Letter thread

Letter thread
Remember to include both initials so not to bait schizos.

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I hope you're safe and doing well. This doesn't count as messaging you.

I think of you often. I didn't mean to lose you, I swear. I hope you're still keeping up good habits. Miss your voice.


I hope you don't think I was too hard on you. I might've been I dunno. The thing is you're going to be fine. You're beautiful, you're good at controlling people's emotions, when you get older you'll probably stop being as crazy, and you'll find someone who can love you unconditionally, since I no longer can. Spare a thought for someone like me who is going to be alone forever.
- green

I really miss you user, I wish we could connect again but your schizophrenia got in the way. Get better soon.

I want to talk to you right now but I'm afraid of how intensely I feel when we speak and I'm already overwhelmed from an entire day of thinking hard about you. Wish we could call again. You have so much power over me. I don't know if you understand the lengths I'd go for you.

Mari, I love you. I've always loved you from the first day we payed eyes on each other's. You're all I've thought about you're all I wanted. The other girls were girls and a mistaken you have a part of me I won't let go so easily.

Stay out of my dreams. You're trash.

Mary, you massive puta, I will never forget.


I guess you helped me in my personal journey. I know myself better now. Not sure where we stand. I probably know, but I do not want it to be true. Perhaps there is no you and me, and your J's privileges will be revoked soon. Whatever that means.


I think you used the wrong title, OP. This is the obviously the "really clever" edition. Maybe the "acid trip" edition.

no, you were acting completely within reason. i disagree that you're going to be alone forever though; you're smart, charming, funny, attractive, and resilient. im sorry if i made you feel like you're anything less than that. i really will leave you alone for good now, no more hoarded voicemails and i'll delete your number. id like to be friends one day though if you'll have me.

>no more hoarded voicemails and i'll delete your number.
you don't have to do that.
>id like to be friends one day though if you'll have me.
maybe we can try again in a couple years or something when you're older

>maybe we can try again in a couple years or something when you're older
i'd like that. i'm doing a gap year overseas next year (granted this virus allows the country to reopen their boarders) and then i plan on coming back to do law in auck. maybe i'll pester you again then.

I am eroding, I can't control it

I'm glad you found something you want to do.


thank you, me too. stay safe and take care of yourself. i'll be thinking of you.

I still have the stuff I got you for your birthday last year. if you want it, send me your address and i'll send it to you.

stop tricking me n, you whore

im not living at home atm, my family and i are staying in the 'countryside'. i only have a rural post box i could give you.

there's no rush, i can hold onto it until this passes over.

lmao no way soz

yeah, i dont think post offices are even open at the moment hah. anyways, you have my number (?).

Cummy wummy cummy wummy yummy uwu uwu uwu uwu
-ya boi

>you have my number (?).

why can't i stop thinking of you? it's been so long since we've spoken but i can't get you out of my head. my memories of the year we spent together are fading yet the feelings remain. i can't decide if i hate you for everything you put me through or if part of me still loves you. do i ever cross your mind?

if you are my f. I want you to know what i really liked that one day we masturbated together

i'm definitely not but i hope that sentiment finds your f somehow!

I want to talk about important things with you. By important I mean, things that matter to both of us. I want to ask you about your experience, and maybe share mine.
I've asked, and I think I might have received an answer.
I'm so sorry my mental blocks won't let me approach you the right way, I'm afraid you will get a horrible impression of me. Would you believe me if I just let out my feelings at you? Would you even care to listen?

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im so fucking scared of you. but i feel like i hurt you. are you gasslighting me again. i should probably block you again.i never ever want you to hit me again. i wish you did not exist. some times i want to fake my death just so i can keep you from continuously finding me. you are a rapist, i will never report you, you know that, but you are, you raped me. i hate you a lot.

im losing my mind again, its your fault im sure. do i hate myself? why have i not blocked you yet. it must be self hate. i guess thats your fault too. im completely fucked in the head because of you.

i realize this reads like a schitso post... not sure what that says about me.

but yeah,fuck you

I do not get a horrible impression of you at all. I know it can be hard to open yourself up to people and be vulnerable, but you can come talk to me about your feelings. If you need time to gather your thoughts then take that time, I will still be here for you when or if you are ready. I will listen to you. I will do more than just listen to you, I will genuinely care to understand you, to understand your perspective. I want to know what you feel and why. I will ask questions if I do not understand or I need more clarity. I will try if you give me a chance to.

Damn, I wish this was for me.

what are the chances this is doable when we realistically barely know each other? I'm desperate to get to know you, yet it's so damn hard to just open up and be bold and just say the words that could get us one step closer.
I see in you so many things I can relate to, and seeing you have that same need to connect just freezes me up in my place thinking I could fuck up this opportunity.
If you're patient, I'll keep trying. please be

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