I have a fetish for loner virgins. I want to be the only girl, possibly person, you talk to. Is that so much to ask?

I have a fetish for loner virgins. I want to be the only girl, possibly person, you talk to. Is that so much to ask?

Attached: poop.jpg (540x540, 51.12K)

I dont have any friends or family. Do I qualify?

>I want to be the only person, you talk to. Is that so much to ask?
Yea pretty much

the pic you posted is actually a boy.
source: 139808, page 19

>only girl
not really since i don't have any girl friends and don't see myself having any in the future either. if it does happen tho then i'd like to of course i'd like to be able to talk to them
>only person
yes. there's no way i could stop hanging out with my friends or family.
but i mean gf would have a special place in my heart so even if she wasn't the only one i talked to she'd still be special to me

i'd do it, but only if you dont talk to like 18 other guys at the same time, and somehow i think that's exactly how it would go down

well, I guess that's fine
>if it does happen tho then i'd like to of course i'd like to be able to talk to them
I wouldn't wanna be with someone who purposefully befriends other girls
>only person
don't worry, that was an exaggeration

robotanon#2763 here's my tag

fuck off tranner, shoot yourself

That's why we can read eachother's messages

You wouldnt be weirded out by their inability to speak normally?

no, it's a benefit for me

Where you at OP? I certainly am a loner and a virgin. But why do you want one of us anyway?

>I wouldn't wanna be with someone who purposefully befriends other girls
that's why i said "if it does happen tho". i don't purposefully try to befriend anyone, not even dudes, but it might just happen. i didn't befriend my best friend (he's dude), we just kinda started hanging out without any real reason. that could happen with a girl too.

Not too much to ask if you're awesome to talk too which is unlikely.

l wish girIs like this actually existed. I would drop the few girls I do speak to for someone like you.

I find this idea hot and I don't think it's healthy. I really want an obsessive, jealous GF.

I am an adult female human who was born female and will always be female
West coast USA
>we just kinda started hanging out without any real reason
Why would you "just start hanging out without any real reason" with a girl when you have gf oh my god get out

Do not.

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Potassium #3085


Well, I'm out. Why's everyone in this place american?

>Why would you "just start hanging out without any real reason" with a girl when you have gf oh my god get out
i didn't know we were talking about a scenario where i had a gf but alright. it can happen because i'm going to school. you never know who'll approach you and want to talk to you there.

pick me! pick me!
i'm so lonely i just need affection that's all

l don't believe you're serious.

American website American users

I'll delete my discord if such a girl becomes my gf. But she doesn't want me or more likely doesn't exist. But yes, that is what I'd do in this hypothetical situation.

Watch out, 26 year old kike!

Attached: kike.png (1506x335, 33.22K)

Yes because you are larping

any updates if this "girl" is real or not

l don't have an issue with this as long as she's not actually religious.

Time to summon Hitler

After having a brief discussion with her. Take these into account.

- She's Jewish
- She's 26 years old (probably obese/ugly)
- She's new to Yas Forums so she's most likely a newfag from Reddit
- She leans left politically and likes niggers

Now my conclusion is that she's most likely had her pussy beaten up so many times and pumped and dumped that she's looking for someone to essentially control, hence why she has a fetish for 'loner virgins' but all you're getting out of the deal is a beaten up kike pussy with shitty views on politics. Avoid or regret it, either way this is my public service announcement on OP being a kike.

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I'm fine with that, I'd prefer a Jewish GF.

So you're saying I have a chance to test out my new oven?

Could you elaborate on the liking black people thing? Do you mean she fetishises black guys or do you mean she doesn't stereotype based on race?

probably the latter given that he's so triggered by her being a jew

>She's new to Yas Forums
Bitch I have been here for 12 years
>Could you elaborate on the liking black people thing
He said he threw bottles at black people and yelled nigger at them and I responded by saying "gross"

If this isn't an elaborate joke it's basically a prime roastie, no way around it. I have a feeling it's actually a man trying to get money from people on Yas Forums.

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mint is an attentionwhore and this is just one of her ploys to get more orbiters. nevertheless i know you niggers wont care in the slightlest so just fucking add her and become one of her thralls.
fuck you

this sounds nice. op, are you cute?

>He said he threw bottles at black people and yelled nigger at them and I responded by saying "gross"
We've got a real Jesse Jackson over here

very amazing photoshop skills wow I am impressed

Does she at least post nudes?

That's fair.
>that pic
I'm out.

As expected. I honestly have yet to meet a jew that isn't psychotic in some way. I'm still hoping it's some sort of confirmation bias going on, because they can't all be insane, right?

>get more orbiters
This is literally my first time EVER adding anyone on discord from Yas Forums
I don't know I guess it depends on what kind of girl you like

I'm black, post her tag

definitely not. she sees all robots as lesser so why would she post nudes.

Here you go good sir, enjoy BLACKING this kike.

true... well, describe yourself a little! you sound up my alley but i'm curious

i like older women
>fat and ugly
>newfag reditard
would rather stick my dick in a blender

so you admit you wouldn't like a black boyfriend huh
guess it's true that all fem'bots' are racist as hell

>I want to be the only girl on here, the cnetre of attention and want men to orbit me.


literal defintion of what an attention whore is. You want to hang out on a male only board full of SIMPS you can control and manipulate for your own validation

Get off my board cunt.oid. I hope you die of cervical cancer.

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OP sounds rly cool but I don't think she'd want me

>Bitch I have been here for 12 years
Literally no way to prove that, everyone who lurks long enough knows when the board was made. Moreover if you were here that long youde no that its never been about orbiting cuntoid cunts like you.

Get off my board.

Based user saving us from the sirens

is that you sic
if so why did you do this to me

There's literally no way she's been here since 2008, she didn't know basic terms like what neet meant, she's a fucking imposer redditor scumbag.

We know janny isn't going to do it so someone has to step in and inform the public about these whores, don't forget to put sage in the options field my good friends

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Thank you for your services gentlepoo.

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I'm really nervous to post anything here given how this thread is going... if you want to add me someone already posted my tag unfortunately
>fat and ugly
Well ugly might be subjective but I'm definitely not fat by any stretch of the imagination
I have no preference, I'd just like a kind human to connect with
>want men to orbit me
No I just want one person. Then we can both be that for each other... the only other person we talk to
>everyone who lurks long enough knows when the board was made
I meant Yas Forums in general, not r9k.