Privileged teen goes to get breast implant

>privileged teen goes to get breast implant
>doctors are retarded fuck up
>she gets left in a coma

Do we feel bad or hate her?

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I mean, all she wanted was to be attractive.
I feel bad for her.

I envy her, wish I wasn't conscious.

I'm lmaoing at her life. Dumb bitch.

>privileged teen goes to get breast implant

I don't hate her but I have no sympathy for her.

Bit of a waste, but shit happens.

She would of just ghosted anyone under the 20% or said okay? Creep to everyone else

lol how can you fuck up putting a plastic bag in a booby so hard that you knock someone into a coma?

I'm not aware of anything she's done wrong, so for now I'll feel bad for her.

she deserved far worse

>ywn fuck her while shes unconcious
Id rather be dead than a potato

She definitely has the face of a spoiled teen who rejects people left and right for a self esteem boost

As long as she wasn't leading them on, I don't see anything wrong with rejecting people.

She would have treated us like scum of the earth. Why should we care about her?

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So what? Some qt becoming a vegetable for a docs fuck up is still a waste
My first guess would be anesthesia gone really bad

She looks beautiful already. She's retarded.

She should have looked into nbe

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>She's retarded.
It's a woman, user.
Of course she's retarded.
And that she he whatever off-brand race she is doesn't help. (can't decide if she's some strange black or if she's south asian; but I can tell she's some sort of dumb mongrel who had decent tits but wanted life to be like the movies)

>bug woman
Ok pedo

I dont feel bad for her nor hate her. She got what she deserved for being so vain and thats all there is to it.

Hate obviously, why would I feel bad for subhuman scum

Doctors are subhuman scum.

how badly did the doctors fuck up to put her in a coma during a breast transplant? is this something that happens regularly?

>As long as she wasn't leading them on, I don't see anything wrong with rejecting people.

You don't see anything wrong with extremely hypergamous behavior? This cunt wouldn't have just rejected you, she would have run you over, spat on your corpse and left you on the ground like roadkill.
This fucking asian piece of shit cunt is the pure evil. CHAD ONLY!

>ywn fuck her while shes unconcious
But you can always masturbate to a comatose patient.

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Oh no, it's retarded
tsop lanigirO

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Really women deserve it for leading on guys and ghosting. No forgiveness for that.

>No man is an island,
>Entire of itself.
>Each is a piece of the continent,
>A part of the main.
>If a clod be washed away by the sea,
>Europe is the less.
>As well as if a promontory were.
>As well as if a manor of thine own
>Or of thine friend's were.
>Each man's death diminishes me,
>For I am involved in mankind.
>Therefore, send not to know
>For whom the bell tolls,
>It tolls for thee.

>breast implants
Epitome of roasties, she probably only fucked the top 20% already and was looking to narrow it down to 10% with some barbie boobies

>I mean, all she wanted was to be attractive.
>I feel bad for her.

Simp. She wouldn't feel bad for you if you were in a coma. She would laugh at you. She is a cunt. She would reject you. Who do you think she wants to be attractive for? For an ugly cunt like you? Hell fucking no, she would reject you on sight. She wanted to be pretty for Chad. Not you. She spits on you. She hates you. Because you're ugly.

I'd say that's pretty funny

Very true. I don't see why some people feel bad for her.