White guys are the only real incels

Im sick of anons on here who are black or brown sayin that theyre incel. You arent, you could just go back home and get a trad wife there and bring her back. White boys cant do that, theyre stuck with western chicks. White and non white zoomer girls literally despise white boys now because of SJW propaganda. All zoomer white boys are now incels because women hate them now. Therefore theyre the only true incels

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I agree in some ways but you are also a faggot nigger bitch.

Yeah, it's over.

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Thoughts and prayers for the white male

You can also go to their home and get a trad wife

white guys are the most privileged next to white women. If you are white you have no room to complain the entire world is catered to you.

>go back home
But I was born in the US. And so were both my parents.

This isnt some bullshit sociology classroom. In the real world white men are the bottom of society

No they really arent user no matter how badly you want to blame your failures on society.

Blacks, as well as whites are not from the Americas, your trad wife is in africa brainlet

They're at the bottom of the social media hierarchy but have the most advantages in the real world. People talk trash online but can't do anything in reality. Log off once in a while and take advantage of being white instead of crying about it

You think that real people arent saying those things? Do you not think it has an impact on how they treat people in the real world?

This bitch gonna die alone lmao

This argument is stupid. The ugliest whitoids can go to a SEA country and everyone will be obsessed with them.

This faggot has been spamming this for years. You are never going to get better. Why don't you just kill yourself and make everyone happy.

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I wanna kill myself

If you're white you can simply go to south east asia and pickup a wife that worships the white man.
The woman there are renowned race traitors and desire happa babies more than any other kind of woman.
No other man is worshipped as hard as the white man.

asian women exist, and as long as that's the case, there's no such thing as a white incel, only volcels/lazycels

>you could just go back home and get a trad wife there and bring her back.
Yeah so she'll get corrupted asap by western degeneracy.
Most "trad" girls from 3rd world countries are shallow and greedy.
They act only modestly because they would be beaten to death if they were sluts.
How many stories I've heard of guy importing a girl from their country to have them slowly grow insolent and bolder and the story usually end up in divorce (after she got the passport).
It's better to get someone from your culture that grew here and is traditional, because you know she truly is sincere and not because of circumstances.
Maybe I'll get a qt waifu from my homeland but no way she'll move there, I'll send her allowance and go visit her.

What's with all the BLACKED threads or retards thinking that black people have it easier with girls? I'm probably the oldest blackbot on this board and never had a single girl show interest in me.

Youre just being humble for the white boys on here

>let's all pretend my raceplay fetish is real guys

Because the happy merchant keeps funding the retarded psyop. One shekel per post about miscegenation and not one shekel more.

Why does every white incel blame his whiteness? You have white privlege including in the dating market- your autism and subhuman looks counteract it.

Not that user but I'm also black so fuck off with that shit
I got rejected by a Mexican bitch because my skin was supposedly "too dark"

This is why I think the BBC is a fucking meme
I got one and I'm a 25 year old virgin

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Someone bring over the statistics of women's racial preferences.

Most of these white girls have white boyfriends, they just spout this bullshit for eclout. I assure you, most of them are even secretly repulsed at the idea of dating a nonwhite.
Fucking hell why do only scandinavians like brown guys ;-;

What about me I'm Asian truly robot tier

asian women are literally obsessed with white guys

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>Malay girls
Isn't against their dumb religion to date non-muslims?
Do they just throw their religion away when seeing a white or korean boy?

I guess you aren't either according to these bleached threads huh?

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