How can i earn your trust?
How can i earn your trust?
You can't, trust is dumb.
But you could convince me the risks are worth taking.
get me to mars, or quantum computing, which either is first
In my current state its probably impossible. I tend to hold on to my fears lol
Pretty pointless aside from milestone
Get me materials that can have zero electrical resistance without having to get near absolute zero temperatures
>If you're a biological straight man
Don't be a faggot.
>biological straight woman
>Anything else
Kill yourself, Unironically and in real life.
You cannot.
Make me a nice necklace.
I want it to have 3 fingers of your dominant hand.
Then I'll trust you.
What's wrong with trusting someone? I think that complete trust isn't even possible but certainly there are degrees in which you can put people further up or down in it so certain things you'd be more comfortable doing or sharing other perhaps never but that's fine, i suppose it's a measure of how comfortable you are on doing things that could affect you or other people perpective on you, you don't have to be completely comfortable with it just enough for you do to the thing that is to be done, to get past the threshold of action i suppose so convicing you to get there would be essentially the same as earning some amount of trust, then how can someone convince you it's worth it? I suppose sharing it wouldn't be a gift on itself, you need to have some perception of the risks so convincing you that they are minimalized should be possible as well, offering something for it except the fact of you sharing yourself with someone else seems to be way harder for me than just giving complete loyalty if you can't perceive that, i suppose even trial by fire wouldn't work for you.
I don't get it.
The one thing i have going on for me is time, wouldn't being around with someone for long enough help you in giving some amount of trust? Anything else would require you to try something as well, can he trust you, do you think?
Maybe you're thinking about the workplace? Or consistency? I'm thinking about interpersonal relationships, wouldn't intention or lack of malice count for something? No one does things perfectly.
So you trust just about anyone that isn't gay or a woman? That's very doubtful.
So, a trial to prove commitment?
I don't know. I made a thread about my trust issues earlier today. I was hoping someone could give me advice on how to trust people again, but there wasn't much
By providing something that I want, then building rapport and making yourself vulnerable to me in exchange.
>So you trust just about anyone that isn't gay or a woman?
Or in this case: a mass replying avatar fagger.
Shouldn't i reply to everyone that replies to me? Do you wish it was special, just me and you? Anyway i've asked a question and instead you gave me a meme opnion about women.
So why do you have a hard time trusting someone?
So being a really good friend and being vulnerable, in that case trusting you? It sounds simple only, i'd think most if not everyone is like that even if they might think otherwise, it's bad for me.
>So why do you have a hard time trusting someone?
People scare me. Pretty much everyone I know hurts me
Online too? I think that if everyone you know hurts you are probably too sensitive and that they aren't really trying to hurt you or have any malice, at some of them mustn't, you should probably communicate things better and let them know how and why you're feeling like that or try to hang around people that wouldn't be dismissive, how do they hurt you?
Intentions don't really matter to me. As an example, I'll use a girl that I """dated.""" She started dating me after she broke up with someone. Badically a rebound. It was rocky the whole time, but I was in a bad place and couldn't get myself away from her. She would always trivialise things I said amd accuse me of things that weren't true. The latter half of our relationship was her just coming around to use my PS4. By the end of it she even admitted that she wasn't even attracted to me. I just spoke to her for the first time in almost two years last month because she wanted to "check on me" and she said that she never meant any harm towards me. What people mean to do and what they actually do are vastly different. To answer your question about people online, probably not really. I just don't really connect with them, partially because of my disposition
>sleeps with other guys
>HoW cAN i eARn yOuR TRuSt?
Hahahahahahahahaah ahahahahahahahahaha
>never meant any harm towards me
She's lying, she meant what she did. Women "check up" on their exes to either sleep with them, take advantage of them for material gain, or to free themselves by either deluding themselves into thinking that wasn't them who hurt you it was someone else because she would NEVER do anything like that normally, or to ignore your emotional state to unburden herself emotionally (complain about her crush and or boyfriend, or absolve her sins without actually caring about you aka NEEDING to explain something aka bullshit). You keep doing you my king and don't let these cunts keep you down. I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.
