Why don't people with anime avatars use their real picture on steam/vidya/social media?

Why don't people with anime avatars use their real picture on steam/vidya/social media?

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anime men are cuter than ill ever be

Because that is an incredibly retarded thing to do

why should you? if you're not a chad or stacy you'll just be giving the other person in an argument more ammo, or even doxing yourself to some degree. some people just like to be anonymous online without giving any slice of data

>people just like to be anonymous online without giving any slice of data
Honestly this. I'm fine with posting my pic on social media but I don't want fuckers trying to roast me when I'm playing CSGO.

Picture of an anime character I like or identify with is much more of a personal statement than a picture of my mug, that's why.

Remember back when you were taught to never reveal real information about yourself on the internet?

because nobody gives a shit what you think you pathetic loser

3D isn't smug enough.

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Who the fuck puts their real picture on Steam? Who the fuck links their real identity to their steam page anyways? I don't want some fags doxxing me or prospective employers seeing how much or what vidya I play.

For some reason normalfags seem to have forgotten this
>"Anything you put online will be there forever. Make sure you think about what you post"
>"If you aren't giving all your info to big corporations for free and posting 10 selfies per day then you're a creep and possibly a serial killer!

This. I'll go through many online aliases and avoid tying my online identity to my real identity in any way. Only career related activity requires a consistent and accurate identity.

Because irl I'm ugly as shit and maybe I can bait faggots into thinking I'm a girl irl

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bump haha

Why did you bump this stupid thread? What answer are you even looking for?

Why would I put my real picture on the internet? I don't want people to know who I am and doxx me, that's silly.

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To shit up the board ig

as others have stated. the idea of social media is really just a data mining operation for the alphabet soup agencies. having to rely on that to become a established individual is honestly pathetic. Id rather be a nobody anonymous online but be secure then a famous retard who gets harassed by other famous retards.

Why the FUCK would you use your face on the internet???
The point of posting is to be ego-less, to create an egregore online.

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Who the fuck is dumb or narcissistic enough to use their real pic as a profile for such a thing?

I don't even use anime avatars. I use obscure symbols and made up logos.

trust me dude, no one thinks you are a girl because your pfp is an anime girl

The answer to that is girls user, a female (FEMALE) probably made this thread

>if you're not a chad or stacy you'll just be giving the other person in an argument more ammo, or even doxing yourself to some degree.

Seriously this. Some of us just want to have a discussion without people always bringing our appearance into it or making cheap personal shots to look cool or edgy.

It's been a while since that helpful advice got bought out.

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revenge of the nerds was a true cinematic masterpiece

Who the hell puts their real picture on steam? FB obviously is different, shit like twitter depends.

God why cant I just see pic related's fat fucking milkers


I'm ugly as fuck and I hate looking at myself. Why would I want to see myself even more than I have to.

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They're ugly asf obviously lmao
especially the girls with anime girl profile pics lmao

>FB obviously is different, shit like twitter depends.
Not it's not. It's the same shit and fucking idiots actually fell for it and uploaded their real information.

Let me just dox myself

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