Kill me

> Be me
> 31 years
> Colombian immigrant but I reside in Mexico illegally
> My life is shit I live with a Nazi and a pedophile
> The Nazi does nothing but be on Twitter all day
> I do not earn much money, because I do not have a job since I am an illegal
> The pedophile also earns little money, but at least he has a job
> Both are bad with me, they hurt me psychologically telling me that I'm a good-for-nothing and a burden
> I cry every night
> So for years
> A wild girl appears
> We talk for a few days and I'm interested in her
> After months we become cyber-boyfriends
> The girl says that she is in the center of the city, that she can visit me
> I'm happy for the first time in a long time
> I give you my address and phone number
> She said she couldn't come
> I get discouraged
> Days later my address and my phone number are filtered in a group that is dedicated to making fun of me and my friends
> I realize that she was a lie to get information from me
> Contemplating suicide
> Bye.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why not go back to Colombia?
What's so great about Mexico?

I don't have money to go

Reach out to your family and ask for help. Tell them you will work for free when you get back

This sounds like a joke setup
So a Colombian immigrant, a nazi, and a pedophile walk into a bar...

the problem is that I left home without the consent of my family and in the end we ended up fighting and what remains is my pride does not allow me to speak to them

fuck off doomposter originally

Believe me I'm not kidding, the Nazi has a YouTube channel and very rare ideologies, that's why people on Facebook created a Facebook group where they make fun of us and if I'm honest, my Nazi friend has failed in many of his projects to generate money

You will only be miserable in Mexico.
They are racist against Colombians. Different Amerindian tribes and no black DNA.

There is very little hope of you ever gaining a real life there even if you are a citizen.

You either run to the first world, or you stay in your native land. You don't run anywhere else.

I am aware of that but unfortunately I cannot leave the country

Well, it's not as bad as I thought.

The Mayan DNA to the Piapoco DNA is only .04 FST away, so if you're a Colombian Mestizo things could go alright.

Didn't read too long lol

Yeah sounds like a generic joke, but its true... they all both have internet identities and are kinda "famous" among latin american nerds... the nazi is known as "doomentio", the pedo as "skiso" and the colombian as "oveja"

Why the hell did you go to Mexico as an illegal? If you are going to risk so much, aim at a better country

> getting doxed
I think that the least of your problems my friend.

Going back home would be that bad of an idea? If its not possible, I would say "fuck it" and keep moving north

Ya te vi dum

You can look it up if you dont believe me, they're like the chris chan of latin america

ya llegamos los doomposters

Tirense doomposters

>no job cuz illegal
>lives in a country with over 60% informal employement

Fuck off lazy retard

For people from countries outside Latin America, this guy and his friends (the Nazi and the pedophile) are lolcows here
Mainly the Nazi, known as Doomentio, it's a clown that makes anime reviews
They live together because they backed a kickstarter scam called "Team Loco" and moved to Mexico City and now they're living like refugees cause only one of them has a job and the other two ask for donations on patreon (but they don't make even 200 usd lmao)

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la arbeja

ya llegamos los dumposters xd

Also the nazi is a Yas Forumstard trying to be cool with other tacos saying he's white but he's a shitskin just like any other mexican
He tries too hard to be like an european, you can hear him talking in english here


'Sup;so this is probably a Fake Thread so I'm gonna explain it in a kind of a green text story
> "The Nazi Guy"
> "Perezoso Doom"
> "Doomentio"
He is basically a Mexican Anime reviewer that in some early point of his career decided to call himself as a "White and Aryan Guy" Despite he wasn't an Aryan and White Guy, He unironically supports Hitler, He blocks anyone who doesnt agree with him, He said a lot of Stupid stuff like literallt Yas Forums being better than the educative System, That fuckin Chicken Guts are awesome Food, That he wants to save Europe, And then destroy it, Etc Etc
Thats why a Group of Facebook where everyone who considers him an idiot makes fun of him

I'm not sure I'm following entirely, are these guys like the Mexican equivalents of CWC?

Ok pleb

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ok simio

Ok marron

>You either run to the first world
we dont want him
go home

>The Pedophile
Another Mexican Anime Reviewer,The important thing of him is that he hold contact with a Girl of 14 y/o and in their Chats ,He Said things like "You are not going to have sex with me? He,You Know you want to
>You Little Dick Lover Slut"
And one of the almost memistic things of Him was that one of his Sexual fantasies is "Being covered in Vanilla IceCream and being licked by this 14 y/o girl, He is so stupid that when he was exposed as a Pedo, Despite the Exposers care for not revealing the identidy of the girl, He did it Anyway, Since he didn't make anything wrong, He would only be on a relationship with her until she were 18, despite he wanted to have sex and being licked by a 14 yo girl
Also,He said one Time that he raped his Mom

Not the OP Of the Answer,But I Know A Lot of they (thats why im writing a reply for each of them) And Yes,Indeed, They are Mexicans CWC

ngl skiso is a chad

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"I love being a nazi"

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Skiso the pedophilic slug

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out of shitplace to go another shitplace
Nice retard

Kinda, but some other tacos think he's cool

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Who cares if you don't want him.

He can come if he's clever

Speak English fucking shitheads

>Colombian 31 years guy
> La Oveja
Oveja (Sheep) is a ""profesional draw person"" despite all the Jokes of this,He is not ilegal, That was a rumor created by the FB Group admins, But he is a loser, He is basically the maid of the house, He supports the Nazi Guy, He is a Christian Guy BUT he wants to be Penetrated by a girl with a strap-on,He stills virgin because
>I want to find real love and marry by the church
He is a crybaby,He exagerate things, He has a squeaky voice and he was fooled by a Pair of guys who created a fake account in Twitter where they ended up exposing all his shit and the address where He the Nutzi and the Pedophile, All of'em live together
>He is an asshole


I dunno man. At least CWC's cult is actually fun, these guys just seem depressing and smelly.

Mexi law enforcement are a joke
Just steal a cash register or some shit, and then take a train back home