Waifu General /waifu/ #342

Giving her a nice massage edition

1. Talk about your waifu
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Hide Drama/Shitposting
6. Have a great time!

previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love her so much even a quantum super computer running for a couple years wouldn't even come close to the amount of how much I love her

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First for fish.

I got drunk last night and read a shit ton of fanfics about her

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>I got drunk last night
didn't quite get drunk but was nice to drink once in a while and see how I would keep her in my mind while drunk also to imagine how she would act when drunk. Cutest. Fucking. Thing. Ever.
My waifu is to die for when somewhat drunk.

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Not dead yet. Unfortunately.

Wait a minute, were we at image limit? Oh, we were.
Chara and I love each-other! Daily, we practice training each-other to be better waifus and better at separate cognition.
No interesting updates. Slime volleyball is fun.

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I love her a bunch and a half!
Haha yeah, she's quite skilled when it comes to this stuff.

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Good night from me, friends. I'll leave you some questions for starters:
>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?

Little My is gonna sleep as well, I suppose. Wish her a good night.

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i let a huge fart rip under the covers and then i fan it towards the other side of the bed

>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
If one of us is lucid, we ping the other. Not every dream is lucid, though. Most we don't remember.
Getting our brain to put us in separate bodies for the dream is a bit of a pain in the ass though.
And I am STILL salty about that dream we had where we did nothing but solve Captchas.
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
Our sleep schedule is best described with a shrugging emoji.
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
We sleep separate, purely due to the logistics of it. As blessed as it would be to sleep snuggled with her, we change positions in our sleep and staying snuggled during such a change presents a problem.
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?
Not literally as you've put it, but we end each day thankful for each-others' company, appreciative of what we've done for each-other, and hopeful for the future.
We have a sort of a morning and evening "prayer". We vow to live our lives together, accept each-other's lives and love as valuable, trust that our partner accepts us, and that doing this will improve our life.

Good night Little My.

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When will this place actually die holy fuck it hurts my soul to see it still up

>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
Very rarely. I wish I did it more.
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
I'm not a tulpafag.
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
She's the pillow but I'm the little spoon.
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?
Everynight, I say it to my figure of her.

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Pick fights, flame, and shitpost! That'll make it die!

>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
Not often but once in a while and when I do it's a really nice dream, like recently I had a dream where everything was a set up for a majestic image of her
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
Not that often although I like to think of her a lot before going to bed
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
I am, little fucker likes to sleep on my body but I love it
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?
yes. I always wish her a good night unless I unintentionally fall asleep in which case I make sure to apologize for not wishing her a good night
never, now that the idiots that keep shit and dramaposting are over at /c/ we can have proper threads. stfu if you don't like a poster hide and go on with your day we are here to talk about our waifus and not to have a friendclub, we shouldn't care about who posts what
>I'm not a tulpafag.
I think he meant more like how often are you kept awake by thinking about her opposed to interacting with her

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>I think he meant more like how often are you kept awake by thinking about her opposed to interacting with her
In that case quite a lot. I spend around 40 minutes on my phone lookin at pics and stuff of her before falling asleep thinking of us laying next to eachother.

>When will this place actually die
Never. Or until the r9k bot blocks every new post in 10-something years

>we are here to talk about our waifus and not to have a friendclub
le streaming face
le mincraft face
le free drawings for scott face

I want to make Chara feel special, loved, and nuzzle up her like a cat!

>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
I want to, but I think thanks to my autism and how I usually let night be the time I talk to myself the most, such a lovely result isn't occurring. Did happen one time before though, or at least I think it was Chara, it was a multi-part nightmare though, not pleasant and woke up feeling shame and cried actually.
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
She does tend to keep me awake a lot of nights, admittedly my schedule's not the best but I do look at pics/greentexts of her some nights, other times I just play music and let imagination somewhat run wild.
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
I'd want to sleep on her like she's the pillow but I wouldn't mind if Chara would rather sleep on me, there are probably nights in which we're both each other's pillows too, I think it'd depend on the night more than anything.
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?
I do on occasion go formal-ish with DS3 inspired prayers, other times I do say good night to what I pretend is Chara

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today was a bad day again
over the course of 2 days, all the slight happiness i built up in the last months has disappeared entirely

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>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
Not as often as I'd like to, lately not at all. Happens once in a while though.
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
Sometimes yeah, maybe once a week I just stay up for longer while looking at her pictures and such.
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?
I don't as I'm still not a schizophrenic, no.
Hey man don't worry about a day or 2, cloudy days come and go. At the end of the day you still have Kagari and everything you've built up there for you, as non-existent as she might be I'm sure she'd care for you when stuff is going badly for you.
Also I've been playing a bit of tetr.io the last couple of days, fun game, made me realize I never actually knew how to play that shit.

