Why are blacks the most sensitive race out there...

Why are blacks the most sensitive race out there. All it takes to get these 70 iq subhumans mad is saying the infamous word NIGGER. I said chink to Chinese people, spic to hispanics, zipperhead to japs etc but none of these races get nearly as made as blacks. To me I see blacks in two groups regular blacks and then we have niggers. Niggers are the ones who usually get mad about it rather than the regular blacks why is that.

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>durr why do people get mad when i insult/disrespect them
Ask yourself why are you such a childish faggot instead?
> I said chink to Chinese people, spic to hispanics, zipperhead to japs
None of those words have a history as strong as nigger. Granted a mexican will beat the shit out of you if you call him a beaner

Also nice rationalizing at the end trying to show you arent a REAL racist, only to those bad blacks even though they're 70 iq subhumans.

Reminder that this site has an unhealthy fixation with niggers. If they aren't bitching about how much they "hate" them then they're posting BBC. If they aren't posting BBC they're posting pics of hot black chicks. If they aren't posting hot black chicks they're LARPing as blacks. If it's not whites LARPing then it's actual black people posting racebait.
It's not racism, it's obsession.
And yes, OP that means (you)

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Because white people encourage them to be easily offended.

Because niggers as you call them are the only sane people left. Only they have common sense.
The second you accept the (((American))) multiculturalism hoax, the second you lose all sense of humanity and become a mentally ill drone.

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Could be due to MAO-A genes.

>muh history

When will niggers and their coddlers stop clinging onto slavery as an excuse to chimp out at a moments notice?

Magnetfags is what I call you as you won't stop clinging to slavery.

Stop posting this shit, no one gives a fuck. Kys

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I remember when my wife and I first met our BVLL, YOUR ROYAL MAJESTY. Anyway, YOUR ROYAL MAJESTY is a 6'4 and muscled black god of sex with a 16 inch BBC thick as my skinny twinkish white arm. I remember our first rendezvous like it was yesterday. We dilated our mouths with his magnificent chocolate anaconda and took turns submitting our slutty white holes to him. It was almost ceremonial and ritualistic. From that moment on my wife and I became the happy and willing sex slaves of our BVLL and master, YOUR ROYAL MAJESTY.

My wife and I quit our jobs and moved into our master's crib in the hood, surrounded by so many other sexy niggerbucks. Where he pimps the both of us out to the entire crip nation! But none could ever compare to the ubermensch our master is. We all smoke copious amounts of marijuana and gives us happy pills, idk what they're called and I dont care! We've never been happier before and shall devote our lives to the black only lifestyle and worship of black penis.

My wife is also pregnant btw. The ultrasound determined it's a boy. We plan to name him BigBlackCock, or simply call him BBC for short. Both in honor of his father and so all the white girls know what he has in his pants.

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>When will niggers and their coddlers stop clinging onto slavery as an excuse to chimp out at a moments notice?
When it stops working
In a way, this is your fault

If you didn't care you wouldn't have given me a (you), thus forever proving me right.

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Shit is so obnoxious. I don't understand how they don't feel fucking pathetic clinging to slavery all this time. Don't you feel sad and pathetic, niggers?

>Don't you feel sad and pathetic, niggers?
No, because I don't cling to slavery. Maybe you and I can talk sometime about this stuff 1 on 1.

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>No, because I don't cling to slavery.
Sure you dont.

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>Don't you feel sad and pathetic, niggers?
Not really. Free shit is free shit.
Honestly we need to take it further. More free shit, more racists, more people hating our race and vice versa. Segregation is the endgame for me.

I don't. Do you seriously believe darkies are a hivemind? Maybe if we got to know each other a little bit you'd see that we aren't so different.

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has Yas Forums just become a contest over who can write the dumbest most ridiculous shit?

>Why's come these here people ain't not OK with me hatin' em so much?
>They don't gots no brains in they heads, I reckon.

This is a real person that posts on the internet in the year 2020.

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Outliers exist, i see them every day at work, doesn't mean the rest of their populations aren't an overall net loss on society.

I mean, blacks have been in america for hundreds of years so I doubt we'll go away anytime soon.
Do you have any black friends, user? I could be your friend.

What does that even mean?

Why do people keep making race bait threads?

>Why do people keep making race bait threads?
Who could be behind this? Hmm, I wonder.

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Maybe but it's speculated that it could be Asians.
I'm serious.

Do you like Velma from the Scooby-Doo series?

All a woman has to say to a white incel is "no" and he'll shoot up a school.

Right? There's been another uptick in racebait lately. The catalog of this board has basically been covered in it.

It's probably because they were enslaved and later discriminated in the US and South Africa etc etc

people ran over japs heads in the war with cars shit I think

This needs to be a banner. I'd call you a raging newfag, but this was too funny.

Nobody here has ever had a genuine interaction with a black person. They too scared to even talk to them. Kek.

>actual black people posting racebait.

Shit, he caught me!

I'd probaby jerk it to that comic.