Can you actually properly throw a football?
Can you actually properly throw a football?
I have the strength but next to no practice. I can throw half decent up to about 20 yards, but it's a harsh falloff. A lot of it is all about getting the spin right when you throw the ball.
I can't. I suck at all sports
It's not about strength
You don't throw a football, you kick it.
That is the reason it's called FOOTball.
My boarding school made sports mandatory, and I think I got at least one injury in every sport I played... Not from playing hard either, it just happens
Yes. My dad taught me that stuff at least.
>throw a football
Are you retarded? It is not made for throwing except when you are the goalkeeper or it rolls over the sidelines
throwing a football is the easiest thing once you've learned how to do it
It is to some extent, pic related could never throw one more than 10 yards, even with practice.
user I enjoy football more than I enjoy soccer. What is your problem? Fuck off if you don't want to contribute and bitch
>foot ball
there's quarterbacks that skinny that can throw it pretty far. It's about strength in the forearms and you get better at it with time
Played baseball. Fucked up any chance of learning how to decently throw a football. Plus I do some weird twist when I threw it and spun the ball weirdly.
trust me it's easy once you've mastered it
>It's about strength in the forearms
It's about strength
>Take heavy ball
>Study it for 5 minutes.
>Place pinky-index finger of dominate hand into the last 4 "dips" between the "thread"
>Take dominate arm and raise it so at 45 degree angle, with the ball at eye level
>raise it 3 inches and gentle lean the ball towards you
That's not the same strength
You kick it you fucking moron
>throw a football
you can only throw a football if you are a goaly or performing out
ooow handegg
opinion discarded and invalid
I use to play street football no gear full tackle. haven't in a couple years but could still make a pass or give a good punt from muscle memory
I used to before my massive stroke
Yes, but in a retarded way. Haven't played sports in a long time
I threw an American football properly the first time I held one. Is it supposed to be hard?
Yeah it's pretty easy grip it with your hands in the threads and add a spin on it when you throw it
based euros
fuck the rest of you, murricunts
Nah, I'm going to side with the Americunts on this one.
Stop larping, murrican, I see you
America is not the only country that calls it soccer.
Canadians and Aussies don't count, either way it's all yanks fault
...yeah but can you hit a frisbee golf goal from 150m?...
didn't think so, scrub
>he uses the word murricunts