Eye thread. Post eyes. Not much more needs to be said.
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I have no idea what color my eyes actually are. I just default to blue but they're sort of green in the center. What color are your eyes, user?

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Your eyes look pretty blue. I guess kind of a blue/green. Mine are similar. They look blue in some lights and green in others. I tend to think they're more green, but my DL says blue.

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My eyes are a faded indigo blue, like bluejeans but less saturated.

Which color would you say this is?

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Green, hunter eyes

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my eye hi peoples

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your eyes have frecklestranny detected

i am a male and i like being male i just hav long faggy hair

Your eyes look pretty similar to mine OP, I'd say our colour is light green.
Everyone ITT has nice eyes and brown eyes are my personal favourite, especially dark brown.

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gorgeous eyelashes

Best photo I could get, And there blue/green but the lighting makes it a little hard to see.

Here, I clicked of that shit.

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Your eyelashes look wet, have you been crying, user? Your eyes are very unique, I love them.

Nice hair, you look beautiful from what I can see!

Ok here me aye

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are you a girl or a girly boy oreon

I look 13 at 20, but Im cute for a 13 year old.

Boy, but I used to be really good at cross dressing when I was in my early teens. Now Im to talk and have an athletic body.

are you korean? orignally

lmao nope I'm from europe

oh, must be eastern europe. I'm seeing some mongol admixture

Here, i wish that they were cornflower blue, instead

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Look at all these faggots, just giving away iris IDs for free

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That is hazel, or a mixture of green and brown

these are always fun
hazel i guess?
don't know what those spots are but they're cool
you look disappointed

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More central Europe but maybe, we've had all kinds of people wandering through here throughout the history and Hungary is just next door. Maybe some hun rapist from the fall of Western rome or something lol

>implying I'm not posting someone elses eye to throw off the NWO

oh nice to see there's a "share your biometric info to help the TLAs" thread

heres my shit color eye

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>Do not post pictures of yourself on Yas Forums. Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users. All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/. Big think time.

thank u friend
no i was done with a bath and the sunlight was shining thru window so i got a good pic of my eye : >
heress a pic from a year ago

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Yas Forums was unironically better back when people were allowed to post their faces, fuck mods, jannies and fuck you

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this took forever to focus and its still shit
definitel ynorthern European blue
hisapnic/south European brown

Attached: eye2.jpg (1424x1068, 160.13K)

noooo! people are breaking the rules, admin!

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nice sanpaku

>you look disappointed

Maybe it's because I was just working out and am a bit exhausted
Your eye looks like you're judging someone you don't like.

Actually Japanese and white

Ching ling pong kong

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>definitel ynorthern European blue
nope, britbong
english/welsh (as far as i know)
would like to visit northern europe sometime though
love your colour, it's kind of turquoisey/aquamarine

puke in a toilet with some turds floating on top of it


had to google that, neat
>Maybe it's because I was just working out and am a bit exhausted
i can respect that
>Your eye looks like you're judging someone you don't like.
i was looking at myself on my phone, so yes