Why do normies these days think it's okay to call a baby repulsive and have 300,000 people agree. You're literally calling someone's infant child repulsive and normies love it, as usual 99% of them are women and blacks. If anything, I'm in awe at the size of the lad, not disgusted.
Why do normies these days think it's okay to call a baby repulsive and have 300,000 people agree...
It's not just babies. Some things just look bad when the proportions are wrong.
That's a big babe
Holy shit that thing is repulsive. I hope it falls off that fat ass and breaks its neck hitting the floor and they cremate it.
that's a big-ass baby
seems to have the crusty edges of photo manipulation
babies are based and also very cute and funny
Babies should be executed.
>that thing
Damn the nigga just chilling
but it is fucking gross
Calling people who hate and are disgusted by infants normies. Get the fuck off my board. 30+ hkhkv neet with 0 friends and a life you could not survive for more than 10 minutes and I am, and always have been absolutely repulsed by human babies. The only people who I know who love them are normalscum. Also that thing is fucking disgusting.
big chungus bungus
And those fuckers says that Yas Forums is filled with hatred... fucking hypocrites.
It's only okay because the baby is white. If it had been any other race, this would not have been allowed.
That baby ate the mother from the inside out
>everyone on twitter trying to one-up each other with tumblr tier witticisms and absurdist quips
Fuck I wish I could just get off the internet for good
It's not a baby, it's a three year old with little hair wearing a diaper.
>baby male isnt some weak-ass little sissy bitch who they can put in dresses and make look cute
>"ugh this baby is so disgusting"
Womeme: not even once
He's still very large for a three year old.
Because they are. Babies are disgusting, ugly, smelly, loud, stupid, etc.
Stop using your stupid ape brain and see how annoying they are
The (original) duality of Robots.
The mother said that the doctor predicts the kid will be 6'3.
babies are disgusting human larvae and i hate seeing them or listening to them
Maybe she was referring to herself. She certainly looks like a fat overgrown baby in her profile picture.
Give it 18 years when that thing is 6'6 and has abs and a huge jawline.
says the same type of person who applauds when women/blacks/normies get killed in shootings or just murdered
I can't stop laughing at this. I wish I had a gf so I could buy this for her.
really considering buying it for myself just because it's fucking funny
30 month old boomer
I hate all children except my niece and nephew. They're smart and adorable, the rest are retarded little shits.
To put it bluntly, you're not the one having to pull that out of your reproductive organ.
He'll probably end up as a turbomanlet, if he's this huge as a baby