This manga is proof that femcels exist

This manga is proof that femcels exist.

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Is it a good read as a straight guy? I've read conflicting opinions, some say it's more about "My experience with loneliness" and others say it's more about "my lesbian experience".

manga isn't real-life, get out of my board tranny

Being a lesbian is 10x harder than being straight though. You either have to settle for a gross, obese, butch girl or just wade through online dating for literally no girl to add you because they just want perfect little girls with big tits and tight asses and all you have is crunchy hair and eye bags.

It's definitely more about loneliness and I believe the struggles she experiences can be relatable to anyone.

Get off my board cuntoid. Femcels dont exist. Being rejcted by chad and not choosing to fuck a beta doesnt make you an incel or part of incel culture.

And dropping out of the race and becoming and rug munching dyke doesnt either. Its not my fault daddy fingered you but its also not an excuse to deny men access to your puss.

Get off my board and fuck off back rFDS.

It is the author's memoir.

Read the manga. It's not at all about being lesbian. She could've been straight and her escort could've been male, nothing would change, because the manga is not about sexuality.

You seem to be projecting, reddit-spacing user.

I hate dykes and I hope they die.

I use reddit spacing because 90% of the faggots i argue with on here are nufag redittors like yourself. With an attention span of 5 words per line.

>a jap cunt with fake depression writes a probably fake shitty manga
please god let this board know peace from the femoids and simps

I never told you to seethe. Why can't you accept that girls can be socially retarded too?

because they literally can't. i know a girl on discord who uses this board she claims to be anti-social but she uses social media and has a bunch of irl friends. and it's been proven that there are more men with autism than women. i'm autistic myself and i get a good laugh when a femoid says they have social anxiety or are depressed, get on my level cunt.

>It is the author's memoir.
I don't believe it. There's no way a woman would ever hire another woman escort.

You never see real autismo girls because they are literal ghosts. They don't interact with anyone, they lurk and hide, they don't post pics of themselves or links to their discords. They may not even have discords. They do exist, but they're invisible.

not the one you're replying to but are you saying you cannot be anti-social if you have some friends and use social media? i thought being anti-social was more about the fact that you don't want to be social like normal and not about the fact that you have 0 social life. social media can be used without friends too, to follow different kind of pages so i don't get why people shit on people who use them.

Just how naive are you?
great bait btw

This is exactly me. I do have a discord, but I only have 5 people on it and I'm not part of any server.
I'm not naive and I'm not baiting.

>publishing books about their loneliness
>viewing your "loneliness" as an opportunity for profit
fuck off...

The mangaka is a pretty pathetic person desu

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you don't see them because they don't exist
>she has a group of friends that she hangs out with irl
>she loves to post in her friends group on Instagram
>she is even sad she can't go out because the virus
if for one minute you think she is anti-social you are 100% retarded.

Well look where you are. I'm kinda same as she was, i just didn't start to make big changes yet.

Yes they do. I am that person. I know what it's like. Before incels became a community they also felt like they were invisible, didn't they?

>if for one minute you think she is anti-social you are 100% retarded.
i wasn't talking about the person you were talking about. i just asked in general because i thought you were arguing that to be anti-social you literally have to have 0 social life

There was a girl who couldn't walk who also published a book or something...
It's honestly really distasteful that women try to constantly make social/economic currency..
Everything will be used as profit to them: sex, disabilities, and, in this case, loneliness

In the manga she recounts ten years of her life. She was a pathetic person for a long time before she started to change (and before she became known for that manga). There are people just like this everywhere, right now, male and female.

i really want to think loliness girls exist and yes they exist but not at the same % as mans. If you see a loliness girl in anime/manga u surely will say "aww she is soo cute uwu"... At the same time i think loliness girls in real life dont really like autistic loliness and virgins guys. . .

I love this manga, the only manga series I actually read

>Being rejcted by chad and not choosing to fuck a beta doesnt make you an incel or part of incel culture.
Best news Ive heard all day (Im a guy)

What does it matter? The fact that they exist is true. They're absolutely autistic, even more so than male incels because they are basically failing easy mode, they don't have to do much to be accepted and they still can't do it. They might be even bigger rejects when you think about it.

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Sorry sweetie but if you don't look like them you are either settling for a butch or punching above your weight

>they don't have to do much to be accepted and they still can't do it.
okay, that does it... hi, larper.....