Finally, someone explained it in a succinct way...

Finally, someone explained it in a succinct way. Why being "nice" isn't any more of a desirable personality trait than liking anime or video games. People are interested in things like funny, witty, smart, charming, empathetic, etc. Some people have specific tastes of course - for instance some women do prefer physical or more generic "masculine" characteristics, but a lot care mainly about the personality. You have to like the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Them being "nice" isn't nearly enough. They have to be a pleasant person to be around. And it's hard to learn to do that when you're so far into your comfort zone that you'd never in a million years talk to someone you're attracted to.

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I said the same thing on here just a week or so ago. But it's still absolutely right. And I'm baffled as to why that isn't painfully obvious to anyone that can rub two braincells together.

I agree 100% with her. After you spend a while here you notice how most robots are indeed fucking boring

It doesn't matter if they have cool interests or are funny or sweet or whatever, because they certainly don't show these traits here. They just made boring, repetitive posts about woe is me how sad my life is.

Obviously looks matter to a degree. As long as you're not too obese, and you keep up with basic hygiene and grooming, they'll matter a lot less, especially if you're a really pleasant person to be around. Again, that's what it boils down to; the reason why people don't like you is because there's nothing about you that interests them or attracts them to you.

They're in like this crab bucket cycle of loneliness and lack of self-awareness. If they could flip a situation around and see things from the other perspective, and why someone isn't expressing interest in them, then they're too emotionally immature to have a relationship in the first place. Emotional maturity can be learned but first one has to admit that they're lacking in some way, and not many people here want to do that for some reason. Pride? Who are they showing off to, though? A hurt pride is a small price to pay to become a better and more empathetic and understanding person.

If it's the default setting and the bare minimum, why do so many assholes have girlfriends?

Niggers aren't sweet, funny, interesting or thoughtful.


>crab bucket

Attached: ifyoureadthisyouareliterallyreddit.png (293x172, 8.6K)

couldn't* flip a situation around

Because they have something the woman wants. Money, a place to sleep, sex, a false sense of comfort, who knows. They aren't healthy relationships at all, that's for sure, so you shouldn't be envious of them.

But they have something that women want - confidence, boldness, directness, charm, humor, interesting styles, and lots more. Not to mention they're usually not obese like white dudes.

It's a known scientific topic, it's not just reddit armchair discussion:

>It's a known scientific topic, it's not just reddit armchair discussion:
you need a new term blue pilled simp

Can one be a simp if one is in a happy marriage? I don't think I'd be one then if not.

Sure as hell every 99/100 wom*n are emotionally mature, no shit, mate.

yes, you are absolute a blue pilled simp

>If all you bring to the table is "nice," you're fucking boring.
so what are you supposed to do if this describes you? just stop being boring

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So - they want an ape with clearly subjective traits on which you can't put specifications. The same shit all over again to justify their thotish choices.

It's basically "if you're homeless - just buy a house".
Also thot can't hold on a concept when your actual hobbies are just.. uninteresting for femoids. Painting, for example.

Sounds like with that sexist view, you probably don't have any experience with women outside of rejection. But even if it was, having one emotionally mature person in a relationship would really skew things in their favor, wouldn't it? So it wouldn't be a problem if the were emotionally immature and you weren't, if you were just looking for sex that is.

Can you go into what that means and why I am one?

What makes someone not boring? If you can't answer that, maybe do some research and thinking on that subject. You have to address the root cause, not just slap on some "not boring" band-aid. You have to become an interesting person, but also learn what it means to even be one. It's not an easy path and there are no shortcuts. My only advice is to feel and not think. Feeling is all humans did for 130k years before language came along 70k years ago, and it got us to that point just fine.

"They" as in all women? You seem pretty emotionally immature if you can't look at this from another perspective. Obviously that's not the case. They're human beings like you. What do you like about women? That's what they like about men more or less.

