Would you date a fat girl, user? Why or why not?

Would you date a fat girl, user? Why or why not?

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How fat we talking? Like thicc or obese? Either way yes I would

No. Fat is a physical manifestation of personality flaws.

My BMI is 29. Is that too much?

Why? What do you mean?

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Only if she was willing to let me try and help her lose the weight. I can't blame her for being obese, i used to be obese after all. However you should treat your body better.

I would. Want to talk to a man (me) with the potential to date if things click?

If she is sweet and funny, yes.

Depends how fat and how nice they are to me

Post height and weight i don't know what bmi is and I'm not going to google it

>However you should treat your body better.
I know, and I want to, but I have no motivation. I thought maybe if I had someone to motivate me, I'd start my weight loss journey.

Only if you live near me user, sorry but I don't want to have an online relationship if we are not ever going to meet. I'm from the Midwest.

Unless we're talking only slightly chubby/just not skinny then no. Not being fat is literally the only standard i have for women, I can take an unattractive face and a dull personality but thinking about dating a fat person actually disgusts me

>Why? What do you mean?
People get fat because of a lack of self control.

What do u consider fat?
Id fuck a chubby girl
But a FAT girl nope
And an obese girl HELL NO

OOOFFF OP your almost close to obese yikes. However it still depends on your looks.
If u have some thicc thighs and fat ass and decent face, id fuck

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I live in the south but if things worked out I'd be more then willing to buy a plane ticket to visit.

Chubby, maybe. But I can't introduce a fat girl to family. It would be very shameful.

Honestly? No. I have a bmi of 17 it would look comical.

Obese no. Kinda chubby yes if I like her

As a male with 40 bmi I would date you very easily.

>I know, and I want to, but I have no motivation. I thought maybe if I had someone to motivate me, I'd start my weight loss journey.
Funny i thought the exact same thing at first. In a way i was kinda right in that my simp tendencies probably saved me a foot. I was crushing on this girl so hard, so every time i would think of overeating i would think of how disgusted she must be of my body, that made it easier. However you should switch focus. Motivation comes and goes in waves, it is not reliable. What you need instead is self discipline, its not easy to build but once you do your options become limitless. That is what i would do if i were you, start building discipline by trying to lose weight. If you fail, just get right back up. Its not about being perfect 100% of the time, its about giving it your genuine all. Also depending on where you live in the midwest i might be somewhat close, i live in Windsor Canada.

i dream of having a cute fat girlfriend :/

unfortunately 90% of fat girls aren't exceptionally cute, and 90% of everyone is normie, etc..

my search continues

I'm honestly not sure if I could get my dick up to a fat girl

I'm from the midwest. MN to be exact.
Not him btw.

No, because it's unattractive and indicative of a personality problem or low IQ. Just lose the weight, it's really easy. Some fat girls discover they're smoking hot underneath all that fat. No one is "meant" to be fat.

>Would you date a fat girl
because they would not date me.

If she isn't over 300lbs and doesn't have a shitty personality. I lost my virginity to a chubby girl.

I'd date any girl that would be brave enough to come up to me and tell me she loved me and wanted to date

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I've had fat girlfriends

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id date you op and encourage you to lose weight with me. been exercising / dieting for 2 weeks.

Looks don't matter to me in the direct sense, it's more the way the person feels and their feelings in general

I did. It was awful and I'll probably try to avoid doing it again.

Fuck the midwest and fuck minnesota.

Fuck you nigga don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful

Yes, sure, and especially and excitedly if she was black or Asian.