Escaping fauxialism/radlib bullshit

Where do you find leftists who aren't hypocritical twitter grade bratty rich kids, simps and and libfems who think that ethots and consooming overpriced 'woke' hoodies from streetwear startups and limited edition switches are 'e m p o w e r m e n t'?

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>thinking they arent all like that
I knew a guy who would buy into the self improvement meme and was somewhat like what you describe and believe me being this retarded and hardcore on this commie bs is even more insufferable

Why would the authoritarian left want a racist, sexist, homophobe in their ranks?

Unironically no where. The far right has been destroyed by force, the far left has been destroyed through subversion. Just like the nazis no long exist because they were killed and banned, the commies no longer exist because the definition of socialism has changed so that it can fit within a neoliberal society. The center has won the great struggle, neoliberalism will reign.

That is pretty rare these days. the real, non-pozzed left is all but dead

What's even the solution?

I'm practically considering just moving into a small town while on my NEETbux and side gigs/fast food and just greyrocking/avoiding any political conflict/shit/confrontation as much as I possibly can. And just living a blase/comfy life.

That or even a large and non-gentrified city/metro area in the midwest/northeast/sunbelt - since it's cheaper, less vapid and filled with far less aggressive west coaster SJWs and less neolib/radlib and libfem bullshit.

I would assume a good place to look would be people who are actually involved in trade unions and shit like that. Get involved in whatever local leftish organizations there are in your area that don't meet on a university campus. On the internet tho, you're probably just going to find college kid LARPers because they're the loudest fucking people in the online left.

Holy fuck, listen to yourself. You're not even speaking English at this point. Get OFF the internet for two seconds and go outside.

Not even speaking english?

An apolitical life where you don't strive for social change is the happiest one yes, even Ted kaczynski admitted this in his manifesto which was all about revolution. If all you want is to live a happy life, drop politics.

This and it's glorious

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I'm too fucking spaced out and stupid to get far in any hyperindividualist activism against the grain like Ted. And it's not fucking worth the stress.

I just want to block out all of this external bullshit and be carefree/out of the mainstream and doing what I enjoy without any cynicism towards the system.

If some SJW is going to sperg out on me IRL or online about injustices or percieved microaggressions, i'd rather just dissociate and be like 'yeah, yeah, yeah, right on, sorry' and move the fuck on. Likewise with alt righters.

you still buy into the false dichotomy and left-right distinction, which is entirely meaningless now
there is no 'far left' in a socialist sense anymore - its been totally subverted by capital. There need be no more proof of this than simply asking the question
>what do trans rights have to do with workers rights?
to which there is no answer because its patently absurd and most genuine workers loathe trannies
equally, the 'far right' has been reduced to libertarian clowns and, a more sincere movement, demons. The cry of 'fascist' or 'nazi' is as meaningless as 'meanie'
the real dichotomy is between materialism and spiritualism. The socialist left has forever been immersed in materialism and, because of this, they have been sublimated into capitalism: a simply superior form of materialism. The 'far right', because of its essentialism, cannot be made to kowtow to capitalism. However, it is largely crippled by being overly reactionary, historical (as is the left) and confused
i would love a genuine 'leftist' socialist workers movement: one which believes in worker's rights without the glaring contradictions and secret loathing for the class it purports to support

I also want to know where to find leftists, just got a new helicopter I want to test out.

sad reacts only. America first finna rise up doe.

>what do trans rights have to do with workers rights?
Easy, without trans rights they can be discriminated against in employment and housing. If you're transgender and you work at Walmart or some shit, and you can get fired for being trans and evicted from your apartment, you're shit out of luck. Doesn't sound very good for the worker's rights of workers who happen to be some flavor of transgender. But of course I will get shit on for saying this because we're on Yas Forums and it's popular to shit on the trannies, even amongst supposed leftists.

I'm all for supporting transpeople.

My biggest gripe; is where do we draw the line and put moderation/rational thinking on it? Trans rights got hijacked by alot of sociopathic douches who think EVERYTHING is a microagression against them and will use their identity as an excuse to get away with doing malicious/toxic shit. Also; the AGP maskers who want to indulge in their fetishes IRL.

