Jonathan Elias Ross and Kiwi Farms

The internet certainly is a cruel place. Meet Ross. He is a low-functioning autistic man living in California. The internet picked on this dude because he admitted to being a pedophile on Discord. Metokur made an entire series about him and did several livestreams with him, basically telling him to go kill himself and mercilessly shitting on him and bullying him. Even though he's low-functioning autistic and literally can't help the way he is. His father murdered his mother when he was a child for Christ's sake and yet people are making fun of him for that too. So should it come as any surprise then that one of the people who harassed him later turned out to be a pedo himself? And btw, I'm talking about Jetrex. But there was also this other guy who admitted to looking at child porn with his dad who also joined in on this lynch mob against Ross. I feel like I'm the only person who legitimately feels sorry for him. In May of last year, he was 5150'd and sent to a mental institution after someone called the police on him and the police checked his phone and found no evidence of CP on it. Nor did he ever molest any children. But yet he's still being held without access to internet under 24/7 supervision anyways after some people on Kiwi Farms phoned his social worker. His grandmother moved out of state to get away from him. Could it get any worse for this poor guy?

Seriously, fuck Kiwi Farms.

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I dont even care when they admit they're doing it for the lulz but using excuses to gangstalk people is dumb.

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He kept running his mouth and talking to people and posting his face and speaking directly to the people that screw him the most.

Dude is crazy and can handle federal prison.

>I may be autistic and anti-social but at least I'm not an EDGELORD like that guy lol

~Kiwi Farms

Also, Null is self-admitted pedophile who DOES fap to hurtcore. Are these people in any position to attack others for being pedos?

>sympathizing with a pedophile in any capacity
Sorry creepzo this guy sucks and youre a kid loving cunt for sticking up for him

Well, many of the people who attacked him so mercilessly were also pedos. So I guess you must be one yourself, right?

And another thing: Metokur has an SJW gook wife. His name is James O'Shaughnessy and he lives in Minnesota.

Why are you standing up for this guy? He's not a good person and needed to be locked up. I agree with you that Kiwi farms is full of terrible people, however.

Free my niffa ross he didnt do nuffing

Kiwi Farms and Lolcow are many leagues worse than Yas Forums; at least Yas Forums has the balls to admit they do the things they do for anarchistic kicks. KF and LC are full of horrible people anonymously gangstalking, doing horrible things to others under the pretense of some sick sense of "justice". It's really fucked up.

fuck plategang THEY deserve to go to federal prison

>He's not a good person and needed to be locked up
I'm not defending him because I don't know the full story.
what exactly did he do wrong, that warrants him being locked up?

Low functioning doesnt even mean anything, logic wise most people only do the very basics of life.

Null is bad though

Admitted to being a pedophile and having violent sexual fantasies multiple times. Also volunteered to work with children despite this

This guy harassed and tried to doxx a female friend of mine because she had a cute voice. He was an absolute shithead to talk to, I interacted with him myself. He is far too lucid to be considered low-functioning. He's just a gross dickhead pedo who fishes for sympathy.

Did he do anything illegal? Everyone has violent sexual fantasies. Most people still aren't rapists. Not seeing the issue.

>paedo gossip
No thanks.

lynch those people too lol

i don't know much about his case but kiwifarms disgusts me. i admit it's the first place i turn for details/pics regarding e-drama, but the way they pick apart and bully clearly autistic/mentally ill people is disturbing as fuck. bandwagon mentality warps people.

all the "people" from gamergate turned out to be absolute trash lmao

Why did they let this retard pedophile work as a teachers aid?

metokur is based though

If he didn't do anything illegal and isn't a rapist, what's the problem?

Man what happened to Metokur/Jim? He really fell off the deep end around the time of his Ross video series.

Kiwi Farms killed Chance Carmichael.

Attached: Fat Chance.jpg (225x225, 5.56K)

You would be ok with your kid being at a school with a pedophile?

Some other YouTuber called him autistic once and he's been butthurt ever since

I would have a problem if they were a rapist. Everyone has degenerate sexual fantasies and attractions, acting on them with someone who doesn't consent (which kids can't) is what makes you dangerous. Most pedophiles lead normal lives and you probably know at least a few.

Youtube started cucking him

How does a pedophile seeking out opportunities to get closer to kids not pop up as a massive red flag to you

you're a simp for a pedo

Because if we were all judged by our sexual fantasies - which we don't control - we wouldn't be able to even leave our houses without interacting with people we "shouldn't". They need trust to live normal lives, otherwise you're compounding the problem badly (which actively hurts kids).