The calm before the millenium storm
Animal lovers edition
/r9gay/ - #999
I really hope anyone who thinks being a narcissist in the next thread is a good idea gets banned.
Please don't selfiepost/chartpost.
>Animal lovers edition
I do love my imaginary adventurer anthropomorphic wolf partner very much. I also love my cat but just in a different way.
Also first for going to off myself this winter by freezing to death while silly from alcohol and listening to my fav russian music.
Thats a really cute image, I wanna play Animal crossing but I get bored of playing games after like 30 mins so dont wanna waste money on it
Be my friend, I play CSGO.
how are you going to celebrate the 1000th thread?
We aren't. There's nothing to celebrate, also, it's not the 1000th thread.
This guy is a normalfag slut. Beware.
Murder-suicide, now do you wanna be the murder part or the suicide part?
yes i know it's not truly the 1000th thread, closer to 850 or something.
aren't we going to cherish our forefathers who defeated wave after wave of avatarfags and trannies?
I'll take one suicide ticket myself, thank you berry much.
We didn't defeat them, they just went away. Besides, this place has gotten substantially worse, I'd rather go back in time to when they were still a thing.
There's literally nothing to celebrate, unless you want to celebrate this place becoming a cesspool of normalfaggotry and being no better than /lgbt/ at most times.
>the read dead faggot is back with his shitposting, shit taste in games and normalfaggotry
Ah...Just as I thought this thread might be somewhat decent.
Alright then, just make sure I'm actually dead before you do your part
Oh I meant I want to be murdered, sorry for the confusion.
Its unironically my favorite game of all time user. Cheer up
you never even added me, my friend request is still pending
i'll be murdered ty
>I'd rather go back in time to when they were still a thing.
same honestly, though i don't think this thread has gone full normie really, sometimes i think it's pretty good, last few threads i've been active in i've enjoyed and just ignore the discordshit.
Anyone here had an eating disorder before? I feel like when I google it, it's 99% women.
Binge eating disorder, why?
I wish I could save you
One more day until you fags fuck off to /lgbt/
Just curious since there's very little on men having eating disorders. I had the same myself and when I was forced into a psych hospital type thing for eating disorders in my teens, it was against my parents' and my own will and everyone else there was a woman.
It's alright user, nothing to really save me from. Life, well, THIS life just ain't for me.
I probably have an eating disorder, bmi is 16 and I worry about getting fat often despite exercising and restricting calories.
>tfw no bf to play hytale with
>psych hospital type thing
Ah, I have much worse psychiatric issues than the eating disorder. I have been to the psychward, children's psychward, and have been institutionalized before. Regarding the eating though, yeah I have an incredible need to binge eat at times that I can not control. When I do I starve myself for a day or more after so I don't gain weight.
Hey, least we have the weight to make Asian girls jealous.
Starving yourself for that long sounds tough, I would just throw up or use laxatives so I didn't put on weight. I had to have $16,000 worth of dental work by the time I was 19 due to it, luckily I do less of that and just starve myself by eating one or two small meals a day now.
Just dont eat? geez why is r9gay so melodramatic about their irrelevant issues
>tfw every user is awesome in his own special way
I love you all anons, even the rudes and the normalfags, this thread is the best thread on Yas Forums
>Just don't be ill bro.
Though you seem to have missed this part.
>I have worse issues than the eating disorder
I have never been warded for eating issues, but I do have an eating disorder.
>this thread is the best thread on Yas Forums
Its gotten worse over the years but its still pretty comfy
I like how you can see how posters are unique in this thread, everywhere else on Yas Forums posters feel the same to me idk why
>tfw no 9 foot tall spider demon gangster bf
I think we might a bit too specific on this one, nevertheless, good luck Mr. user, sir!
I do not understand what this is a reference to and I feel left out as a consequence of that