How do we push out the bad apples that make up a significant chunk of the trans population?

AGP is a toxic, alt-right myth by white people.

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>to which there is no answer because its patently absurd and most genuine workers loathe trannies
What is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."?
You think communism excludes the disabled? Lmao

I agree that there are a lot of problems in the trans community, especially online. There's a specific subset of (usually) trans women who probably have other mental issues, who get really fucking triggered over everything and stir up shit for no reason. What to do about this? I can't really say, because I'm not trans and I don't pay too close of attention to what goes on in that community, but I guess that's for them to figure out internally. It seems like people's well-meaning instinct to try and not step on people's toes goes too far sometimes in this case. Wish I had a better answer for you, senpai, it sounds like we probably don't disagree on that much.

In jungles in 3rd world countries. Try the philippines, india, and latin america.

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Joining an actual leftist political movement, not some larper on twitter.
There are none in your city?

Hi there, OP. Leftist here. I grew up in a debilitated house with holes punched into the drywall by an abusive mom and food stamps. Clawing my way up to the middle class without any help from anybody was a hellish experience, and I now view the world as a very hostile place that we need to pull together to face. I don't like SJWs and I have some respect for the capitalism, but I also believe there are industries that capitalism should never touch, such as healthcare.

I'm a member of the DSA, I donated a lot to Bernie, I vote, and I actively pester people to get involved like me. Listen to Chapo Trap House sometimes for the meme value.

Anyway, just posting to tell you that there are very, very few people like us - meaning people who have genuine convictions from hard lives. Most people (regardless of political persuasion) are very brainwashed, and haven't had to actually have their ideals tested in any tangible way. There are tons of pampered rich kids or people with HUGE family support networks that believe they have lived "the struggle" and that they "get it", but those people are mostly full of shit.

Just make friends, try your best to contribute to your preferred "good cause", take care of yourself, and take solace in the fact that conservatives ALWAYS lose in the end; that's why they're conservatives. As the younger generation replaces the old, their influence wanes. It is inevitable. You already knew this, but it's a point which I feel the need to reiterate often.

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Honetly Tumblr has some great leftists. They span from nazbol to radfem to honest unionists.

>They span from nazbol to radfem to honest unionists.
and about 90% of them being upper middle class white kids that have never struggled in there life.

Says the rich first worlder who was born into wealth that billions of people can only dream of ever having access to.
You don't need to be poor and down on your luck to be empathetic.

Does anyone have recommendations for leftist news pages/sites/youtube channels that lack twitter larper bias/bullshit and binary thinking/shallow shit?

leftism is a dead meme

Most of the popular things will get into a bit into id politics, but theres a lot of material with little of it.

Whats your point of "ok, this is too much"?

Social Justice Activism is good; Social Justice Warriors are bad. There's a fine line between the two.

Also; I do believe in both class consciousness and systematic bias/oppression towards different identities/ethnicities/etc.

I like material with a good psychological/mental health studies and sociological emphasis.

I feel that this socialist mentality that their ideology is inevitable as is demonstrated in your post only hurts their cause. What benefit is there to saying "We are going to win in the end for sure."? That just makes supporters of your cause more likely to gravitate towards apathy, which is also demonstrated in your post. I feel like neo-fascist propaganda is much better in this respect, they do not represent their ideology as inevitable, instead they represent it as the underdog fighting well above its weight. This gives its supporters a feeling that they need to give it everything they have, as the fight is impossible to win otherwise.
Pic related, neo-fascist propaganda. Notice how it symbolizes the movement as a mere plant, a hope if you will. This is to spur them into action while making sure not to demoralize them in the process. Seems like a better strategy if you ask me. If you truly want people to take action then i would look into optics.

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Philosophy Tube its a leftist youtuber, probably the most famous and with the highest production quality, but also talks about gender and the like (he himself is bi and made a video about it). Dont know if he would be your taste.

Chapo Trap House, like the other user mention, its a trash tier leftist community, good for memes and the occasional news, with a bit of casual discussion. Dont expect enlightened people, take it as the leftist equivalent of a more polite and less trashy Yas Forums.
But I think their heart is in the right place.