I hate women

fuck off you whores, go away

Attached: Untitled.png (1332x664, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


poor, bitter, pathetic incel.


*picks up phone*
*rings it up*
*waits a second*

Attached: based department.png (912x676, 348.28K)

stay a pathetic virgin, dickless

i'm not a virgin, you fat slag, fuck off

lmao someones a toastie roastie

i hate men. you can't make me go away. seethe for me, user.

Attached: smug.jpg (188x268, 10.48K)

>"i hate women"


someone's a breadstick-armed loser projecting his own insecurities on women

i can show you a website full of people just like you, unless your a tranny, and if you are, kill yourself you genetic deadend


why dont you fuck off, cow


Or what, stinky?

I'm a guy and fundamentally superior to you in every way, you pathetic fucking twigboy

Used up whore detected. You expire at 35 enjoy watching your self-worth evaporate and the pathetic loser will be revealed!

why don't you fuck off, goat

HAHAHAHA major cuck you get no pussy guaranteed.

I'm a guy, and you're inferior to me in every way, you bitter, unwanted loser. who you are is why you are an incel, and it's no one's fault but yours, you breadstick-armed pussy

these toilets are attention hungry af.

nigger i'm a boxer, your a simp

stay mad, stay a virgin, stay a loser. who you are is why you are pathetic, and you're too cowardly to change it.

jfl at this simp

Ahe hem
>used up whore
>expire at 35(?)
That's rather unusual, it's 30, I suggest you study the manual a bit more
>self-worth evaporate
>pathetic loser

Otherwise doing good at being an average r9k NPC

you can't even spell "you're," which means you're an uneducated dickless breadstick-armed pussy.

dude stop being a faggot and go back to your bluepilled plebbit site

just because you got pegged doesn't mean your not a virgin you simp

>broken record
you gunna keep spewing the same insult?

post bicep with time stamp

you doing it faggot? make sure to clean the shit off your fingers first mate, don't want to let us know that you fist yourself

why is everyone mad in this thread? lmao fucking chimp brains

Attached: 4311023-trollface.large_426.png (9680x7566, 1.24M)

he obviously won't, these beta cucks have the worst physique