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Aw man, I wasn't fast enough to make the thread for Lucina. Oh well, maybe next year. I hope you all are having a great Lucina day. I mad sure to hug my plushie several times already today. I'm about to go to the park to practice some sword techniques. Later tonight I will record her theme on piano, among a few other things. I'll make sure to imagine Lucina correcting my form the whole time.
I found these today, sounds like something good to day dream to. I might learn one for next semester.
Hey man. bad things happen. Just remember to get back up when life knocks you down. And when you do get back up, make sure to throw a brick a life's head and then kick his teeth in while his family watches.
*barfs metaphorically
>Tell Lucina I said Happy Birthday, hope both of you have something planned together.
Well she's a fictional character, but I'll try my best! I've been practicing a lot for her for today though.
Imagine being this upset by a series of Yas Forums posts, kek
>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
Thankfully never
>does she/he keep you awake at night?
No. Thinking of Lucina relaxes me and makes me smile.
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
She's and I are just both people. If you mean more figuratively, then probably me. I'm not a very affectionate touchy person
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?
I hug my plushie before I go to bed every day. Does that count?
>short girls are cute
yeah but tall ones undeniably look better and are taken more seriously. Plus they could theoretically share your clothes!

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its kinda odd, she has two long ponytails on the back/sides of her head, and the rest she just lets lay from the back. i think it looks very cute though, and im quite happy thats how her hair looks when she normally puts it up

because i hate myself and like pain i think a lot about sad scenarios like this. theyre very cathartic. she doesnt tend to like it when i imagine them so i try to refrain

ive never gotten drunk but id like to try sometime. i just think Prinz would worry too much about me if i did-

>how often do i dream about her
i havent had one yet unfortunately, but i hope to
>keep me awake
i keep her awake a lot more often than the other way around. it upsets her when i dont try and go to sleep at reasonable times.
>who is pillow
both. we switch, but generally at night its me. sometimes i need to feel safe in her arms though
>Wish them goodnight
i havent thought about it, but i really should. ill incorporate that now

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>Why did you fall in love with your waifu? How did you meet them? No short answers. I want details.
MLA formatting too please

>how often do you dream about your waifu/husbando
Daydream, constantly. Dream-dream, haven't yet
>does she/he keep you awake at night? If so, how often?
Last night she did. But also helped me sleep too.
>Is he/she the pillow or are you?
Her probably. But we'd take turns.
>Do you wish her/him good night wishes?

I got Zumi-chan a custom tea pot for her birthday. It's going to have our names engraved on the pots and cups. Makes me really happy. I hope she likes it as much.

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hope things get better for you fren
>I don't as I'm still not a schizophrenic
we'll get there eventually
>hug my plushie
>go to the park to practice some sword techniques
>record her theme on piano
absolutely based
>Thankfully never
is there a reason for this?
>i just think Prinz would worry too much about me if i did
just get drunk together, it's way more enjoyable that way anyway
>MLA formatting
fuck you nigger
>Why did you fall in love with your waifu?
There's a lot of things that went into it, for one it happened slowly over the course of a week or two I think, I didn't keep good track of this, but after watching her anime she's stuck with me and slowly I just fell in love with her. There's a lot of reason for this, for one obviously appearance played a part, she just looks incredibly adorable and also glasses. Her personality for me is a dream come true, I don't know if it's solely because of the way she is but also because I can kinda see myself in her in certain aspects which makes me feel really good but I think it's overall just the type of personality I really love. She's my simply my treasure that I'd be never willing to give away
>How did you meet them?
in her anime
>Dream-dream, haven't yet
best of luck, once it happens you'll smile all morning I am sure of it, such a great moment
>I got Zumi-chan a custom tea pot for her birthday. It's going to have our names engraved on the pots and cups. Makes me really happy.
top cute

