The Agepill

The agepill is one of the most brutal pills to take. If you missed out on teen love, its OVER for you.

Any anons lucky enough to have this beautiful experience?

Attached: theagepill.png (737x714, 65.58K)

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I agree
its a harsh one

I had this. it hurts more knowing you had it and lost it though. I guess the memories will stay

the agepill is extremely brutal
idk how people don't just go screaming mad into the night after a certain point of despair.

This is literally just the stream of consciousness of a depressed person LOL

Stoicism my friend.

>idk how people don't just go screaming mad into the night after a certain point of despair.
Thats literally what I did last night kek, my mom has to check up on me because it probably sounded like an exorcism. This is an exciting timeline

Optimism, knowing that God has a timing, remembering also that God encourages the single life

>Any anons lucky enough to have this beautiful experience?
Why would you want to see them brag about that shit, I can't stand to read things like that, it makes me insane.

Unfortunately due to the age pill being unswallowable I have a permanent sexual attraction to only women between 18 and 27 or so.

Oops. :(

god doesn't exist.
Lucky there's always an easy way to overdose.
Especially if your doc is stupid enough to give you ssris/snris...
It's a painful way to go (serotonergenic shock)
But it gets the job done.

stoicism is just a right wing cope to give to people to literally tell them to shut up or kys, so fuck you there bro.

moms are such trash, they fuck some bully and give you a shit hand in life but you're expected to worship them, this life is a fucking trap.

god is dead and we have killed him, how shall we console ourselves us murderers of murderers? shall we not have to become like gods just to seem worthy of the deed?

>Stoicism my friend.
Cynicism (Diogenes, etc) is superior. Stoicism is for normie cucks who have to cope with wageslaving.

Nice nietzsche quote
I doubt either of you have actually read Aurelius' meditations, but to each his own.

This song helps

I read it, he was literally a roman emperor he wanted to keep his subordinates in line, it's a power structure. Marcus aurelius is more like darth vadar than whatever idea you cooked up about him. None of this really applies to us, normies feel good because they have more desirable lives. There's no reason to believe in right think in the year 2020 .

Are you going to masturbate in Wall Mart?
This is highly idealized. The average romance normies had in their teenage years is far more sadder and boring than that.

But yes, its true that we lack experience that we should have gained in that critical part of life.

This is crap. The problem is not that you've missed out but that you are depressed. I didn't have teen love and I feel fine.

>Especially if your doc is stupid enough to give you ssris/snris...

Those formative teenage experiences are vital in progressing forward to a healthy life. Missing out on them will set you back. Its awful being in your 20s but feeling so far behind everyone else because you never got the chance to have these experiences

Actually optimism is superior you degenerate

I fucking hate right wingers and Buddhists.

Fuck Greek Shit.
Fuck Roman Shit.
Amen. The gospel according to people that hate BULLSHIT AMEN!

dude... that shit is older than my fucking PARENTS.

Do you know how fucking drugged I'd have to be to be "optimism"?

I have experienced it but it did not end well. My first girlfriend died in a car accident when she was 16. We dated for 2 years she was 2 years older then me. It was a nice relationship and when she died it fucked me up pretty bad.

>Its awful being in your 20s but feeling so far behind everyone else because you never got the chance to have these experiences
I had a nervous breakdown, dropped out of uni, ruined my grad school dreams, became depressed for 8 years after that, now clawing my way back to where I once was, 8 wasted years later still no girl progress. I think about KMS every day. I almost kissed my dream girl right before the nervous breakdown, thats what led to it

F bro, I managed to get through uni with minimal social interaction but getting a job is a different story. Greentext the nervous breakdown/dream girl?

Had 4 girlfriends, it wasn't that fucking great. They were all complete wastes of time and none of them went anywhere. You guys overhype having a girlfriend. It's not that great, trust me.

>pedo bitch in the making got what was coming to her

Shut the hell up. You were dating young whores. I've only had one girlfriend in my adolescent years and she was perfect. We didn't have sex because we were too young and nervous at the time, but we were in love. This feeling is as pure as it gets. Before you grow old and jaded. I wish I could go back.

based, true teen love is the purest thing in the world.

You had ugly girlfriends.
They were old.
Or Asian instead of white.

In order for a girlfriend to be a good experience they need to be: 18-24 years old. Thin. No tattoos. Child free. Western European. (US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada) Caucasian.

I would honestly like strap you to a table hook you up to an iv inject you with meth so you feel everything more and then peel your skin off and then scrub you down with a wire brush then light you on fire. If you ever said something like that to my face I would torture you to death and try to prolong the experience for as long as possible.

How can you unironically want to date white women what the fuck is wrong with you

>the sperg took the bait

I'm white.
White women make me horny.
Asians and Niggers are a BIG turnoff.
Spics could be hot if half white half spic
BUt I've seen like four of those in my life and they're all taken.

White women are still the most beautiful despite being pozzed by todays media and society.

Understandable and based, I apologize.

That shit is not even bait you just said she deserved it. I seriously would love take someone away from you that you love. I hope you are alone and broken for your entire life. I hope everyone you care about dies around you.

Yep. They're the best.
I guess kikes if they're white-ized kikes and not Israeli brownskin kikes and get their nosejobs...

But kikes only fuck their own race, because they, ironically, are highly racist.

Thank you. Apology accepted.
DESU I wish there were more cute spics. I mean... Mexico is ... literally across the border :(

Why is that ironic?

Because Jews are behind the pro-immigration diversity bullshit.

This. Remember 1965 kids

Have sex478

I hope I meet you in real life some day so I can break your nose and laugh at you. Your dumb cunt deserved to die.