I'm female and I weight 62 kg

I'm female and I weight 62 kg.

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well how tall are you femanon

I weigh 77kg. Stopped getting my period about a year ago.

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mtf here
135 kg

What do you want us to do? Feel sorry for you? how about making a lifestyle change fatty

Not sure. I'm neither.

this literally isn't fat unless you're a fucking midget Lmao

140 pounds on a woman is perfect. How big are your bobs and ass

Theres no women on the internet

be my fat femanon gf

>tfw male 193cm and weight 65 kg

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you probaly have some nice boobs and butt and you're complaining because you only see the weight

don't be like my ex, don't starve yourself to the point u don't have boobs

I'm male and I weigh 49kg.

nigga i way 260. i thought playing football as a lineman would make me lose more weight but it just kinda made me leaner instead of skinny

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>62 kg.
UHHHHHHHHHHH sorry you european idiot can you put that into superior measurement please? your keelows and stones mean nothing to me

Elephants take about two years to be born I think.

>136 lbs

wow it's nothing

136 lbs is healthy queen stop listening to the coping fat pedos who say 80 lbs is ideal, idk how tall you are but assuming you're average weight if you lost 10-20 lbs youd be perfect

How tall are you? Height is a big factor in BMI.

You have to own being skelly at this point. Getting Yas Forums would take years no matter what you do

Im a fat piggu femanon and I weigh 188 lbs~ youre fine user, you arent a disgusting heifer like me.

How tall are you? A big factor in BMI is height.

5 foot 7~ im fat as fuck~

Mmmm, you're a unit.

lose some weight. anything over 55 kg is deplorable. you'll never be truly loved at this rate.

indeed I am~ the product of too much alcohol and bacon~

Lose some weight you can do it yo might fail here and there but you can do it. I'm doing and I feel great. I believe in you all. lose weight and dont do the surgery.

Thank you so much user. Im a drunk right now but this has sincerely motivated me. hopefully I will not die an early beetus-ridden death. you are too kind.

Have you considered replacing your current breakfasts with a green smoothie? I can give you some tips if it's something you're unfamiliar with and want to explore.

Np its gonna be tough but keep doing it feeling good about yourself and working towards your short term and long term goals. Are how u make it in life. It just takes effort and drink some water be4 u fall asleep.

I know about counting calories and such but I honestly suck at weight loss. advice is always appreciated. the only thing that helped me lose before was fasting and eating less than 1000 cals a day but it only lasts a few months and then I gain it all back, sad~

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tfw 5' and 200 pounds
anyone who said girls can't be robots has never tried being a landwhale