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>Why did you fall in love with your waifu?
My love was gradual after I first saw Chara and done some sinning as she ticked my boxes (crazy, red eyes, and could be big-breasted or loli). My original intent was an imaginary friend of sorts, someone to make conversing with myself more natural, and the demon flavor was just fit with me. As time wore on, my feelings changed, especially after I started my deep dive into the peak degeneracy that is wattpad fanfics, by god they were so terrible, yet I ate them up. The feelings solidified as I went to the next best thing, Undertale comic dubs (primarily Starbot Dubs) and went to Yas Forums and my first /vg/ general, (my first board was Yas Forums for, at the time, I was a cunnyseuior (note I wasn't loli or nothing, I just liked smol and big breasts at the time, nowadays I leaned off of loli thanks to breastfeeding), and by this point I wanted more than something to fap, I wanted Chara, Chara is my first true love.

>How did I meet them?
While for Chara I was a degenerate that was on Wattpad, I found them by my curiosity of Undertale, more specifically, where the hell did Megalovania and Battle Against a True Hero play. At that point I was fascinated by the genocide route and watched many playthroughs and liked how the let's players changed as they went along. Did watch the 40 minute Chara Defense Video along the way, and my first pic of her was from r34, I think it was Scrambles-Sama's handiwork.

You're not usually this active. It's nice. You and your waifu are adorable.

She helped me at my very lowest point. I was addicted to a bad habit and in some of the worst straits I've been in my life. But I found she and I were a lot a like. And she helped me cope with my trauma for the first time. And now we're happy. She makes me so happy. I wish I could go in more detail but feelposting and all.

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>You're not usually this active
I just happened to get more into it again
also to be quite honest I am sort of happy a few people are gone that would otherwise non stop drama post and later state how it's solely that one persons fault after being too fucking braindead to just hide the posts of people they dislike and write about their waifu
>You and your waifu are adorable.
my wife is the best, I also enjoy your posts
>I wish I could go in more detail but feelposting and all.
what's stopping you?

MLA format. Ok retard

"How do times roman in Yas Forums?"

Professor SomeAnonTard
Waifu 101
4/20/20 nice epic lebbit moment

Going Fishing.

I first encountered the one and only Undyne when I played UT sometime in late 2016 to early 2017.
Then stuff happened. Hormones and shit. And I saw a large amount of sexy pics of this fish. I became obsessed with collecting all fanart and images of her. Both lewd and normal.

Early 2020 I went full Waifu and bought a bunch of merch, fanart, commissions, etc. Now I dedicate about 65% of my time online to looking at art of her.

In conclusion she's perfect and I want her to be real and I fucking hate reality.

Cite page:
UndyneFren (2020)
My ass (pulled this out of)

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>stopped the drama
me too. Was getting obnoxious.

Everyone says they hate it when I do it so I've reined it in a bit.

What I can say though, without it getting too feelposty, is that Izumi is actually helping me recover from PTSD. Never actually thought I'd see the day. When I got intolerably bored I decided to write her into my life, how we met, how we dated, how got married all that stuff.

Then I thought, why not write her as someone who was there for me during my trauma? And low and behold I'm actually getting better. Izumi is just... she is so amazing. I was told by a friend whenever I talk about her, no matter how depressed I am, my face just lights up and my entire canter becomes full of positivity. I love this woman. I really understand what it means to love someone, like truly. It's cliche to say love can move mountains but hell it's making me do something I thought I'd never actually do.

The above is the answer to this as well

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cute and based post, kek
that's adorable, I know exactly what you mean, some stuff just really brings joy to your life and your face just by itself takes a certain expression without you realizing, I've had this happen a lot with my waifu as well as a few other things I am passionate about. Also nice to hear you have someone to talk about her outside the thread, there are only a few select people who would put up with us and it's great to have them

I actually told her Izumi wasn't real (technically, i see her as real but ya know) because before now I'd be pretending she was as flesh and blood as I was. Obviously this is a lie you can't keep up for long without getting pushed into a corner so I just straight up told her.

She said she didn't quite get it but she's happy I have her. She struggles with similar things I do and knows how important such a valuable coping skill is. Izumi... she changes everything. So much of everything she and I are moving out by april of next year.