I have been trying to break out of the blue pilled, media addicted lifestyle for a while now and I found a few channels on Youtube that offer good advice for men to follow.
Does anyone else have any suggestions or advice?
This is a good video I was watching this morning for example exposing gender roles and reality for women and men in today's society.
Alpha male / Redpill lifestyle advice
drink water. tap water.
Tap water has toxic chemicals and estrogen in it that Men should not drink. Don't listen to this person. Get a water filter.
no drink tap water, this individual works for the clinton foundation trust me, drink as much tap water as possible
These are all jewish NWO shills. You should only drink sewage to strengthen your immune system.
I have sources that tell me this man actually works for Fauci and AoC. Do not listen to him, you should consume s-oy if you want to be an alpha male with high testosterone.
>advocates for women wearing makeup
Stopped watching this retard there.
Real Men should not consume onions either because it has estrogen and makes you more feminine and docile. Stop trolling my thread please.
>I have been trying to break out of the blue pilled, media addicted lifestyle
> I found a few channels on YouTube
I never said they should eat onions, obviously those have estrogen. I said they should eat so.y
These are all gay satanists. Real men should only consume cute girl pee.
So you will jump from being a failure to being a clown?
No more like leveling up from being a sheep to a wolf.
Spit out the blue pill and upgrade yourself as a man.
Do what you want bro, but remember that even if you manage to improve, it will be at the price of your heart and soul, and the prize will be the lowest of the low woman.
Honestly wish you the best
You should watch the video I posted. As a man of value, you will be able to find a woman of Value. Not a cheap slob but a virtuous woman who recognizes you as an Alpha and gives you the respect you earned.
man i remember being 17 too
the most "alpha" thing you can do is not give a shit what others think of you. Basing your personality/identity on social expectations of masculinity is or isn't a surefire way to set yourself up for failure.
Just bee urself, but unironically
Im actually 29 but nice try. Enjoy just being yourself when you are objectively a weak loser who lives in mommies basement and plays video games while real men are out here leveling up every day In real life
says the weak loser that needs a fucking youtube video to explain how to be manly
Everyone in this thread is a tranny psyop shill. You should only consume manly man poop to absorb the residual testosterone in it.
real men don't take masculinity advice from Youtube.
As a gamer, I level up everyday. In fact, I'm close to leveling up right now, and you look like just enough EXP.
>Im actually 29 but nice try.
was this supposed to be a gotcha? Now I just feel bad for you
dude dont do it. dont do it dude do not
>I'm actually 29
What does my age matter? Men mature later then women.
Anyway I just made this thread to try and help out some men to upgrade their life and be motivated but it seems like you just want to stay beta and blue pilled.
>What does my age matter?
>Men mature later then women
>what does my age matter?
there's this thing called developmental milestones
Yeah i know, thats what the whole thread is about. Taking the red pill and achieving milestones as a man.
at this point i find it hard to believe you aren't trolling
>idiots delude themselves the thread
Fucking this
Bee yourself isn't just a meme
Obviously don't be yourself if youre a fucking loser though
And if you can't figure out how to not be a fucking loser then you're too far gone
Its not hard
I used to be a typical incel but got fucking woke and now I'm very happy with myself and the things going for me right now
Also I don't mean to put anyone down with this post
I'm not better than anyone here and everyone here has the potential to climb out of the hole we were put in
Life isn't fair and we all have it different but I can promise that there is SOMETHING you can do
Giving up is the ultimate beta move
I love all of you
Even the pissed off poopoo head that's gonna reply to my post
Thats basically what I was trying to say before the trolls and losers took over. Thank you.
>Does anyone else have any suggestions or advice?
Only advice I can give you is to stop thinking so much about the red pill and being alpha and woman.
There's useful advice in the red pill, yes, but they spend way too much time talking about what they think "woman nature" is.
Instead focus on yourself. Take the white pill and you'll be free.