My wife loves painting. Don't you know about the arty girl stereotype? You sound like you have a severe lack of social and life experience.

develop a personality and get off this retarded board

So what traits do you want in a woman? What if the genders/stereotypes were flipped and a woman had the same kind of interests/desires in men? What would you label her?

Yet when they hit 30 they will be begging to marry a boring guy with money and stability. This whole anti nice guy thing has always been an excuse to date abusive assholes while they are young, notice how older woman never talk shit about nice guys.

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You refer to women as "thot"s and "femoid"s and make sweeping statements, so you're pretty far gone. It sounds like you've made up your mind about all women you'll ever meet, better just pack up and quit since clearly the right person will never come along, as you've clearly decided.

"they" as in all women? That's pretty sexist, I'm guessing you're not so experienced with relationships.

Also, sounds like you're describing regular, mature relationships. What are you saying they should desire instead? By that point, they're mature enough to want stability, financially and otherwise. You're probably too young or sheltered to get it.

Show me a single woman who has ever rejected an attractive man over having "no personality"

There will never be a tangible form of black and white explanation for why robots are not attractive because every robot is different and with different ways to cope with their issues.
This is nothing new anyways. "Nice guys" is a tired trope we've gone around already. People our generation were raised to believe good behavior=reward because that is how our education system and parents taught us to behave. If yoy exhibit a good mannered, polite and non confronting behavior, you are rewarded one way or another. Tons of guys with 0 rolemodel go on into adult life thinking it's tge same. All you gotta do is behave and things will all fall in place, until you learn this is not the case and your perceived niceness is just as she said. The bare minimum. In real adult life, you will be called to stand up for yourself, challenge conventions, grow, learn, adjust your behavior and adapt to your surrounding should you seek any form of success and all of this helps you build character, grow a spine and become a defined individual through his experience, outlook, taste and ambition.
There's actually nothing unusual with that. The system, which is build in order to encourage compliance and passivity, has failed to build strong individuals, so society is littered with weak people. Weak men, weak women driven by base desires and obsessive hate fueled greed.

On R9k there are FULL of different types of incels. Some are entitely crippled by appearance anxiety, some are size anxious, others are scarred and traumatized by previous experiences, others simply never had any form of social life to develop even the base interpersonal skills needed to make friends, some have families that hate them. There are SO many intersecting, but entirely separated factors that play into the making of a robot that you cannot say "y'all incels can't get some cuz you BORING!"

How about hundreds?

The first time I heard about the crab mentality it was a black dude complaining about how much of a problem it is in the black community.

Most of the white boys on Reddit are afraid to ever even bring the term up because it's used on black people so much.

I call bullshit. Women only care about dating bad boys and assholes in their prime(claiming they have better personality trait reasoning as an excuse) and once these women have had all their fun and then they start hitting 30 they immediately flip back to the boring nice guy with no personality. Its so typical.

30 year old women want boring guys because 30 year old women are themselves boring.

It's as much of a retarded generalization as saying robots don't get laid because they're ugly and boring.

>People are interested in things like
>funny, witty,
These are some of the most depressed people out there, because men often develop humor to deal with internal pain. And it ignores the fact different people find different things funny
How so? IQ, education, experience? And to what end? Are you looking for someone to give you stock tips or drop neat trivia factoids?
This like saying "I want food that tastes good"
This can easily be described as being nice

>Can you go into what that means and why I am one?
giant white knight pussy. go save some damsel in distress

If you have no personality people will only care about you when your appearance is relevant to what they want. All a woman wants from an attractive man is his semen.

There is no up and down arrows on this site, simp. Just go back where you can get carma for your demagoguery.

Not many genuinely nice people in this world desu. Whenever I meet a truly nice person it is very refreshing.

Young people are retarded and all they care about is having fun and doing reckless shit. Naturally women decide they want a boring guy in their 30s because that's when they mature enough to get their fucking priorities straight and they finally begin to realize that Chad will never love them like he does in the movies.

>I have nothing to say so I'll call you simp
Of course