Monday minecraft madness. Show us yer bases.
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what the fuck is a minecraft
Can't believe I'm saying this but I'm fucking gutted the Eurovision has been cancelled, the one fucking year there are more than three decent songs it gets cancelled.
Especially with songs like this
you dont know what a mine craft is?
Bf still ignoring me...
Ally McBeal is kino
Don't ever let me catch you suggesting it isn't
Video yourself fingering your arsehole then send it to his father. He'll give you attention after he's been told off,
soz are nesk a just dunt lark yer ner moor
sent him a pic of you with your mouth open and 'l'm hungry daddy'
Have yourself ride a dildo and post it here for the lads on /britfeel/, plenty of us will be saluting and thanking you for your cervix.
Why's he ignoring you? + How can you tell?
Just got off the phone with peckham lads, it's not looking good, he's been nicked, he wants us to send him drawings soaked in alloy wheel cleaner
Not HIM but, nice. But that fella has a cock n balls arrangement going on in the knicker department.
Been going on Yas Forums again recently due to the virus. Try to avoid too much of the catalog though
daft cunt like this is my im glad we dont have guns
ffs lad, this shit is killing me
I don't drive, would look suspect going into halfords for that.
I've got some cillit bang in the bathroom, would that do?
big bowl of fried rice with a freezing cold glass of iced coffee
feels good
I've got a folliculitis breakout on my bum, I can't show it
I've been looking in CVG and some other threads on there. Some of it's not too bad, sort of.
hey what about my open mouth daddy idea?
Hairy bum syndrome? Can't you go get some essential imax or whatever it is? that hair cream removal stuff?
Yas Forums would be fine if the actual board itself wasn't riddled with the most blatant shit posting and race baiting known to man
it'd also be far, far better if the average user wasn't there PURELY to use le n word and argue with people who post blacked webms then spread that shit all over the rest of the site
the people actually interested in politics are fun to talk to especially now they've moved on from capitalism and have become eco fascist
I'm not into that daddy thing
nah you want the good stuff with ghb or gbl in it lad
you did well reading that. try salicylic acid on yer bum
what about 'sir' or 'el patron'?
10 days until my galaxy buds arrive
corrrrrrrrrrr thiiiis keeetamiiiineee isssss phatttt inniittttt
Yas Forums could use an ideology board to talk about political philosophy rather the edgy stuff that pol is filled with
>user, I'm really sad I lost the race today
>c-can we have some pity sex?
>she accepted the Instagram follower request
well, there's a deposit to the wank bank
they have one, it's called /lit/ but because it actually requires you to read the source material instead of just headlines/looking at webms all the shitters go to Yas Forums
nice one mate. can you give us an update every day?
Cutting the wanking down to twice a week. Simple as.
I don't have a hairy bum
I might try that sometime, I'm sick of shaving
I wash it with salicylic acid and lactic acid every day. Maybe it's making it worse?
i assumed lit was just about books
>hey user, let's go for a cycle!
>I was thinking of 100 miles today!
Ambitious lad
Lockdown has doubled my coom production
Wonder what the fuck is actually wrong with him, reckon its bipolar or schizophrenia myself
Kanye? He's aspergian.
that's literally what ye is about man
Not sure lad, might be okay. He said koi carp tranq is good too but I'm not sure what he means.