So how am I supposed to cope with the psychological devastation of circumcision?
So how am I supposed to cope with the psychological devastation of circumcision?
By not worrying about things that are outside of your control. There is nothing to be gained from you pondering about those. You might as well cry about the fact that it rains - yes it's that stupid.
Focusing on literally anything else will help you improve yourself and become a better human. Maybe even one that realizes that the personality and value of a person isn't distinguished by a single attribute.
Youre a faggot, comparing fucking rain to sexual mutilation is the dumbest shit imaginable. Anybody who was circumcised was robbed of their natural bodies and healthy sex life.
does any one else here have a foreskin but its so short that i doesn't cover the head properly? it used to when i was younger but now the penis has grown its too small, its not to tight or anything but the skin is just too short.
you arent. thats the point. youre supposed to pay attention to it which will drive you to suicide, or ignore it and become a cog in machinery of evil thats destroying this world
That gif is really hot. It would be even hotter if he was tied up and forced to keep his legs spread.
You should kill yourself but you wont.
Depends what you consider 'properly'. About 90% of the head is covered for me, but it's not big enough to form the anteater look.
No, you are. It's the same principle. Yes, sexual mutilation is more severe, but it is still something that nobody can control once it happens.
by not being autistic
Idk, I had to have my foreskin removed due to health problems, but it didn't turn out to be too big of a deal for me.
First of all I don't agree with the concept of circumcision, I'm not circumcised and I wouldn't circumcise my children because I'm not fucking retarded, BUT what I said is true and you should think about it.
"Don't worry about things that are outside of your control."
It is not limited to your dick but also to height, jawline and all the other bullshit that Yas Forums keeps whining about because those are surely the only reason why you can't have a gf.
Too few people have considered the possibility that while those are factors, the amount of importance you give the issues ruins your chances of finding happiness in a much more severe way then the issue itself.
People get too insecure to go outside because some meme pictures on the internet told them they're not "the perfect height" or whatever bullshit people want to obsess over.
And you are here making people insecure about their dicks even though for those people it has only negative effects. Nobody will regrow their foreskin, nobody will decide to cut it off because of *insert bullshit reason*.
Those threads are just making people feel insecure which eventually ruins their life much more then any effect the original source of insecurity could have ever had.
TLDR; Think before you post faggot.
You really need to kill yourself, tonight if possible
For giving advice on how to avoid a life in misery and avoid depression and possible suicide?
Give me a good reason. Is trying to help people a good one?
=He's right, though. You are falling for a literal demoralization psyop by browsing this board all the time and letting it get to your head.
Your advice is shit and you are an idiot
The circumcision is the demoralizing psyop retard, I want to know how to beat this crippling disfigurement
Then explain to me where exactly are the benefits of worrying about issues you have, that are outside of your control.
Make a list if you feel like it.
I want a solution or release from pain, you smug fuck
my foreskin only covers 30% of the head
>By not worrying about things that are outside of your control
This is the most annoying thing I ever hear people say. Like hands down. HOW CAN YOU NOT WORRY ABOUT THINGS YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER. ITS PRECISELY WHY WE PROGRAMMED TO WORRY. I cannot stand this goddamn normie boomer tier attitude of just accepting shit when it comes and being happy about it. Fuck you and fuck off.
And I'm giving you one you self loathing piece of shit. It's not as simple as going to the super market and buying "happy pill" I'll give you that, but torturing yourself without chance of improvement will not make you happy period.
Being sad about being a fat ass for instance can be a great source of energy to start working out, so I wouldn't say that sadness is necessarily only a bad thing, but it only works together with problems you can solve - aka ones within your control.
>accept your mutilation goy
Fuck off Chaim, I will never accept what was done to me and my hatred will forever fuel my existence
>just stop being sad lol
Absolute normal tier nonsense, you shitbrain asinine milquetoast impotent pedantic fuckwad
>anteater look
My dick's small enough to do that. Gonna start calling it the anteater. Thanks, user.
You would be surprised about the issues that are within the realm of things you can influence.
You're not born a loser, but you chose to be one. Maybe you chose to be one because all your life you've been told that you are one. Maybe because you're surrounded by losers.
I won't tell you to just "get over it lmao" because after all your personality is who you are, and you can't just instantly change. But you can change.
You can change one small step at a time. Once you accept that nobody will take care of your own life but yourself you will realize that you'll have to fight for it. Nobody is serving you that gf or happiness on a silver platter because you weren't born into easy mode.
You have the choice:
1) Do the same thing you're doing and live a life in suffering and possibly kill yourself
2) Fight for a good life and possibly still kill yourself. (But also possibly reach happiness.)
>You're not born a loser, but you chose to be one
t. normie whos never experienced hardship.
Get the fuck outa here cocksucker.
No, my advice is not "stop being sad lol".
My advice is "Be sad about things you can change, then change them."
I'm sure you've got a number of things you would like to change about yourself, why not address the problems you could do something about?
That doesn't change the fact that you might be insecure about other things which are seemingly set in stone, but self improvement is the first step to feeling less like human garbage.
I grew up religious as fuck. Until I was 12 or 13 I hadn't known that Christianity was more of an opinion rather then fact. Due to that blind sightedness I probably alienated lots of people all of my life.
I had barely any friends when I was in school, when I was in fourth grade my parents moved and I lost all of (two) them.
Then I spent the next few years trying to bond to other people just to find out that I'm too autistic to. I was a social retard. People ripped on me, I was a social outcast - even though it could have been worse. I found Yas Forums somewhere around here. Later alcohol and weed helped me cover my social helplessness. Add some psychological bullshit into the mix here.
Then I did my military service to become once again: the social outcast. At the time I was dangerously close to ending it all.
Then I left and started studying in university, failed and tried again in another city - with no friends.
It took me years until I had found a person to talk to, one that is still a good friend of mine.
At some point I was at a festival and looked over to the neighbouring tent to see a beautiful girl there. I wondered if I could ask her out to smoke weed with me and possibly fuck or something but I realized that that would be weird because I'm a fat loser and she wouldn't want that. I got angry at myself for being such a fucking loser. At that time I started pinpointing the problems I apparently had and isolated the ones that I could do something about. I started working out. Once I had reached a certain level of fitness I started practicing social interactions. I never turned down social gatherings - not because I wanted it but because I needed to practice. It took me two years to get into shape and become a somewhat presentable human.
Now I'm ok socially speaking and have reached what most of you would call being a normie. I have a good job, a beautiful girlfriend and a home of my own. I would say I'm a self made normie and it's the best thing ever.
>life story of a faggot
Long too read did not.
Sure I'm a faggot, but one that knows what he's talking about.
I have to admit, it was a long post. TLDR; Was a loser, am not anymore.
you can't. jelq bro. it works, i've done it.
Hang on a sec Im half way through war and peace.
I wanna beat you up, bitch boy
Sorry, my rage is high
fite me in RL n see whut happns
my gamer tag is
I'm thinking of an original way to tell you your story is cool bra.