I don't think that's a very good example, it just sounds like she is a bad person and was using you fully aware you were going to be hurt, that's the kind of person you should stay away from, that's like someone cuting a line in front of you and saying they didn't mean to make you wait longer they just want to order faster, she didn't care much about you, how about someone that cares about how you feel and actually wont try to hurt you, of course there's a balance of personal gain and how much they could do for you with everyone, as in how much would they get hurt to not hurt you kind of thing but really doesn't sound like it's anything like that with that girl she just didn't think of you at all and she's a bad person, what's your disposition? Not trusting people? I think you don't really have to trust people to get talking to them and have some fun, once something is build you can look about for trusting them or things like that, i suppose i understand about not really connecting with people, i'm not sure what that even means but it doesn't stop me from trying at least.
I agree that she's a bad person, I don't understand how it's a bad example, though. Maybe I should have added that we knew each other before we started dating and I didn't think she was like that. At the expense of sounding like a whiny bastard, but to attempt to prove my point, I'll give you a list. My mom beat me and worse. I've had a friend that was only my friend because his dad wanted to bang my mom. I've had a friend lie about me to a girl that I liked that also liked me so that we wouldn't get together. I've had multiple friends that just kept me around because they wanted me to do youtube or streaming or some shit because they thought I was funny. I had a friend that was my only friend at the point and I was his that stole from me and ditched me once he started talking to people online. There's more, but I can't be bothered, plus those aren't even including strangers. Yeah, that's what I meant by "my disposition." I don't really get a point to just having fun with someone if I can't bring myslef to care about them and I haven't really stopped trying
Yeah, I assume she was up to something. She probably was just trying to show off that she had a girlfriend considering that she had tried to do that once before. I don't forgive or like her
As an example of people not doing as they say, like saying they don't want to hurt but doing it anyway, when i think of something like that i think in something like i told you about personal gain or feelings, as genuinely not wanting to hurt them but doing it anyway, perhaps because they think they know better or believe things will get better in a relationship or not looking to get hurt themselves, all of those involve the person caring and think about them and how they feel even if they are hurting them in some way, in your example she just doesn't care about you she says she doesn't want to hurt you but she wouldn't sacrifice a bag of chips for your well being so she just used you for some trivial thing, i'm pretty sure she just looks at you as some casual friend and nothing more, so yes she doesn't care aside then sinking her time playing your PS4, the difference is in caring about you and thinking about how you feel not just being completely selfish with no forethought. Well, it sounds the same most of them, people not really caring about you and using you for their own self interest despite they not holding any malice per se if you get invested it still hurts you, people aren't obligated to care about you desu, it does sound like you need to carefully choose who you put any stock in, so does everyone, and everyone does that it's normal, i'd say none of them were ever truly your friends but just people that you hanged out with except the people that thought you were funny and wanted to see your streams, i can't really tell then but i don't see the harm.
You do need to carefully choose who you invest yourself with and there should be a screening process before anything, so i don't see how you can't have fun and talk or do whatever with someone you don't know much about, with enough time spent together you can get a pretty good feel as to what a person is, if you can or cannot care about them i don't know but you should definitely try to have something to do with good people and not just those you see something in them, whatever that is i don't really know, that's kind of what i mean by trying, perhaps you have an inclination to care more for the sort of people that wouldn't care for you, i'm mostly talking in a online setting here i can't really picture it irl, from what i understand irl is usually very impersonal and casual relationships and people don't put too much on it and will definetely back stab and leave you for something else at any sign of not feeling it with you or unhappiness, what you should do is talk to new people and find out whether they are good or not while at the same time trying to find someone you care for, it never starts with you caring so you can just be casual and impersonal as well, try to move on to something more after that if you feel like it's safe enough, i suppose it's important to find someone that cares about you at the end.
Well if she cheated on you then don't bother with her, there isn't any coming back after breaking someones trust like that.
