By normie standards I'm fairly successful

>by normie standards I'm fairly successful
>hit midlife crisis
>triggered by a 15 year old discord femanon
>cant stop thinking about all the missed opportunities of my youth now
None of you are this pathetic. When you guys feel bad about yourselves just realize there is living breathing walking garbage posting among you.

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Why would you be more pathetic than us, who in addition to being walking garbage, are also failures by normie standards ?

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Because you arent a stupid boomer. You still gave hope.

buy a truck of xanax with your normie money and fuck all of the underage discord thots

hes too afraid of the feds, typical cuck

I am a shut in that has not ate in over a month I seriously doubt you are more pathetic then me user.

how did you even find a 15 year old femanon wtf

they are all over discord, just post your tag on soc you'll get 100s of invites all asking to buy their nudes

When I was 14 I started browsing the internet and never leaving my house

Now I'm 22 and still doing it to this day, I barely did anything else in that time. I'm sure you never wasted your youth like I did, so I'm 10 times worse cause I LITERALLY wasted my youth completely. I just hope I get a horrible disease and die

You'll blink and you'll be 32 and nothing will have changed.

And it'll happen sooner then you could ever imagine.

she's probably a glownigger, don't worry about it.

>by normie standards I'm fairly successful
>hit midlife crisis
I kind of almost know this feel
>failure by normie standards because I dropped out of high school and work 15-30 hours at a factory
>successful compared to my "friends" who used to be my friends in high school but never hit me up anymore
>already feel like I've wasted my youth
>every week that passes feels like a waste since I'm not saving up a substantial amount of money and I'm not getting any closer to owning a house
>every day that passes feels like a waste because I didn't improve any skills or do anything worthwhile besides going to work and doing some pushups

Oh, I know


I am actually going to kill myself because the thought of that is actually scarier than death. No i wont allow myself to blink and become 32, never

There is still hope for you. You don't have to despair. I found a young fembot while in my 30s and we are amazing. Don't give up yet.

You guys still have time to turn it around.

Age wasnt a factor in talking to her. It was actually the only thing I could find wrong with her. I didnt seek her out she found me. She didnt belong on this board and was the only interesting and friendly person that has added me from this board in all the years I've been here.

how did she trigger you

"Successful" normies are not happy, your only mistake is being a normie, cunt

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As someone who definitely did not waste their youth I can say it kinda sucks having to work minimum wage at 30. But at least I have all those great memories of sexual conquests and crazy drug fueled adventures I went on when I was younger right? At least I dont have any student loans to pay off, just court fines.

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The sex memories make up for all that, bro. Dont let the incels hate on you. They can make all the money they want and live financially free from legal issues but they never had sex.

No youre right. Its just sometimes the grass on the other side looks greener and I wonder if I would be happier financially independent, working a comfy computer job instead of mooching off my girlfriend and flipping burgers.

Helped a beautiful 19yo at work yesterday and realized it's over for me. I'm a handsome adult don't get me wrong but I'll never have that youthful love again. Wasn't attracted to her per se, but my only options at this point are late 20 women due for the wall and they still obsess over social media and expect to much from life. The wall is going to hurt them badly

Lol no sex is all that matters. Dont even worry about that shit. Why do you think everyone here is so sad?

That's fucking pathetic dude. Stop talking to kids.

Sounds like YOU expect too much from life. Remember if you're older than 23 and single as a male, you're worse than any woman.

>OP got cucked by a 15 year old girl for being a boomer

Damn really? So I did choose the right path in life and should be content? I think I finally understand DM:HS now.

>not befriending the 15 year old femanon that put you to shame and eventually getting in a relationship with prime female
thats what i did and I am married now

i'd say you're about a normal level of pathetic for this board.

Bro, if you ever doubt yourself just browse random threads on here or Yas Forums. Lots of guys unhappy when they have good lives but the only thing missing is sex.

>>triggered by a 15 year old discord femanon
you what

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>just solicit nudes from underage girls on the internet bro!

That doesnt sound like walking straight into a glowie FBI honeypot trap at all.

15 year olds dont stay 15 forever. Dating someone you will dump for another 15 year old when she hits 25 is immoral.