Guys, when can we as a site admit that our racism/homophobia/nazi worship isn't ironic. I'm tired of pretending...

Guys, when can we as a site admit that our racism/homophobia/nazi worship isn't ironic. I'm tired of pretending. Why can't we just rebrand this site? I know we claim it's all satire but we all know that we just say that to get normies on our side. I'll be the first to admit that I originally came from stormfront during gamergate. Why can't you do the same?

I even wrote us an anthem for this site:

Attached: The true me.png (910x677, 28.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You sound like if Patrick Star was a nigger. Fuck you faggot.

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Have you ever been on pol?

>if Patrick Star was a nigger.
>Implying he wasn't already

It was supposed to be ironic, to rile up the normies. Then you guys showed up thinking you were in good company.
I don't care about niggers and jews. I don't care about politics, I barely went outside even before lockdown. Now Yas Forums is barely useable because it's always tranny this and jewish that. Please go back to your containment board.

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>I'll be the first to admit that I originally came from stormfront during gamergate. Why can't you do the same?
because I'm not a bored leftist making a shitty falseflag
Kill yourself OP

>kill everyone who isn't exactly like meeeeeeeeeee

Fuck off Captain Caveman.

Storm front gamer gate.

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> Stormfront

Gay af.

Fuck Trump and if you voted for him or plan to vote for him in November then fuck you too.

Words of wisdom


I won't admit to any shite like this because I'm an originalfag and hate what you storm niggers are doing with this site. Obviously I can't do anything against the sheer mass of cuck bait you and your friends are posting, but I guess sometimes people can have a civil discussion about random stuff and day to day problems. I don't care about your political opinion, and the fact that it is so glad damn obscure that you niggas have a hard time getting even a few % in any country yet make up for about a quarter of posts on this site irritates me. The worst thing about it is that you're constantly claiming it's all free speech even though you clearly would censor the fuck out of your opposition. You will make people ask for repression and degradation of personal freedoms because you're just so much of an insufferable cunt. And therefore I hate you. Go climb into an oven and take the "communists" with you.

>The worst thing about it is that you're constantly claiming it's all free speech even though you clearly would censor the fuck out of your opposition.

No user, you don't get it, when I say muh freeze peach I mean MUH freeze peach. I get ALL of the peaches. Nobody else can have any. They're mine.

Stop reposting you attention whoring sissy faggot. Get topped on grindr already.

why would i go on grindr? homosexuality is degerenate communism

Nice copypasta you massive flaming homo.

>ooga booga booga ooog ooga booga
Kill yourself niggers

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>he actually fell for it
Look upon this dumbfuck and laugh.

Whatever you say soiboi. Don't forget to drink more milk!

fuck off ya retarded faggot

why would you even admit that you followed autismgate, this is why no one takes the alt right seriously

Sometimes I just want to say nigger. Ain't nothing wrong with that, doesn't meant I hate them.

Triggered white 4channer

Gamergate was a huge jumping point for our movement. It birthed the anti sjw youtube scene and pushed young viewers further to nationalist views. For example, Nick Fuentes.
Gamergate was the greatest thing to happen for white nationalists everywere

Attached: nicholas-fuentes-1.jpg (1200x800, 364.83K)

Shut the actual fuck up you loser. If you do/say anything political that ISNT ironic then you are just braindead.

No because it is for me and I'm the only one that matters. Just like how you assume everyone here is racist so apparently you're the only one who matters.

>Fell for the Racism meme
Have fun in the gulags, comrade.

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OP here, I can't believe you guys, this site was supposed to be a safe place for the far right to congregate. A site for those sick of mass migration and gay shit. A haven for those who want to be the change they want to see. I've been alt right for nearly 5 years now and I couldn't be happier.

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You should be tired of living as a racist homophobe nazi and improve your world view

No it wasn't. This site was supposed to be a place to discuss anime. Fir most of this sites life it was left too, hating on Bush and conservative Christian groups and such. Fuck off back to r_The Donald.

was gonna tell you you were retarded till I clicked the vocaroo 10/10

W8, so we're not unironically nazis?
Seen more genuine anti-minority beliefs here than any amount of left-wing larpers.

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based & oldfagpilled.

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OP here, it's obvious we are unironic
I wrote another song, perhaps to play in the background of this wonderful site:

Attached: the real me.png (645x773, 205.96K)