asiananons who are happy get in here
Asiananons who are happy get in here
Get your own board please
i like r9k though
How many white guys have cucked you?
i wouldnt really know off the top of my head. it may have happened before but every guys gets some girls taken from them some time or another. not healthy to get bent up about it
i know the quarantine can be tough. hang in there anons.
Why haven't you started trappikng yet
im not gay and i dont want to deal drugs
asianon here
not happy though
why not user? is being asian a part of it?
No, I've just come to some depressing conclusions about life and don't really have the desire to do anything. I just want to cease to exist. Or live completely alone and wither away.
that is some shit. dont know what i can say beyond best of luck to you moving on user. life can be very beautiful but i know that can be hard to find
I like asians but I hate the asians who are insecure about their race and think white people/other races are out to get them and their personality is their asianness and being a 'woke asian' when really there just narcissists
same. i feel bad for anyone who feels some sense of insecurity of superiority about their race. i think its nice to enjoy and love your cultural background but we're all just people
I'm white, but I wish I had some Asian bros
oh my god I love asian guys so much why cant you guys like latinas ?
Can I ask why? I swear to god
One of the girls in my wall is Latina of some sort, so I think I am ok with Latinas. Why do you ask?
why dont you? you just live somewhere without asian people?
asian guys do just good looking ones
>i feel bad for anyone who feels some sense of insecurity of superiority about their race.
>i think its nice to enjoy and love your cultural background but we're all just people.
Well, some of us are.
i'm white but please rope yourself my man
Because, we, brown girls like asian guys too :( and most of the time they do not like us at all.
white and asian men should band together because black and some hispanic women put us in the same category
so its essientlly asian and white vs niggers and mud people
It is honestly sad how asian women worship people from the west.
They think their face is forgettable unlike white people and they wanna look white and get surgery to look white. :(
Because I don't have many friends and had fun playing smash bros and talking anime with some Asian dudes once.
i have to say most asian americans are losers but the ones in asia are usually cool and good looking for the most part
>asiananons who are happy get in here
>not a single timestamped reply
top fucking kek
it's against the rules to post pictures of yourself here doofus
Which Smash game and who do you main?
really? ive met some decent asian americans though
i love asian eyes and think white people are sort of bland in comparison
i guess we have height over asians but thats about it
why do you think white people are bland lol there's so much variety in every race or ethnicity
because that's what he grew up around, same reason asian people often feel that way about whites o
This was years ago when 4 was popular.
Now I just play ultimate sometimes. My favorite is probably captain falcon. I only play in person though since online feels so unresponsive and laggy.
Who is your main?
fair enough. i can see how that would happen but i just never felt that way abot my own race/ethnicity growing up
no i grew up in a small town surrounded by white people and am heavily into alt rock but ever since i started to watch japan travel vlogs and live streams ive become more attracted to asians sharper features
Hero, then Fox and Joker as secondaries. I've been a fan of Dragon Quest for over a decade now, I've played maybe 5 or 6 main entries.
I wanna be an asian guy exotic gf.
Why do they only like white and asian women?
they hate women with tan skin so much it makes me sad.