Do any of you remember last time you cried? I don't think i have ever since i was 9 or something at least.
Do any of you remember last time you cried? I don't think i have ever since i was 9 or something at least
Yeah, it was when I hit a car 6 months ago.
Managed to stay composed through dealing with other driver and police officer. Everyone was alright and the damage was mostly on my car. When I got in my car to start to leave I just starting fucking balling my eyes out.
Before that I can't necessarily remember the last time
a friday in either january or february. it wasnt much. i havent properly cried in a long time
I cry nearly every time I watch Return of the King, and I watch it quite often.
A fembot was very kind to me on discord a few weeks ago, it was the first time a anybody has shown that kind of care for me and it made me cry like a faggot.
I just did a while ago.
Its rare, happens to me once every two years or so, but its a nice feeling.
Same user. I can't even remember the last time I cried.
When my pet rat died, i shed like 2 or 3 tears, but couldn't cry. Shit was tough, she had a full body infection and I had to listen to her raspy breathing for 3 days before we had to put her down.
This morning, literally
were you the pet rat guy on soc?
I watched Mulan recently and cried when the father was impotent to stop his daughter from running off to war in his place due to his injury. I really empathized with him and the place he was put in and his worry for the continuing lineage of his family and care for his daughters well-being.
I do, it was at work because I hate my job
I didn't cry, but I don't remember ever feeling as bad as when I got rejected from my dream school.
Probably not. I've talked about her a couple of times, but not enough to become the pet rat guy, so idk.
Probably when I was 9 and broke my arm. Never really been a crier and don't express emotion.
5 minutes ago. Cus I'm lonely
Watching Boku No Hero Academia Episode 88, I cried. Before that, probably the week before. I haven't cried to/for something non anime related in 6 years though.
Usually bottle my emotions in. About 8-9 years ago when my border collie died was the last time I was sobbing uncontrollably. Get teary eyed when I remember her last day at the vet. She could tell something was wrong. Scratched her favorite spot until her leg stopped kicking when they put her to sleep.
Even when my grandmother passed away earlier this year, it didn't hit me that hard (lump in throat, teary eyes). It was kind of expected.
2 months ago I cried the hardest in a long time. I was laying in bed and out of nowhere I had flash backs of every bulling I have ever received and every rejection I had (which is a lot). I have never had this happened to me. I usually just shrug off what happened in the past.
100% I cry almost every night. I find it odd when people say they don't cry? Do you not feel sadness or what? I wouldn't befriend a person who never cried except, if your like Rei then that's kind of cool.
Yesterday during my second lsd trip with DMT now, I cried because I was talking to myself and saw the bad things that were hurting me and deleting them
i cry like every 2 weeks or so
i get shitty mood swings in my life and im usually always lonely sometimes i just break down and cry for like 3 mins then usually i feel a bit better afterwards
not sure why i feel better after i cry, i question myself this everytime i do
based and ringpilled
I hope you learn to love your own company, and I hope you find someone to share your time with. Being lonely sucks, but if you're good to others and yourself, maybe you'll find someone who will want to stick around. I hope you find them.
Any strong feeling makes you cry and there's probably a different threshold for all of them even then i suppose some people just aren't easy to cry despite feeling strongly about things, hitting your car would be a strong feeling i think, never been in anything similar but i'm very anxious when trying to drive, because i don't know how but hitting the car would be the core reason.
I suffered an injury before though i didn't cry, i threw up a lot though and sweating a lot almost passing out though.
My pet dying would probably make it cry when it happens, i don't know though, if it goes peacefully with no suffering i might not, i've thinking about this ever since i got him.
Of course i do feel sad, maybe not as much as other people though i don't know, i love any strong feeling i can get though so maybe i'm not that receptive to my feelings or i just don't feel a lot of them.
Crying is an amazing feeling, it's basically an overflow of emotions there's no reason why it wouldn't be good.
I try to love my own company mostly out of necessity. I think I'm good to others, I don't purposely be an asshole, but how can I be good to myself when I talk like talk an autistic sperg. I think people don't really find me fit even if I'm nice.
I don't remember exactly, but it must've been watching anime. Haven't cried over IRL stuff since I was a teenager.
When germutts became more handheld in war thunder
when im in a crying mood i will cry a lot during the day but only for a few seconds. then at night it will get bad and i will cry for longer.
Keep practicing conversation online. Don't forget you also need to find someone right for YOU.
Same user. I crashed into another car over a year ago and totaled my car. No one was hurt badly but it really shook me up. Didn't cry when it happened but when I finally got home that night and spent some time contemplating in my room, I just started bawling. I still feel like shit over the whole thing.
I've remembered last time i cried now, it was in a dream where my dad died, it was when my dad was going through a heart surgery and he had a really big chance of dying, it's weird because irl i was completely fine and didn't really care but i suppose subconsciously i was feeling something, i stopped crying as soon as i woke up though, that must've been 5 years ago or something, i don't really remember but fairly recent.
I've only ever got teary over any sort of media never actually cried over something like that my whole life.
It must be great being a crying sort of person, imagine having to keep things bottled up.
I aint never cried in my fuckin life dark. Yo, I'm so hard when I was a baby they thought there was something wrong with me. But naw, I was just a cold fuckin baby nigga.
it's not very often usually it is when im tired. but yes i spend a lot of time alone because im a neet so i dont have to pretend i can just act how i naturally would.