Refute this

Refute this

Even if you truly believe this virus is a hoax. You have nothing to lose. It is far better to quarantine

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let the weak old cunts die. only the strong survive.

Trust me. I had more to lose, when there wasn't a quarantine. At least being inside and getting Trumpbux helped my anxiety.

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Apparently people with blood-type A are dropping as flies too, even healthy ones. And there are still many unknowns when it comes to permanent damage this virus can inflict. Some evidence suggests neurological damage.

why cant "at-risk" people stay home, and let the rest of us live?
instead of giving everyone coronabux and ruining the economy, why not just use the money to pay for grocery delivery for those groups

I cant because I agree.
Fuck selfish people.

>old cunts die
>robots across the globe start dying from starvation
>with no caregivers in sight the population of robots starts declining
>eventually the last robot dies
>chads and stacies inherit the earth

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If the virus was a hoax, the government would have even more reason to arrest you when you go outside for attempting to destroy belief in the hoax.
Stay mad wagies

look up DRACO
we already have the tech to cure ALL rna viruses.

i just wanna be able to consoom without all these stupid restrictions

I'm down with that. If they want to work, give them face masks. And tell them to go straight to the job site.

Some people can't find work. So, their taxes would balance the Coronabux. And we damn sure need a lot of face masks right now.

My 24yo fitness instructor wife is a weak old cunt just because she has to do a round of chemotherapy for a minor form of cancer?

I don't give a damn whether the virus is a hoax, quarantine has left my life virtually unaffected.

This simplifies things far too greatly. By quarantining for several months, many people lose their livelihoods. Entire sectors of the economy are collapsing. Small businesses go entirely out of business due to the circumstance, and the government will not provide a safety net for them (while providing it for "too big to fail businesses"). This is consolidation of wealth not seen since 2008 or the Great Depression. Secondly, quarantining will not get rid of the virus. There are documented cases of it spreading cross species now, and there are countless countries where it has likely spread where they do not have the capability of testing. You can only know what you test for. This is intrinsic sampling/survivor bias that is not talked about in any of the statistics presented which has led to shitty modeling and catastrophic by the media. Data needs context. Bad data means bad models. Junk in, junk out. Additionally, not every country is enforcing a quarantine or getting valid data. As soon as travel opens up, the virus will once again respread.

I'm curious how the suicide rate and other death rates will look after this all done. It will probably be lumped under the corona statistic at the end of the day. For something with 0.5% mortality rate and will not just disappear by staying at your house, it's quite a ridiculous countermeasure (especially if other countries are not performing similar countermeasures). This has only "flattened the curve" and delayed transmission. What is worse is destroying the economy, people's livelihoods, etc and then reopening everything to be mass affected by a delayed virus. Delaying to acquire a few ventilators was fine. Some sheep sometimes have to die for the good of the herd.

a society that doesn not respect and value its elders is no civilized society

Anyone can live off rice, beans, basic shelter, boiled water. No need for wealth and luxury goods. Anyone who would rope just because of poverty is a weak child.

it's not a hoax and its sure as shit not "just a flu bro"
while it isn't the deadliest thing in the world, the damage it causes alone and the reaction china had months before people finally caught on to their bullshit indicates something far greater than we think, nothing about it screams natural

>especially if other countries are not performing similar countermeasures
taiwan and south korea have been pretty sucessful why not just do what they did?

>basic shelter
Fucking retarded 12 year old. You've never paid a fuckibg bill if you seriously believe you can just stop working and maintain livelihood. Mortgage payments? 15% unemployment? No future prospects? Potential depression? Feeding further into the government debt spiral? It's not a fucking we sit at home for a few months situation you're strawmanning the worst case scenario of quarantining for so long.

in fact, i have a lot to lose.
larp as a FTM so you can T shots, so you won't be so fucking passive.

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>delayed transmission
Long enough, to get a vaccine in place. Until then, it's about protective gear and re-balancing industry.

Stay at home jobs, Building the "war" effort, maintaining living conditions, etc. That's what Strategy is about.

based and pascal'ed

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just bootstrap your bills away.

>ome sheep sometimes have to die for the good of the herd.
would you actually be willing to sing a form saying if you got sick no resources would be spent on saving you?

