Did you receive your $1,200 stimulus check yet?

If so, kindly forward it the people who really need it. Which black charity can we expect to see your pledge remitted to?

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I like how the right side has things currently happening and the left side has things that happened in the past. How the fuck is society so stupid.

I wonder if race bait still works on this site so many years later.

You niggers aren't getting a dime from me fuck off

The things on the left are still "happening" because of the shockwaves. The program is still running and the root system is still there. It takes generations of affirmative action to make up for even onc generation of racism. There have been many generations of it though, so you're in deep debt. Your thin white lips shouldn't have written a check your flat white ass couldn't cash

And black failure has nothing to do with the bell curve whatsoever?

Nah, I'll keep it, thank you very much.

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Hopefully Corona-chan will go through dindu neighborhoods and clear them out a little.

If all your arguments are based on early 1900s pseudo-science do you need to ask?

This is bullshit. The difference is almost entirely caused by classism, designed to keep the poor poor and the rich rich. And this affects both blacks and whites.
The effects of racism are comparatively really small.

According to survey data, a majority of contemporary intelligence researchers believe the black-white IQ gap is due at least partially to genes.

>bread by slave owners for 200 years specifically to be stupid and strong
>muh pseudoscience
i mean it's not your fault you're dumb and violent it's just been bred into your genes.

i grew up dirt poor in a moldy trailer barley surviving on ebt and wic. would you say that a black household with more income would have been entitled to better financial aid than me and my alcoholic mother would have been?

>Keep the blank checks coming whitey

No one gives a shit about your white problems

The most ironic thing, is by remaining obsessed with their victimhood over slavery, they will continue to be slaves of the modern system.

When the system collapses, most of them will die off from not knowing how to be independent and not milking the government through their eternal victimhood.

Stop crying you dumb fucking nigger, your people lost and were enslaved, youre not fucking special.

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hey nigger i fixed your image

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problems don't have a race that situation could have happened to anyone

>bell curve

>Poor people produce poor intelligence
Who knew?

i got it a week or so ago. set aside 900 for rent and plan to use the leftover as living expenses. mainly groceries for a while

>Why are they poor?
>Because whites were meanies who they lost to.

>Because whites were meanies who they lost to
Poverty and bad education happened to black communities for generations. Its literary domino effect. Taking away someone's means building a foundation isn't the same thing as calling a white person "cracker"

Good thing I never took away someone's means building a foundation, yet I still have to reap the consequences for it.

hey dude, are you living better now?
home etc

>yet I still have to reap the consequences for it.

What has been taken away from you besides saying the n word in public?

What causes the Ashkenazi Jewish and gentile white IQ gap?

yeah youre right about that but in a strange way that also effected modern black culture. the black communities that are so under educated and poor are the same communities that glorify violence and think trying to learn anything at school makes you a pussy and they beat the shit out of you. and if you try to escape that environment to try and make something for yourself in the world youre "turning your back on the hood" or whatever. all these communities cry out for financial aid and shit but the never try to change anything about the cancerous culture. how can you teach people that WANT to be stupid?

yeah i joined the air force as soon as i could and now im living on the other side of the country with my wife.


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he just means he's tired of being yelled at by blacks about something some people that don't even have a tangential relation to him who just happened to share his skin color did hundreds of years ago.
also, what rights are you even lacking that white people have

>the black communities that are so under educated and poor are the same communities that glorify violence and think trying to learn anything at school makes you a pussy and they beat the shit out of you.

Not all, or most, blacks are violent or look down on other blacks for educating themselves. People just dont like anyone being bougie and look down on others if they aren't in school. Doesn't mean they dont want others being successful.

Personal responsibility with low racial/class wealth is somewhat meaningless because most people will adapt to what they are inhabiting to. It is possible for an individual to be successful under shitty circumstances, but expecting a whole group to follow the same trope is unrealistic.

Based. Speaking facts to these brainlet racists

nice self reply retard

Bro at least change up your typing pattern when you reply to yourself.