What interesting games are you playing right now?
Games that are not very mainstream and are more unusual.
I am playing outer wilds and I hope to play pathologic 2 soon.
What interesting games are you playing right now?
Only game I play consistently anymore is Halo.
Have been playing this weird dinosaur game with a friend though, called The Isle. We usually just go around and annoy other players.
Been looking at more DOS stuff again as well. I never knew there was a DOS version of Robocod, and it's actually a pretty good port as well!
griftlands, one step from eden, curse of the dead gods
recently picked up adrenaline gamer, a deathmatch mod for half life 1. its around 2 decades old so the only people playing and pros but its pretty fun
>one step from eden
i have detected a based individual in the premise
Factorio. Just finished a lazy bastard run. It's an incredibly addictive autism simulator.
RimWorld super modded the fuck up. I have a colony of super mutant people going on right now.
Thinking about getting that $1 Xbox game pass and rushing through Bloodstained and trying Wizard of Legend.
if you're down with visual novels, ethereal enigma is pretty relaxing to me, its new and on steam
Age of Empires II HD
DCS because im addicted to learning more about jets and how they work, and Synthetik because high learning curves are fun
Hey I love Planes too!
Su 27 is a good one for me
The FC3 Su-27 is cool, but I've always gone for the clicky-pit Western stuff. I generally just fly the Tomcat and Viper though.
I like to play children of a dead earth
Why not DE?
Based viper driver.
Viper is really clean and pretty
Here's a sketch for you
Receiver 2, it's hard to describe, but it's a single player shooter where you have to navigate a modern/industrial dreamscape while collecting equipment and cassette tapes (with valuable information) that people from another reality are trying to get to you while avoiding the mysterious "threat" that places bad tapes and hostile drones/turrets, also the firearms are simulated in incredible detail so much so that even being careless when drawing your weapon from it's holster (if a round is chambered and no safety mechanism is active) you will shoot yourself in the leg. You collect tapes to "awaken" and eventually overcome the reality you are trapped in, or so the tapes say.
Play Halo with me, user!
Clone Hero, Fighting Ex Layer, Maiden & Spell, and Rimworld.
Xbox or PC? Have most of the games, but the PC version of MCC is my current preference.
I'm playing the Uno card game that came with my Xbox.
I didn't get Uno with my Xbox.
Wasn't Hexic HD the game that came free with Xbox 360?
I definitely can't recall anything like that with Xboner either, maybe certain models?
Age of Empires 3 is pure comfy. Hoping they don't shit the bed on DE
Anodyne 2, The End Is Nigh, Gato Roboto
playing nier so i could get the full story for automata. realised im gonna have to do drakengard too
the drama cds and other media add alot to jap games, so i hit all that up too
dwarf fortress
still the best autism simulator out there.
DE is a scam
It's a fun and punishing little rogue-lite, with physics styled after those old "sand" flash-games, simple and with hidden depth.
I've beaten it once after dying nearly seventy times.
I'm doing a save run now just to explore and experience more of it. It's insane how much the devs have tucked into this game under the radar of the default playthrough.