Not him, but why do you think Disability and Worker's Comp exists? If you want to work, that's fine. But some people aren't able to.

You still get a paycheck. And your taxes make sure that they can still give back to the economy too. Just like playing Football: "There's no 'I' in 'Team.'"

Holy kek this dude believes the 5G conspiracy. To think I was about to give a real response

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Not him, but I agree. Productivity is important. But there's no point, when people sabotage that effort. And half the population suffers as a result.

If they were actually helped, you get more efficient productivity. Because they're not disabled, traumatized, or dead.

Give the normalscum back their freedoms to kill themselves
I'll be inside not getting infected
Even if I do get infected for some reason I dont fucking care just end it all let nature reclaim it

Unironginally yes

That doesn't have anything to do with what I said retard and you're a double retard if you think ui comes close to being enough to sustain families alone. Fucking retard. It's not about the team effort it's about the balancing of risk/reward. If you really don't want to get sick be the boy in the bubble. There's millions of people who are losing everything because of the implications of this shutdown and the opportunity cost for everybody isn't worth the small mitigation of death easing this pandemic into the medical system allows. If you're so all about the team we should get to business as usual now and use the money to feed the hungry.

fuck this gay earth, I hope I die

The big problem is that people act like there is a dichotomy between "crash the economy and prevent deaths" and "don't crash the economy but millions die". There isn't. They are both the same thing. The economy was always gonna get fucked badly, either way.
It's just a choice between letting loads of people die or not.

Because even at the hospitalization rates for healthy people it's far too much, given how much it spreads.

That's assuming a vaccine can even be developed. Many viruses are not easily vaccinable (common cold is often caused by other variants of coronavirus). Other ones like MERS never had a vaccine developed despite the outbreak being many, many years ago.

You cannot shut down an entire economy for years to save 0.5% of people. It's not as simple as being selfish to preserve your way of life or make money. You have to look at the deaths that may be factored in from total economic collapse and the like as well. If the safety nets that provide for everyone begin to implode (eg. lack of food production, lack of manufacturing, etc), then the consequences will be seen with that. You also have to look at the ancillary deaths (suicide, lack of insurance coverage leading some to stop visiting doctor's for preventable disease, etc). A lockdown similar to South Korea's response (where it wasn't sweeping across the entire country, but focused on afflicted areas) could work while maintaining productivity. That probably won't work in the US as the culture is not conscientious enough to observe something for the good of society.

Those "loads of people" don't come back into the economy though, so the crash has more permanence with more deaths than what could be prevented.

The "virus is a hoax" + "quarantine" sector is wrong.
Governments don't shut down everything for "It's just a prank, bro!". If it is a hoax then it means it is part of some grand scheme. A grand scheme which we rabble are not parley. Which means it must be against our interests. Assumedly, it's yet another power-grab like 9/11 and Port Arthur.
By obeying the quarantine we give them what they want. This sets the precedent that permits them to take from us forever that which they want to take. So it's not just a few months of bordem and poverty, it's actually a permanent shift towards the totalitarianism they so desperately want.

Yes. If I was a sickly member of the herd, I would self-isolate and try not to potentially lead the entire herd off a cliff in order to compensate for me and my other sickly brethren. I'd rather not have death of the herd by pathological altruism.

>tfw my entire life has been quarantine

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Release the virus so it kills the boomers that feed the neets and i get a promotion at my job

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correct, to rephrase:
It's "crash the economy and save lives" or "crash the economy even harder and millions die".
I live in one of the few western countries that handled this outbreak successfully, so I can say that taking rapid action is certainly the correct move.
But we also have a functioning welfare state, so there's that.

>It is far better to quarantine
>Not wanting bad ending achievement.

How do we kill as many people as possible and crash the economy as much possible with this virus?
That's what we should be driving the world towards

>5g conspiracy
please see

you are akin to an agent smith, something designed to bring dissent upon anyone who speaks anything with a modicum of truth, or speaking anything that derives from thinking. you appear from almost any man,woman, or child. showing your face only when needed, but going into the shadows the moment you aren't.

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Then start making masks and hand sanitizer. Or go work on a farm. Common sense will tell you that it's more in demand right now.

And if everyone gets sick at the same time, nobody is going to work. Even if they don't get killed by the virus. Oh, and there's re-infection too.