Does user like guns?

does user like guns?

Firearm thread.

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>firearm thread on a board for teenagers

I have a uhh glock

I am interested in them but I don't live in America so I can't own any. I want pic related.

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I'm not super into them. But ever since I played Trespasser as a kid, I have always had a love for and wanted a Redhawk. Just a beautiful gun.

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I love guns, my favorite is the STG 44.
First assault rifle in existence.
The model has been used to create the well-known ak-47 which is everywhere around the globe.

I absolutely LOVE firearms.

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The Deagle is unnecessary, impractical, and only really exist for the sake of just saying you have a big handgun that fires big bullets.

I'd rather post Lain if you don't mind

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i like anime girls with guns please post more anime girls with guns

I like guns with unique calibers, like this 5.8mm QBZ-95

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This is not a board for teenagers.

Airsoft is the closest you can get in my cunt
I hope this isn't a police thread to arrest Americafrens

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It clearly is, look at the catalog

Incels are teenagers.

>tfw no school shooter gf to pull back from the brink and teach about the beauty of life.

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yeah they're alright, i guess
>imagine not owning the ultimate trifecta of firearms

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not really

guns are shitty culture

The ak47 is the BEST

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arigatou anonss

I would like many guns but I don't own any right now :'(

after all the right wing terrorism I kind of lost interest in guns

What are some cool games on pc with guns?

please do this to me. I keep having thoughts like that

but obviously not really this was a joke yes

False flag attacks should do the opposite.
Are you uninitiated, brother?

I can't do that, user. No one can. My post was a fantasy.

Becoming better is a process largely unaffected by relationship status. It's something you have to do with yourself. Therapists also help, but the change is still occurring inside your head. Getting a bf/gf won't solve your problems.

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Thank you for your help, user. I appreciate you.
fuck this post made me cry

*even bigger hug*
You can do it user, I believe in you.

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I heard the export version has shitty sights and trigger. Also the whole thing looks cheaply made. I'm interested in the AK helical mags though. I wonder how they perform.

i too would rather post lain

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Yes but I wished I had the money for some since all I have is a lever action chambered in 30/30 from my grandfather, and a 9mm browning.

it's really cheaply made, chinese gun afterall