Tfw this guy I ghosted keeps on making new accounts to try to talk to me and get an explanation

>tfw this guy I ghosted keeps on making new accounts to try to talk to me and get an explanation
>blocked 24 Steam accounts and 17 Discord accounts so far without saying anything to him

The feeling of power kind of turns me on.

Attached: download (2).jpg (268x268, 25.49K)

>The feeling of power kind of turns me on.

Sure thing tranny

Attached: cute_doge_hiding.jpg (500x671, 56.4K)

the internet was a mistake, remember when guys didn't stalk retarded anime pic trap faggots like yourselves and talked to girls and made regular families and lived a good life?

Your both retarded, good job.

how do you get someone this obsessed with you?

does your name happen to be worm

because i miss you

Nope, I'm not worm. I'm a girl, do you think I'd choose such a gross name?

Does this power fantasy extend beyond just ghosting some guy on the internet?
Also is he a tard? Why would you keep messaging someone after repeatedly blocking you.

We just talked a lot every day for a few weeks, and he went crazy after I told him that I didn't want to be his girlfriend.

she was a girl too

but thanks that helps me get over her

*hugs* Anytime sweetie.

but like why? talking things out in a manner that respects him shouldn't hurt you unless you REALLY don't want to talk to him. even then, just make it clear that you don't want to talk and keep it that way. y'all are just playing a retarded game of cat and mouse and you're now just liking it. yikes.

roastie! I hope he finds a cute loyal girl who doesn't browse r9k

>im a girl
Keep telling yourself that. Posts or gtfo. You're not a girl.

If three anons tell me to talk to mr. crazy man, I'll give him an explanation and try to talk things out with him.

give him your address and let him rape you

tits and gtfo, roastie. now put me in the FDS screenshot

talk to him
Im curious as to your reasoning as well

do it you disgusting anime posting trannoid

Alright. Talk to him, ghosting in general tends to be a shit thing to do. It ain't universally reviled until you have known them for like three months or so, but ghosting a mentally unstable person tends to be a dumb mistake as it causes situations like this.

A dude this dedicated will eventually stop trying to reach you online and hire someone to find out where you live. Once he does he will start showing up outside your house. Still ignore him and he will probably hurt or kill you. Your legacy will be a couple of seconds of attention given to your murder by some fat bull dyke with a degree in gender studies.

I nullify those retards' posts and any future ones. Keep blocking that faggot and stay stronk.

Not OP, but

>universally reviled
It's not universal even then. I actually had an argument with someone last year over this. I was mildly upset that a friend of around a year ghosted me, and he replied with "Look at you, acting like you're entitled to his time or attention." I told him that it's better to say goodbye rather than leave someone wondering for weeks or months whether it's really over or if they're simply stressed or depressed and isolating themselves temporarily. He replied with ">implying you're entitled to closure or a goodbye"

He said that ghosting "should have lost its negative stigma years ago" and that it's universally okay. That if you were close to the person, you should trust that they have their reasons and never hold it against them or be upset.

Is he right?

>>implying you're entitled to closure
Why wouldn't you be? This "someone" sounds like a retard.

I'm glad it turns you on, but you shouldn't go through this unless it is what you wanted.

For most girls out there this is harassment and it's stressing, ruining their internet experience because the male can't control his urges and behave.

He is totally wrong and just a sociopathic dumbass

that's three anons. it's your turn op.

So why did you block him?

>He said that ghosting "should have lost its negative stigma years ago" and that it's universally okay.
He is justifying being a shithead. Even normies who get less hurt by ghosting think ghosting is wrong after a couple of months, over a year and you are an abusive person.

How do you even ghost someone in the normalfag sense?

Normalfags ghost people on 'dating apps.' About one third think it is fine to do so if it has been three dates or less. The other way would be close friends or partners randomly cutting them out of their life and vanishing. That last one would be classed as psychological abuse by what ever psychologist they go to.

Nice try guy but I'm not falling for that