Most of those weren't short term relationships. The guy who stole from me was my best friend for five years and I didn't think he would hurt me me. Also, I want to clarify that the people who wanted me to do youtube stuff didn't want me to do stuff on my own, they wanted me to do stuff with them to help their channels grow. You're probably right about me being drawn in by those types of people, though. I really don't know how to tell if people are good. I'm not the brightest, espescially when it comes to people. I'm not really sure what I'll do, but I don't really want to give up yet. I'm just stuck right now. Thanks for talking to me, btw
Perhaps it weared out, he got sick of you and found something better then he just took whatever and moved on, i don't know but unless you did something to upset them too, a good person wouldn't steal anything let alone from someone they knew for 5 years, i had some friend that turned into awful people before too and cut them off pretty fast, we weren't that big of friends though but i knew him since childhood, people can turn sour really quick especially if they have other people and things in their life, i don't think he really cared for you at any point anyway if not just as casual friends. I don't see the problem with people wanting to put you in their channel, if they left and you weren't friends anymore after you said no then it's something else. I think everyone can be bad or good depending on circumstances, i suppose empathy is a straightforward way to tell, anyway it takes a lot of time and experience with them to tell for sure and it's relative for who's judging, i'd say getting them to care for you is the most important part, i'm not sure how it is your relations with your friends but i'd say try to talk about personal things more or things like that, if they just dismiss it too often they most likely don't care for you. I'm not a good judge either and a lot of input is needed, as an example from what you said here, personal things, vulnerability, etc, it makes me think you're a not bad as a first impression. I'd say talk to different people and get to know them better on a personal level is what you could do. Thank you, it gives me something to do.
He probably didn't. Since I was the only person who was friends with him I assume I was just better than nothing. That's how it seems with a lot of people. The guys I was talking about only wanted me to be on their youtube channel/stream, sorry I didn't make that clear. I've been doing my best to talk to people about personal things more. I've only got 2 irl friends and one internet friend. One of the irl ones pays attention when I say things that are important to me, the other one doesn't seem to care. The internet friend I'm not sure about. I'm sorry that it seems like you've had some bad experiences, too. I'm glad that you think I don't seen bad, though. I have no idea how to find people to talk to, espescially irl. I don't go to school and I haven't had a job for a good while
>How can i earn your trust?
You can never, since you post on this board.
Just because they only have you doesn't necessarily mean they care for you or think you're special it depends on the person i suppose but them only having you would certainly help you get there i think, the problem is that they could just be with you because they really have no other option so it might make it easy for you to think they care about you, it also means that if they do find other people or things for them they might be quick to ditch you too so you get left just with a waste of time, i suppose people that don't know better are attractive for being easier to get them to care for you perhaps but it also doesn't breed much security, then again i find that most people are quick to leave regardless so i you shouldn't be too surprised, people don't want to commit to anything especially if doesn't make them feel good all the time. You should get an idea already if they listen to your problems, you should know about their personal things too and project them into yourself and vice versa, try to understand each other rather than just listening. I didn't had that many bad experiences i don't think, it was mostly just casual friendships i had so it doesn't bother me now. Do you need more people to talk to? You have 3 people to try things out with, i'd say that's plenty to get to know personally at least for me it is, i can only be "best friends" with one people at a time and it's only one i need, if you are to much effort in it, it should be only one i believe otherwise it's too disposable.
Well so do you, do you think you aren't trusttworthy? I don't think posting here really means anything, it's easy to see who fits in what group.
I kinda want more people to talk to, but I'm not too concerned about it. I don't think I'm gonna talk to my one irl friend for much longer because he doesn't really pay that much attention to me/what I say. My online friend has been slowing down talking to me, but not so much that I think we'll stop talking or anything. I guess if anything I'd like to try dating again, but I have even less going for that
But you still have that one irl friend that seems more promising, that's all i would need but i don't know where to meet more people irl, do some activities or join a church or social media, the process to finding a friend and a gf is pretty much the same so i wouldn't worry to much about it.
Yeah, I've heard that. The only reason I want some more friends is so that I don't ever seem too overbearing on the one I have. I've never had luck with social media, but it's still my best bet. Church isn't for me, though. Did that when I was a kid. I'm still trying to figure out what stuff around me there is to meet people at
I understand though ideally the other person would just as interested in talking and i suppose being overbearing might not be a bad thing as it shows interest but it depends on the person, just doing stuff like joining karate classes or some other thing like that could help, generally people meet people through the people they know, maybe in the same way you've met these two people, i'd also say don't stop talking to the other person just be casual or whatever just don't expect anything from them.