This was someone's daughter wtf

This was someone's daughter wtf

Attached: 1579123984322.webm (406x720, 1.8M)

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Imagine wasting 18 years raising a kid for them to turn out like that, I'll never understand breeders

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Based baboon

Looks fun tho
>god I hate being a degenerate

need sauce but yeah it's pretty gay

Me neither. Shit isn't worth it. I'm glad I'll never have kids so I can just spend my life looking out for myself and then die in a way I am happy with. I would never make someone else go through the trauma I have gone through.

this is clearly a porn shoot.

You have a bad attitude and are a race traitor

so was everybody

How can you tell? Looks pretty amateur to me

I mean they look like they're having fun so what's the problem?

>that glob at the end

I am a race traitor for not wanting to open the unnecessary probability of my offspring fucking a nigger? I have a good attitude for this. We live in a time where miscegenation is legal. I cannot trust this world.

Not him, but my race rejected me, not the other way around. Look at this white girl getting fucked by an animal.

fuck the white race

It's not a pornshoot.

I am white though. But to Hell with all negrophiliac atheist whites. They all shall burn.

thanks user appreciate the sauce

Pro tip: If you teach your daughter to be racist then it will become a fetish and she will do this. If you teach her to have a healthy relationship to blacks and see them as nothing special then the idea of it wont turn her on because it wont be taboo, and paradoxically she wont do it. And if she does it will be wholesome (inshallah)

Its bad parenting

Or just don't have a daughter and save a shit load of time and money.

>If you teach your daughter to be racist then it will become a fetish and she will do this
if you teach your daughter to be racist WHILE SENDING HER TO A DIVERSE SCHOOL it will become a fetish
if you send her to a 99% white school, she'll probably grow up scared of niggers.

No she will just become curious and jump at the first opportunity to get blacked.


and then start fucking them as soon as she leaves home

why does everyone believe that "people are tempted/drawn to what they can't have/don't understand".
that's just anecdotal bullshit. if she's conditioned to be afraid of niggers, i guarantee it's easier to stick with that conditioning rather than break it.

The mulatto and the other guy are right. If you live in a diverse country, the chances are simply too high for her to fuck a nigger. She can even go overseas to Jamaica or some shit pretty cheaply for it. We live in the degenerate millennia. We just have to be vigilant and adaptive. Wait it out, and embrace God.

Need background story

Incels truly don't deserve women, you would only end up abusing them.

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enjoy your blacked daughter lol

>having this pic saved

Yes my experiences are anecdotal but you have no way to guarantee your conditioning for something she has never experienced will stick. The only way you could statistically improve the chances of that conditioning to stick would be to have her traumatized by a black male while young, which defeats the purpose. Sorry but even if you do everything in your power the odds are not in your favor.

She seems to be enjoying it, I dont see what the problem is.

You guys dont know how stupid you sound is the truth, just dont teach her racism and dont ingrain her with cultural racism and the fetish aspect will simply never arise. The goal is not to keep her shielded from blacks, that will backfire. Keep her shielded from RACISTS and it will work. Be like water my friends.

First of all, the guy in the middle was right. Secondly, there is no fool-proof method. If she lives in a diverse country, the chances are just too awful to be worth it.

No sane girl fucks a dude, on the streets, while his friends record it and acts happy about it.
This is porn at best, drug related shit at worst.

You are fucking deluded if this is what fuels your racism or misogyny.

Women get turned on by going on "adventures" and experiencing new and quirky things. There was a story of some homeless Chad on an island who had tourists who would come and have sex with him for the experience.