Worst cosmetic surgery

what is the worst cosmetic surgery you've ever seen? for me it was when a girl called kaya (pic related) got lip injections. she was so beautiful before as well

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She's just sticking her tongue out.

god look at her sexy legs. id love to just push her skirt back and use my tongue to slowly move up to her vagina. mm yum. what would it taste like?

falling for a stealth e-cunt thread and indirectly empowering via giving it attention and posting is just as bad as seeking to empower it with attention and posting. lurkers, take note.

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oh user.... bless your innocent heart and mind

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im getting some major lasagna vibes from her

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mmm good thing I love lasagna. id eat her lasagna pussy. and pour hot chocolate on her legs and lick it all off her body than kiss her.

eat warm marshmellows off her thighs. then have her fake lips suck your dick. holy fuck. sounds amazing user

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mmmmmm marshmallows are good. dick is hard thinking about kaspers warm lips and tongue around my cock. before cumming I pull her panties to the side and bust inside of her.

i would just insert the tip of my dick only before cumming, so she gets some in her, so she feels the warm silkly cum, but some also leaks out. and just enough to spread her fluffy plump, i forget the other word, pussy. eating her out would be so much fun while she played animal crossing. if we went out and got pizza shed have me pre chew all the food first for her, like you do with very young kids with hot pizza

mmm the cum would leak out regardless and she'd have those cute little cum farts she'd be embarrassed by. id love to just fuck her passionately while jazz music was in the background making sure she didnt moan too loud to wake her parent(s)

holy shit you are stupid fucking teenager thinking you are superior to others because a below average pale girl sent you a photo. get a fucking life

talk about being salty about not getting cute pics from cute white girls. noogut detected

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cum farts r gross user. shed prefer MGMT and TMBG or marina and the dimonds while having sex. and she shed want to have sex in her room, while her mother was out grocery shopping and her dad was doing something. then youd cuddle with your dick still inside her. actually no, that is better. you go to sleep together, then wake her up at 4 am and bang her. without saying a word or talking about it before hand. your first time together. thats how shed lose her virginity in this ideal world. and you wouldnt talk about it. just pure organic love. she wouldnt have said yes or no, you two would of just fucked at 4am and from there would have natural sex throughout the rest of your time.

ive been married two years. and i used to know little insecure teenagers like you that boast about the most basic shit. the fact that you feel the need to share theese pictures with strangers just reeks of insecurity and a shit attitude in life. you know what imma contact the girl tell her you are sharing her photos

and we'd do it under the covers cause its more hot and steamy that way. and one of the legs of the bed would break from the squeaking. her mother might come home early and get help to carry the groceries in, and walk in on us before saying sorry and shutting the door but we'd keep on going. until I let my sweet cum go deep inside her womb that will produce triplets.

shed love that. shed love the demonstration of my love and respect to her.

triplets? hope you can provide for them cause shell have to quit her grocerystore checkout job to have and take care of them. shed want a barn house as well so hopefully you can buy that for her.

id work my ass off for her to provide all of that yes

Kasper deserves nothing but the best. all these girls do

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i think me and kasper could have so many cute babies. a mix of blonde and ginger. with her freckles and both our pale skin.

weird how she became ginger. how many kids you want. where would you ideally live?

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she would probably want to stay by her family so whereever she lives (nashville?) or id let her choose somewhere else. and we'd make 2-3 kids.

i like the word "make" there. and idk, maybe shed be down to run away and start a new life with you. shed probs want to live close to a nice city but a little bit out

always wanted to move to seattle where it rains a lot, wonder what she thinks of rain. or we'd go somewhere to like colorado and live in the country with the mountains. by a cozy fire every night cuddling on the couch.

sunny days are probably nice so you get to see her freckles. but not too much sun! she could suck your dick under a metal roof as it rains. she could moan alot then.

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and she'd do that thing where she curls her toes when in immense pleasure. good point on the sunny. wonder how she would feel about florida? its sunny and rains there all the time. and we could go to a nice beach and camp out under the stars. where we'd procreate our first child but sand might get everywhere and I mean everywhere

shes been to florida actually. she ate ham there. she enjoyed the ham it seemed like. she said something along the lines of, if not exactly "and I got ham" she said it like "he-yham" if i remember correctly. that was just after something like "we went to a fancy resteruant (and got dinner?)"... "and I just heyhyam"

i cant remember exactly.

i wonder if she met audrey when she was done there. you could fuck her in a little grass tuff just off the sand. or in the water but then sand and stuff would for sure rub on your dick and up instead her, causing her intense pain but at the same time extreme pleasure from the pain for after all pain is pleasure as they say

mm water sex yes, but would rather do it in a pool. those waves crashing down on us trying to make love would be annoying. the sand might cause her to bleed a little bit which is cute.

when she was on her period shed ask you the night before if you wanted breakfast in bed, and youd say yes, unaware, then youd be woken up to her sitting on your face and youd have to consume her period blood and washout legs and utreus lining, all those chunks (like when you have a smootie and say, a peice of frozen cherry isnt fully smoothie-a-fied) or just those delicious cogaulations of gunk which might resemble chicken skin or jellyfish!!! mmmm!!! yummy tastey breakfast treat!!!

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mmm what if she made period bacon like that one person did. id do it either way. suck down all her period blood like a vampire than she would suck my dick as a reward

what in the fuck is wrong with you? why are you like this?

there is nothing wrong with me. it is perfectly natural to want to lick her all over. she would love it too.

>worst cosmetic surgery you've ever seen

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there is nothing wrong with loving beautiful angels

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