
Tuesday night take away time due to seeing an ambulance outside my local lidl.

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Other urls found in this thread:


prepare for 7 gets boys

im with you lad those 7s are ours!

only a matter of time before those blasted digits are ours lads

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Fallen back into a depressive slump lads. Was doing so well all last week. Feel like bawling my eyes out

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Get fackin' posting, post all sorts of autistic unnecessary nonsense like per usual. Fucking come on!

Best way to identify underage Yas Forums lurkers?
>hurr durr numbers

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i thought that was blood,

We'll get and but not . I guarantee it

Rolling for hairy toesies

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Great big fly around my room. Piss off fly!

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time to cast my roll, for de thread

dad asked if l want to watch another film tonight. Told him maybe 2moro

>Coworkers birthday, everyone congratulates him
>Later in day we all get an invite to a zoom meeting
>Get shown a video of a bunch of people in our team singing happy birthday for him, bunch of jokes thrown in (not too cringey)
>No one even noticed when it was my birthday
>Realise I only talk to one person in our office anyway, and that's barely once a week
>Sick feeling in stomach

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really need to go shop but i wanna have a go at the digits

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You wouldn't get them if you got rid of that childs corpse you keep under the bed.

>He doesn't want to acquire digits

>fungal infection forming on big toe

What stuff do you watch, things on streaming services or do you torrent what you want?

the sevens will be ours I assure it

SCEA will likely get the 7s. Very high IQ he is

fecking numbers

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Tell him to get a girlfriend.


We're shit lads. Failures as always.

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No. That's my special friend. They stay

rolling down a hill, in a barrel

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Timothy James Byrne

High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England

Twenty first April 2020

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almost there lads come on

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Shit numbers, lad. Fuck you

with him? Just mainstream crap like the new Terminator and Guy Ritchie. Usually download it for him if it's not on netflix

claiming these numbers in the name of britfeeI

Timothy James Byrne

Shopoer Bear

Little Ted

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roll for nubs lads

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Poleaboo a.k.a. Amer Hussain is a nonce.

That's the point of the pic lad

i am good man


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fackinggg numbaaarssss

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septs and your mother will die in her sleep tonight

if get, all the lovely lads on Yas Forums get a gf this year
we're all going to make it!
now giv me that sofi

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i'm gonna get the digits

praise kek

Laughing at all the newfags going for the get.
We had a great 1 for /britfeel/ before, I'm sure we have.

Nubs is alright. Sevens?

scea won't get 7s, he can't even get a job

Didn't know nubs was old and decrepit

Pretty sad lads. I have/had a Chinese friend who I was close with. We'd talk quite a lot. Meet up for dinner every couple months.
They've gone totally weird with me. Never talks to me. I try and make conversation and they are literally replying with one word answers.
She'd often phone me up and we would just chat for an hour. Not really sure why this has happened.
I had another friend who ghosted me about this time last year.
Why do people hate me so much? :(

We had 16666666


damn lads

nice try but no cake lad.

Almost lads
Plus don't waste the digits on pointless posts.
Let's see eh.

Noose is out. Head is going in. See you lads. Someone feed the dog for me.

That was it. Thanks goodmemorylad

>old and decrepit
Heh, yeah... 1994... ancient that... cant imagine being born before then, like. Honest.

for the lads wondering who got it

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>canadian got the get
Amerifats BTFO

has there been any more britfeel radios since the last shambles?

Wasted by a damn maple leaf.

want to lick his armpits


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do you lads get a bit anxious or awkward when you're watching a film with mum and/or dad and sex scene comes up...?

I wondered why Ebin went mental when it closed but apparently it's recognised as 'safe food'.

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yeah i bloody hate it i dont know where to look

quad nines

sorry, dropped my nines

Havent in ages because apparently im beyone ancient according to this bastard but I only used to feel awkward because they did and always had to make some comment or another.

>old and decrepit
Nah, prime of life in mid/late twenties.

Has he seen any of the batmans? Joker's worth a watch if he's a fan. Not exactly action packed but could if you like batman.

I don't understand that
It can surely only be a learnt behaviour, refusing to eat anything other than McDonald's is not something you can be born with

I've been furloughed from work and have now built up the motivation to wash my dishes. The problem is some of them haven't been washed for months (they're not full of food or anything, just not been scrubbed). Is it too late, should I just start throwing stuff away now?

muh neins

I've washed stuff that's been out for months. It'll be right as long as it's not mouldy.

>quad nines
>muh nines
>nineses my precious
Trips arent a get faggits.

Britfeel is just squares upon squares.

Lots of kids really like mcdonalds because their parents try to make it 'a treat'. Kids dont understand that a treat is meant to be an occasional thing so they just crave it all the time, like sweets and stuff. That's amplified by the 'tism I suspect.

All of them yeah. Joker was very good even my mum liked it. Not sure how the new one with Patterson will be though

The last 3 digits of my post is SCEA's IQ

Can't believe how close Nubs and SCEA became over a matter of a few posts. Rumour has it they're practically married now.


you see, YEARS AGO
i burned my college roommate!
and i have a hankering....
to do it again!

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SCEA is Nubs's carer.

Two more days and we hit a full month with no Maccies:(

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Fair enough. They don't look bad, but I was just worried. Usually when I get home from work I just put the telly on and browse Yas Forums, but I've actually been pretty productive now. I even registered to my local doctor after over a year of leaving my parents' house.

mate l told you to calm it down

BCS finale was shite lads. Anything good on Netflix or Prime?
i like
>The Sopranos
>Sneaky Pete
>Breaking Bad
>The Wire
i don't like
>Game of Thrones
>Benedict Cumberbatch
>Globohomo agenda
>Black lead characters

Argumentative, hateful /britfeel/ is the best /britfeel/

yes yes
im sorry

Time to go for the takeaway. I've got a little sterilisation area set up for when I get back, and will even use a plate for the food instead of their packaging.

DS9 of course.

why didnt you like Hannibal? Seems in line with a lot you like

>this lockdown is exposing my shit parenting help

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