Gay people should be hanged

Gay people are mentally ill vermin change my mins

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nobody asked faglord

I dislike gays like anyone, why bother posting about it on r9k tho

>he wants to be a cartoon

imagine his childhood

Incels should be hanged
Incels are mentally ill vermin change my mins

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i mean like im functionally homophobic because ive been on tumblr for 12 years

you will never be female dumb tranny lmao

I feel bad for this guy. Even if he didn't want to be a tranny that's just an unfortunate vessel to manifest consciousness in. Pro-eugenics was absolutely a moral good. Imagine if only the people with the best eugenics wee breeding. Within a couple generation that society would be filled with 130 IQ giga chads. No more inferiority complexes.

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>he wants something in life other than sitting in front of a screen making inflammatory remarks to people in hopes of social validation
what a based lad

too many people for that to work

you would need enforcement

women are gullible
ugly men will hit them on bars and make it

Homosexuality should be recognized as a mental illness. Sex between humans is inherently for the purpose of reproduction. Anyone who's brain deviates from this is flawed: it's literally going against their survival instincts.

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Like pottery

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the absolute levels of based in this thread are exponential

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oh my god r9k is full of faggots

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Its not so much about enforcement as it is providing incentive for people with good genetics to pair up. The state can provide benefits or like, dating services for specifically people who match criteria. Make it easy and profitable for intelligent and physically gifted people to pair up and have children. Promote it too, ingrain pro eugenic ideas into the fabric of society/culture, make it seen as a moral good (which it is.) And provide some coping mechanisms for the have-nots.

If mentally ill people should be killed everyone who uses this board is getting the rope too.

hey that's my wallpaper wanna be my boyfriend
They hated me because I spoke the truth

this newfaggotry

go back to the shithole you came from retard

omg yes, user, but only if you dress as a cute little femboy UwU

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All of the gay people I know are pretty cool. Why do they trigger you so much user?

huh? just spouting buzzwords, retard?

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I didn't do shit to you and am pretty sure I could kick your ass since it didn't take much effort to get fit an educated and it still puts me in the upper percentiles of capability. Still, faggots who bought into queer culture are fucking doomed and you can do what thou wilt since they never bothered to invest in an ability to fend for themselves.

hahahaha the stability of trans identity is literally based on external validation

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Okay, first of all sweety, this person is transgender. They're showing signs of body dysmorphia which is a very real and serious mental condition caused by being born in the wrong body. If you were born a male and were supposed to be a female you would probably be a little darn upset yourself. While trans people can be gay/bi/pan sexuality is completely separate from gender. It's more to do with looking in a mirror and seeing a stranger and knowing that you should see something else. I'm sure you will be completely understanding now that the misunderstanding has been explained. Hope you have a nice day user :)

Boooooooooooooo go back to /lgbt

>first of all sweety
2/10 bait

I hate gays too, but I wouldn't go so far to equate them with trannies. Trannis are obviously crazier and grosser.

>me irl (left)
Thank you for putting left to clarify

user smart and good looking people pair up together without the state needing to help unless they're autistic