetspot which creates faggots who fit in no where because of their 'Big brains' too smart to simp out and appeal to normies. Too stupid to just act well socially.
hmm perhaps. though at the moment it really feels like i know nothing about anything. and personally i think working both working smart and hard is important.
anyways im a graduating senior. since i have some prereqs already done, ill be a sophomore in nursing (after which i plan to continue onto surgery after my bachelors). how about you?
I'm a foid with a 140 iq. Ama.
Do I really need to repeat myself?
I'm stupid af. They thought I was retardes literally in elementary school and that's the only reason I know I have a 140 iq. I had weeks long extensive iq testing cos the teachers legit wanted to put me in retard classes. I can't even spell either.
>Most of their social routine is scripted.
>These routines are only used to simp on women.
>Women can smell an orbiting simp a mile away.
>Not realizing most men are just NPCs because their only objective is to court and fuck women.
what can i do to make you my savant gf?
quads of truth, femoids. no amount of coping will change it
>bait post
>roastie replies accordingly
Why cout and fuck women when you can just jack off? I'm genuinely curious, as I don't see a point in chasing sex, as it's marginally better than masturbation at besst.
Too bad I was too blitzed to not fuck up the first green text with a precedeing periodi
I'm a psychology major in my final year. But yeah i can understand how you feel, because we all don't know anything. A bachelor's degree is nothing. It's just the foundation. I've applied for a master's degree in various subjects next year because I no longer want to do psychology anymore lol.
out of any website on the entire world wide web, you chose to seek females on this one. and to top it off an "intelligent" one at that, let that sink in..