Any other femanons been completely fucked mentally by r9k...

Any other femanons been completely fucked mentally by r9k? I literally cry myself to sleep because I feel like I won't get married because I've been in past relationships. I haven't even had sex yet, what has this site done to me and how do I stop wtf.
How do I cope with the fact I will never be someone's pure tradwife and be appreciated fml

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I'm a male, yet I've given up on this dream. I used to want a trad family. Unfortunately, women; well people in general are too uncommitted and flaky. At this point I just want to move out west and have a shack in the mountains like Ted.

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Take a shower and go outside. Then stop making shitty bait threads on this dump.

The only men on r9k are gay incels that don't reflect men in the real world. Decent men don't give a fuck about you being a virgin only pedos do. Actually date men rather than spending all your time on image boards talking to bottom barrel men

Shit bait but people will fall for it anyway

Is that actually true? I've literally been dumped though because he found out I had sent pictures in past relationships. I think all men have these standards and I don't blame them I guess if I was a man I would feel the same way.

Tahlia, pls


You know its bait because femanons aren't mental wimps and can overcome this sorts of problems easily.

How old are you?
I've sent tons of nudes and no one has ever given a fuck about it

Unless you're trying to date someone hyper-religious or another robot, it literally makes no difference.

>haven't had sex yet
>has sexted men
Dear Lord, I hope this is bait.

23. Hbu?? What kind of men do you talk to? Maybe my standards are just too high.
Yes I guess so, but at the same time I don't want to just date some normie coomer. I guess I don't really have a choice though.
It's not bait, I know it's bad but I'm sure men have sexted with other people too. It doesn't make me evil though I know it's bad

I honestly don't think you're female and this is bait. Regardless, I'm one of anons who would want to a have relationship and marriage with a woman they get along with sufficiently. You're deluding yourself if you think they don't exist. But then again, I feel that this is bait and that's why you made this claim.

>I had sent pictures in past relationships.
I have one of your pictures

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I don't care about your previous online drama, I don't wanna be lonely irl. Want to chat?

> past relationships
> is still a virgin

Also, how the hell did you end up on this board? And why the hell did you stayed?
This ideas affect you not because you have been brainwashed, but because to a degree you agree with them.

Lol are you calling me a chicken user.

>It's not bait,
This makes it more bait
>I know it's bad but I'm sure men have sexted with other people too.
Even more bait
>It doesn't make me evil though
And it's bait
>I know it's bad
Then why'd you do it?

It's true it's because a lot of them were online bc Im scared of men irl.
Idk actually I just found out and it fucked me up so bad. I used to have normal opinions on sex and relationships in general now I can't help but finding myself and my entire friend group whores and terrible people for doing basic stuff that most people do. I know I'm probably not a bad person but I can't help but think I'm going to die alone and no good man is going to want me. What do?

Roastie is roast beef, not rotisserie chicken.

Top kek. If you actually had normie male friends, you would see how wrong you are user...

Normies love virgins, they fetishize it to the same degree of robots, only that they know to keep their mouth shout about it.

A friend even spent the last 2 weeks before quarentine bragging about how he deflowered his current girl.

Fetishizing and taking a girl's virginity is different than having it as a preference you fucking cumbrain.
>has a friend
>has a friend who has sex
You don't belong here.

Not bait, don't know what to tell you to make you believe me.
>Then why'd you do it?
I don't know? I didn't think it was too bad at the time, thought all couples did it, was just horny. Multiple reasons I guess. But looking back at it now I severely regret it.

Congratulations you are a femcel. You are the equivalent of the incels on here. You wish you were trad, so do they.

Turbo bait.

I have dated nothing but robots and none of them care enough about my vast sexual history all while claiming they wanted a virgin at first. Men here act like they have standards but do not, they will cave on their morals as soon as a woman is genuinely kind towards them.

>no good man is going to want me
What are you looking for in a man? Most people who say this mean Chad but you seem to want different.


Also think why its wrong, why its ok to behave like that, besides what some autist say on a chinese anime board.
You can also think that being a promiscuous slut jumping from dick to dick is not your thing, that you want something more traditional, but respect others for chasing their own way of love.

You dont have to change your view, you just need have a less toxic view of it and understand that a human is more than its sexual history, even that its important to you (and theres nothing wrong with that)-

Maybe that's true I don't know. It still makes me feel guilty I don't know how to explain it. Even if he says he accepts it it makes me feel like some bitchy whore who is cucking them I guess. I just feel gross about myself. I never felt this way before this site has really messed up my thinking and I don't know what to do about it.

>don't know what to tell you to make you believe me.
You know exactly what, I time stamp to prove you're even a cunt.
>I don't know? I didn't think it was too bad at the time, thought all couples did it, was just horny. Multiple reasons I guess. But looking back at it now I severely regret it.
So if you did get in another """relationship""" you wouldn't do the things you've already done with your new partners?

I worry about you having a relationship as well considering you are emotionally retarded lol.
You totally arent thirst baiting huh? Hoping for some simp to say "no baby girl it's okay I'd take you in"
Leave whore.

>I'm going to die alone and no good man is going to want me.
Ah yes, a "good man". Please tell us how you've adjusted your standards so ensure that you're going to maintain a minimum standard of a miserable fascade.

Liberal men don't care. It's these conservative weirdos who make a big deal out of it.

> implying I have even talked to a girl IRL

If you had a job, you would need to interact with normies. Some of them become friends, its ust natural (even if I find some of their atittudes disgusting).

And whats wrong with having it as a preference? We are fucking virgins ourselves for christ sake! We shouldnt want females with attributes we ourselves have?


>So if you did get in another """relationship""" you wouldn't do the things you've already done with your new partners?
No I wouldn't, I completely understand why it's wrong now. I know the whole "oh i'm a changed person" is a roastie talking point but I genuinely didn't get why it was that bad before but now I do.

>don't know what to tell you to make you believe me.
Get on Discord and post a timestamped pic.

Chad and normie guys dont care whether you are a virgin or not, in fact if you are they think its weird. Only permavirgins and incels care about that shit.

I know I know, I don't have the right to look for a good man considering what I've done. That's the entire point of the post, trying to cope with that. I'm not trying to sound entitled or arrogant

>being a wagie
>having friends
>being able to form emotional bonds with people
Again, don't belong

Also I didn't say it was wrong to have a preference, just pointing out that what you were talking about isn't a preference.

>No I wouldn't
So how do you address this to a new guy?
>I used to be a dumb whore for guys I found attractive but you're not attractive enough to over ride my contrived morality

Assuming you're not larping, but I'll try to help with this regardless. First question: What qualities do you have that might be deserving of a good guy? Can be internal or external

My point is that you adhere to a universal "good man" archetype because you cunts are all the same. You want tall, handsome, status/working, loyal but also a guy who all women want. You have all these expectations that you've built up in your head for him and the second you realize a top tier bloke like him might have his own standards, you break down before even meeting one of them.

>tfw virgin
>tfw oneitis isn't
still hurts, it even liked me but I won't settle for a non virgin

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Im not what, I don't need sympathy really because even if someone said it's okay it wouldn't really help. I know I'm emotionally retarded though.