>tfw cant stop jacking off to tiktok whores even though i hate them and hate tiktok in general
Tfw cant stop jacking off to tiktok whores even though i hate them and hate tiktok in general
>haven't masturbated to 3D in years
Feels outstanding
being a porn addict and a weeaboo makes you basically human garbage
how do you even jack off to that?
Absolute narcissist in her prime, will only go downhill from here, probably in teens, not even that attractive, belle delphine wannabe -- absolutely embarrassing
She knows exactly why people are watching but will crinkle her nose and say ew when confronted with the truth.
I realized i can basically jack off to anything and that kind of ruined it for me.
Whats this thots username? I cant find her.
if you can't even find her username then you should probably just kill yourself.
Cursednat iirc
Imagine how huge the average zoomer girl ego is thanks to apps like that, social media and online dating....
In the future, maybe not even low tier Chads will be enough.
i hate women so fucking much
also tfw no gf
Maybe if you stopped looking at them and giving them views they would lose the incentive. But you fags cant stop fapping to them and they know it. Thats why they are so smug. No demand no supply.
>looks at pornstars Stacies and e-thots all day
>hates women
Have you considered not being such a CONSOOOOOOMER?
That cant be the same girl in OP. Why does she look like such an ugly goblino in pics?
Im not the problem user, Im already bottom barrel male. No sane female ego grow when a low tier faps to her material.
Its normies and even Chads doing it that makes this girls think "shit, I must be a goddess".
Add paypigs that pay good money for some of it, and you have a bomb waiting to explode.
Because its not, that vid is just some random girl.
The girl you posted is in fact the same as the girl in the OP, but not the same girl as
That's a man
Original lv5v5y
she is cute tho how can you call that a goblina? maybe in that cherry picked picture but in all the other ones its not even a question
she looks fine to me, maybe youre just faceblind
Does she have an amazon wishlist?
I hate tiktok
but love tiktok whores
I really yearn for a 3d woman. :(
She's BETTER looking than Belle.
With less makeup/angles.
If this is ugly to you
You might be a homo.
She does look like Belle though. It's the same whorish eyes, i think
Favorite tik tok girls?
I swear I hate this new generation of women. They're all self entitled whores who think their worth more than they actually are. All they do is whine about depression and sexism and racism and all of that shit, then immediately slurp on the first chad dick that they come across. They try to make themselves seem like they're "relatable" and "quirky" and say that they're losers and outcasts, and then fuck as many curly haired faggots as they possibly can. Girls like this cunt used people like us to make themselves feel better about how pointless their lives truly are. They just stare at a screen all day and wait for us to praise their "personality", when in reality they have the personality of a fucking shoe box. They all look the same and all act the same, and they try to use people like us to suit their inflated egos. They feed of of our self pity and hatred for ourselves in order to build their own confidence. One day they'll all pay for being the insufferable bimbos that they are, and may be then they'll realize that "liking anime and memes" doesn't make you any less of a whore .
The ones with giant tits
they're teenagers, bros
stop this
was just about to fap to her but you made me not want to. thank you user
>She's BETTER looking than Belle
Is she?
this, I cant even begin to understand the psyche of a teenage girl.