Why is crossdressing so popular among young males today?

Why is crossdressing so popular among young males today?

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it's not so popular

the rise of degeneracy

Women are privileged in our society in every way so a lot of man just want to have an easier life.

Also porn puts a lot of pressure on males to be performant and most guys can never measure up to that so its much easier to be the girl

because they are all narcissistic fucking zoomers who grew up with social media and saw that females got all the attention and they want to attention-whore too. Fucking sickening really.

1. it's fun
2. it's not that popular

Like instead if helping to solve the problem you're gonna become it, or at least try and fail to.

Subliminal messages to create a population of effeminate men so the NWO can easily take over.

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corrected. young WHITE males today

Also the media tells white males that being a muscular, dominant, masculine Chad is wrong and the same as being Adolf Hitler so they need to feminize themselves to fit into our horribly modernist/progressive society. They buy into the lies and do as they're told.

I think a lot of males have the same desire to look cute that females do, but we're not really allowed to express it. There isn't really a male way to look cute without mimicking a girl

They subconsciously think that they would be treated better as a tranny than as a man

don't pin this shit on us it's plenty of spics and blacks doing this kinda shit

popular where exactly? never seen it in 30 years of life

National Socialism and crossdressing are heavily correlated.

And its literally the case, people shower trap/trans attention simply because they wear girly underwear ! they just log in on their social media/discord and voila ton of of orbiters around

Also cuteness is associated with neoteny, which is related to children : they want to feel like children

Its truly a sick world we are in, everyone want to stay young and feel cute yikes

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once upon a time boys wanted to grow up to be firemen, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and now they want to be a female cartoon character

It gives them dominance over men, and attention from women without putting out the effort, it's everything a man could want

escapism + the thought of becoming something pretty

they receive a tiny bit of the attention that females always got

some of them are so simple minded that they become addicted and turn into trannies lol

If thats a guy in the picture then gay
i assume men coping with porn then watching extreme stuff turning them gay

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Girls are the largely only characters with cool outfits. That's all there is to it.

Girls have much better clothes than boys. And there are more female characters to look up to in media.

I don't know why, but my dick welcomes it.

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>Girls have much better clothes than boys.
100% this, they have a far wider variety to chose from and they're all so comfy

>tfw no pyrocynical gf (male)

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when an artist make his media/movie/game/comic/whatever lewd, means he likes girls

it's targeted for those who also like girls and will purchase his work

it was not meant for you to consider yourself a girl because you couldn't get a gf in your youth and are needy

I think there's a misunderstanding about why people crossplay. It's not a trans or a sexual thing for a lot of them. They just like the character.

idk man but doing it makes me very happy

i feel cute

It's not only about lewds.
Personally I really like loose, useless fabric and colours, both of which are much easier to find in female clothes.

Jews, originally original